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Astrological Forecast for September 2024

by Lou Valentino

September reminds us that life at the beach cannot be forever here in New England.

Virgo, Cancer, Pisces, Libra, Gemini, and Scorpio are most influenced this month. New Moon’s start new beginnings and September starts off with a new Moon in Virgo on Labor Day September 2nd.

This new Moon in Virgo at 11 degrees on September 2nd (9:56PM EDT), has only one T-square of tension. Less tension means less stress. The T-square does not involve the Sun or Moon so I will start with the new Moon in Virgo.

Virgo is the healer of the Zodiac. If you have Sun, Moon, rising or planets in Virgo, this new Moon has you starting off with organization and putting into forward motion all that you have been thinking about in August while Mercury, the planet that rules Virgo and Gemini, was in retrograde motion for most of August.

Now that Mercury is in direct motion and will move out of its retrograde shadow on September 12th, the green light is on. Both Virgo and Pisces are on the move since Pisces is the opposite sign of Virgo.

Virgo ruled people have something to do with keeping the world healthy. They can be fanatical about cleanliness and order. Since the Sun and Moon in Virgo are opposing Saturn with Saturn square to Jupiter, we could start to hear about health issues returning by the full Moon.

Students of all ages are going back to school, and this means more group gatherings which can trigger health issues. There is not enough stress in this new Moon chart to think it would be anything to worry about but Saturn opposing this new Moon is trying to balance, oppositions, a highly active time with some needed discipline, Saturn, so your day-to-day life does not scatter all over the place.

Especially for the signs of Virgo and Pisces. These two signs are different, opposite signs. Virgo wants order and practicality. A clear idea as to how the bills are going to get paid.

Pisces dreams about how life could be but thinks the dream is real. Pisces helps Virgo dream more and not get so serious and Virgo helps Pisces get out of the dream clouds and make it happen here on Earth.

Mars in Gemini is in the center of the T-square showing all ways of communication, Gemini, are not always received by others in your social circles, square to Venus in Libra, and deception, Neptune in Pisces square to Mars, brings foggy clouds in the way adding to the confusion.

Gemini, Pisces, and Libra need to be extra careful on social media platforms and pick your classmates or social groups wisely. Take criticism with a grain of salt if others gossip about you and try to make you out to be someone that is not you. This is the challenge of the T-square for the signs mentioned from September 2nd to the 17th.

Mars moves into the water sign of Cancer on September 4th, and this can help the sign of Cancer have more energy till Mars moves into Leo on November 4th.

Mars is in its fall in Cancer, a weak placement. If you have Sun, Moon, rising or planets in Cancer, you must be careful not to become a victim from September 4th to November 4th. Two months.

Cancer will be very moody and could experience emotional frustrations. A quarrelsome attitude in relationships. Avoid over-indulgence in all aspects of life. Suppression of anger can lead to health issues.

Breathing techniques are a wonderful way to flush out emotional stagnation which Mars in Cancer can cause. Look up any pranayama yoga techniques or at least take three slow long deep breaths a couple of times during the day. Then, you will feel less stuck in your own emotions and find balance as Mars moves through the sign of Cancer.

Mercury moves into Virgo on September 9th, adding to the organization skills of Virgo. Virgo is on a roll till September 26th as Mercury, the planet that normally rules Virgo, is in direct motion and life runs smoothly. Intellect is clear and those with Virgo energies know exactly what they want during this time.

What started on the new Moon in Virgo on September 2nd finds fulfillment in the full Moon Lunar eclipse in Pisces on September 17th.

We normally have four eclipses a year but this year, 2024, we have five. We already had two of them and the April total new Moon solar eclipse on April 8th is the only total eclipse of 2024.

This full Moon eclipse in Pisces at 25 degrees on September 17th (10:34PM) EDT, has four T-squares in mutable signs.

If you have Sun, Moon, rising or planets in Pisces as well as Virgo, the opposite sign of Pisces, Gemini or Sagittarius, these are all mutable signs, the universe is asking you to be flexible as you are trying to handle multiple issues in your life all at the same time.

Neptune is the modern ruler of Pisces and Jupiter is the classical ruler. Jupiter is at the center of the T-squares showing too much of a fun time can be harmful. Where is the moderation, balance in life?

Pisces of all the signs in the Zodiac want to escape in one way or another. Even through success by being the star of the show. Putting on many hats, like a chameleon, can change colors often with this astrological signature.

Pisces on the other hand can have very deep spiritual experiences when the full Moon happens all the way till March of 2025. Meditation, crystals, healing practices like Reiki and other holistic healthcare practices are highly effective for the signs of Pisces, Virgo, Gemini, and Sagittarius. A very spiritual combination especially for Pisces.

The Moon is a partial eclipse but still very potent as Jupiter squares both the Sun and Moon as well as Mercury, Saturn, and Neptune. This is a time when Sagittarius can create the balance that Pisces, Virgo and Gemini need.

Life can become stressful, T-squares, during this time for the signs mentioned. Try to make sure you are not scattering your energies all over the place over the next six months as eclipse energy can linger on much longer than the normal two-week period of a new and full Moon cycle.

Pisces rules the media, and this signature shows deception. Remember, this is when the Presidential media blitz is on, and Neptune/Pisces conjunction can razzle and dazzle everyone into believing anything even if its not honest.

Jupiter in Gemini on this full Moon eclipse shows too much talking and communicating causing a breakdown at some point. Could there be computer hackers at work trying to mess up the election? Could there be a healthcare issue reported around this time? Do we have a hurricane or two in September since Pisces is a water sign as well as Mars in Cancer another water sign?

Being honest is the only way out of this. With both the new Moon and this full Moon lunar eclipse having Virgo signatures, the humbler candidate will be most appreciated by the public at large.

Jupiter rules international affairs and let’s pray a peace deal is made between Israel and the surrounding Arab nations. Jupiter can expand things, and we have already seen expansion of Ukraine entering Russian territory. May a peace treaty be at hand for all nations at war.

President Carter, as I type this on August 21st, has transcended all astrological indicators as to the time of his passing but this could be a time when he reminds the world of his greatest accomplishment.

President Jimmy Carter is the longest living President and will turn 100 years old on October 1st. IF he is still alive. In 1978 Carter brought together Egyptian Pres. Anwar Sadat and Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin at the presidential retreat in Camp David, Maryland, and secured their agreement to the Camp David Accords, which ended the state of war that had existed between the two countries since Israel’s founding in 1948. He won a Nobel Peace Prize in 2002 for his accomplishment.

I predict that his passing, whenever that may be, will help to remind the world that peace in the middle east is possible.

International Peace Day is on September 21st.

The Sun moves into Libra on September 22nd. Happy Birthday to the sign of Libra.

This starts the Fall Equinox at 8:44AM EDT. We start to retreat from the summer season, but daylight savings will not start till November 3rd so make hay while the Sun shines.

On the dame day, September 22nd, Venus moves into Scorpio until October 17th. This gives those with Sun, Moon, rising or planets in Scorpio sex appeal and passion in their work. Scorpio’s can create wonderful progress with this Venus placement and attract abundance to get out of debt. Maybe an inheritance if that is meant to be.

Mercury enters Libra on September 26th, and this gives the sign of Libra an outgoing social life. If you have Sun, Moon or rising in Libra, you are having conversations, Mercury, with others.

This may be the time that communication is crystal clear to your family, friends, and lover. Creating beauty and balance in your environment will be successful for the sign of Libra until Mercury moves into Scorpio on October 13th.

September is a powerful month with transitions that will create harmony and chaos at times.

Blessings, Lou.

Lou Valentino has been giving astrological consultations for over 30 years in both Western and Vedic astrology. Visit www.yogavisionaries.com for all his services. He is also the author of “Full Moon Messages from the Pleiadians” U.F.O. contact “2024 to 2044”.

Visit and subscribe to his YouTube channel for FREE astrological classes on how to interpret your astrological chart. (362) Louis Valentino - YouTube

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