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Your Horoscope for September 2024

by Elizabeth Joyce

Aries (3/21-4/20)

Your social life continues to be highly active this month. Invite friends you haven’t seen in awhile over for a weekend visit. Workplace relationships are in focus now as well. Your team manages upcoming deadlines satisfying your task-oriented boss. The Lunar Eclipse in Pisces on the 17th allows you to recover from a minor illness. Medical issues lead you to discover competent doctors in your area to treat longstanding problems.

Taurus (4/21-5/21)

The Lunar Eclipse in Pisces on the 17th brings one of your busiest times of the year. The attention is on your personal and professional goals, membership agreements, and revenues marked for funding new enterprises. Invite your boss to dinner at home mid-month, engaging in friendly trivia games after the meal. Bond with neighbors at a community meeting at the Fall Equinox to address local priorities, You may sense an emotional chill in house harmony at month’s end.

Gemini (5/21-6/20)

The New Moon in Virgo on Labor Day, Sept. 2nd, reminds you to treasure important memories of family and domestic members. At the Lunar Eclipse in Pisces on the 17th you can expect important changes and new work responsibilities. September brings you another excellent money cycle. The last two Wednesdays (18th and 25th) bring good news about raises and bonuses.

Cancer (6/21-7/22)

Your home is the perfect place to host a Holiday cookout over the Labor Day weekend. Get out games to treat young adults and adult guests to magical moments and new experiences in competition. (Monopoly, Sorry, Jeopardy anyone?) Affection, intimacy, and fun fill your timecard all month, Cancer, Out=of-town guests may visit between the Pisces Lunar Eclipse on the 17th and the Fall Equinox on the 21st. Check your credit rating for possible scamming at month’s end.

Leo (7/23-8/22)

In September you will be paying down debt, rearranging finances, and creating savings options. Bond with your significant other mid-month to enjoy the theater or sports event with a fall festive dinner. Recent storm activities that took a toll on your community inspire you to organize a fund drive. The focus is to buy materials, supplies, and maintenance to repair the damage. Expect sudden shifts at work along with distractions at month’s end. Stay flexible.

Virgo (8/23-9/22)

You shop for furnishings to dress up your beautiful house over the Labor Day weekend You focus on business and personal relationships at the Pisces Full Moon eclipse. You’ve notice a change in attitude with some people who are important to you. Friends and relatives gather for dinner at month’s end to plan dates for the upcoming Holiday season.

Libra (9/23-10/22)

As September opens you are on vacation with family and loved ones. Some new people may join you, as you expand your social network. From the 15th to the end of the month, your workload needs strong collaboration to set priorities, deadlines, solve problems and satisfy management. Be sure to pace yourself, watch your stress levels, and schedule important medical appointments.

Scorpio (10/23-11/22)

Your work, career, and children have been your focus in 2024. You could renew bonds of friendship over the Labor Day weekend. Siblings join you for a dinner out at a favorite place mid-month. You share personal, family, and career news. You plan on sprucing up your home’s exterior this fall. Adding new shutters, repairing siding, or installing a new roof, before winter sets in. Self-confidence could surface after a colleague makes a critical remark at month’s end.

Sagittarius (11/23-12/21)

The New Moon in Virgo on Labor Day reminds you of how grateful you are to be appreciated for your commitment and dedication to your work. You love your work and the leadership that results. Intimacy with your love partner is enjoyed at the Full Moon Pisces eclipse on the 17th. Romantic talk flows freely and mental compatibility draws you both closer than ever. Others call your gift of humor a welcome ice breaker at work, when matters get tense. Purchases around the Fall Equinox bring in the deals you desire.

Capricorn (12/22-1/19)

September opens with you away on a Holiday vacation. The space was available and the price was right. Connect with distant relatives and plan for a lengthy visit over the upcoming Holidays. At mid-month you are happy that the extra raise in pay will cover an unexpected household expense. Keep you eye on any children involved in sports at month’s end.

Aquarius (1/20-2/18)

Work with financial experts over the Labor Day holiday to explore home equity lines of credit. Positive rapport with accountants are informative, and you gain insight into workable options for sound money practices. Visualize prosperity during this positive money cycle. There are sudden shifts in family members activities mid-month. For the rest of September be very cautious with your loose money and credit cards to protect your interests.

Pisces (2/19-3/20)

Don’t be surprised if you feel drained of energy for most of September. The New Moon in Virgo on Labor Day suggests travel to a quiet, restful vacation spot. Your romantic partner may invite you to a holiday picnic or cookout with some new friends. Excellent verbal and written skills give you a leg up on competition when management announces some job openings around the Fall Equinox. Don’t allow yourself to get into an argument over “personal opinions” at month’s end.

Elizabeth Joyce, a Clairvoyant Psychic, Natural Healer, Tarot Reader, Metaphysical Teacher, Author, and successful Radio Show Host. She transmits pure energy from the Source. Healing has occurred simply by being in her presence, or by voice activation, or vibration.

She has a profound background in the business world. For over 20 years, she thrived working in aviation, as a legal assistant and excelled as an office manager. Then, she took a life-altering leap into her true calling as a psychic/tarot reader. In her role, Elizabeth conducts private readings and serves as a consultant in psychic investigations for missing person cases. Her expertise is sought after by private investigators, individual families, and the local police force as well as the FBI.
But Elizabeth's talents don't stop there. As a speaker, she uses the universal energies to guide audiences to tap into their intuition and discover their "personal State of Being.” Having navigated the challenges of work-life balance as a mother of two boys, and her dog, Ella May, Elizabeth knows firsthand the pressures of modern life and has developed tools for people to achieve "inner peace".

Website: new-visions.com. 24 hr. Answering Service – 201-934-8986 Listen to Elizabeth Joyce Sunday evenings, 10:00 PM Eastern and 9:00 PM Central at Station 1, on BBSRadio.com/letsfindout. Join her for your monthly Tarot reading on YouTube – Embracing Spiritual Frontiers.

Elizabeth Joyce

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