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"A World in Chaos:" It's the Mind Vampires on the Rampage

by Anthony Talmage

Look around you. Everywhere seems to be in the grip of a collective madness. Currently, the international humanitarian and human rights organization, the Geneva Academy, is monitoring 110 conflicts across the globe. Yes, 110. Military experts say the world has not been in such a dangerous place since the end of World War 11. Meanwhile, the ideological divide in so-called civilized countries like the US and the UK is becoming ever more polarized.

One political party might urge more open immigration while another defends immigrations controls, on abortion Party A favours pro-choice and Party B pro-life, on climate change Party A wants action and Party B advocates caution. On the face of it, all perfectly reasonable stances to take. So why has the debate become so sulphurous? Why are there such sinister clouds hanging over our once peaceful and ordered lives? Why does it feel as though our world, and the one beyond our shores, is teetering on the brink of conflagration?

I believe there is a metaphysical element in play and that we humans are being manipulated by invisible, malevolent forces getting into our heads - Mind Vampires if you like - that are capitalising on the fear and division that humanity has been stirring up, and giving vent to, on social media.

The idea of Mind Vampires might sound far-fetched, but in the metaphysical realm these entities feed off the collective fear, anger, and despair of humanity. Like parasites, they latch onto societies, drawing on paranormal, supernatural, and occult energies to foment discord and amplify chaos. And, in a feedback loop they manipulate our emotions, pushing us toward more hatred and violence, deepening the divisions that tear at the fabric of society.

In this context, the waves of terrorism, the rise of extreme ideologies, and the pervasive fear of the “other” are not mere coincidences: they are deliberate, calculated efforts by these unseen intelligencies to plunge the world into darkness. And while we fight each other, they grow stronger, feasting on the negativity unleashed.

While these dark forces run rampant, our governments seem disturbingly detached from the results of their decisions and the consequencies that arise from their policies. Instead of solutions, they offers platitudes and this disconnect breeds more anger and frustration.

So, what’s to be done? The good news is we ‘ordinary’ people are not as helpless as we seem. What if, instead of succumbing to fear and anger, we could turn the tide by harnessing the same supernatural energies that the dark forces use against us? The idea might seem daunting, but metaphysics tells us that the power of light is always greater than the power of darkness - if we know how to access it. Here are some practical ways in which you and I can fight back and help restore some equilibrium to this volatile world.

Strengthening our Minds: The first step is to fortify our own psyche against these negative influences. Mindfulness and meditation are powerful tools that can help us become more aware of our thoughts and emotions. By cultivating inner peace, we make ourselves less susceptible to the manipulation of Mind Vampires. Set aside time each day to meditate, focusing on positive energies and envisioning a world filled with love and harmony. Imagine a protective shield around you, repelling any negative influences that might try to penetrate.

Using Dowsing for Protection: Dowsing, the ancient art of seeking hidden knowledge using a pendulum or rod, can also be employed to combat these dark forces. By asking specific questions about your environment or even your emotional state, you can identify areas where negative energies are most concentrated. Once identified, you can take steps to cleanse these locations, using crystals, smudging with sage, or simply filling the space with positive intentions.

Fostering Community Resilience: Mind Vampires thrive on division, so one of the most effective ways to weaken them is by fostering unity. Start within your family and then community by building strong, supportive networks. Host gatherings that focus on positivity, whether through shared meals, group meditations, or simply open discussions about the challenges you face and how to overcome them together. Unity creates a collective force that is far more difficult for dark entities to infiltrate.

Channeling Positive Energy through Rituals: Rituals have been used for centuries to harness supernatural energies for good. Consider incorporating simple rituals into your daily life - lighting a candle with the intention of bringing light into the world, or creating a small altar with symbols of peace, love, and protection. These actions might seem small, but they focus your energy and intentions, creating ripples of positivity that can counteract the forces of darkness.

Engaging in Acts of Kindness: Never underestimate the power of kindness. Each act of kindness sends out a wave of positive energy that can disrupt the flow of negativity. Whether it’s helping a neighbour, volunteering in your community, or simply offering a smile to a stranger, these small acts have a cumulative effect, building a stronger, more resilient society that is less vulnerable to chaos.

So, try to cultivate a positive attitude to life until it becomes a habit. Then spread the habit by just being you.

Why would any of the above work? It will work because human consciousness has enormous power to create and harness positive energies. The world may seem to be in the grip of mass insanity, but as you now know we are not powerless. We can create a counterforce of light, love, and unity. It’s time for ordinary people to rise up, to protect our communities, and to reclaim the world from the forces of evil. Together, we can turn the tide and restore order out of chaos. The journey may be challenging, but the power to change the world lies within each one of us.

Anthony Talmage is author of four books in his Psychic Mind series, Dowse Your Way To Psychic Power, In Tune With The Infinite Mind, Unlock The Psychic Powers Of Your Unconscious Mind and How To Crack the Cosmic Code (And plug into the hidden powers of your unconscious mind) all available in Kindle, printed and audio versions from Amazon – just put Anthony’s name in the book search field. Or click here: bit.ly/3AmTxu1 Also available from all good on-line bookshops. Anthony covers more of the above themes in his podcast, available absolutely free. Just click on this link to listen or download: https://www.buzzsprout.com/1742930 So far it’s had 20,000 downloads and counting.

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