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40th Global Celebration of the UN International Day of Peace: Sept 21st 12noon Everywhere

A Minute of Silence, a Moment of Peace: Join the PeaceWave

3 Billion People from over 200 Countries to Participate

PeaceWave launched from San Francisco in 1984 gathers more and more strength as it circumnavigates the globe for its 40th year in observance of the United Nations International Day of Peace this September 21.

The sound of silence reverberated at high noon in every time zone across the globe on September 18, 1984 as it rode a PeaceWave launched from San Francisco.

On that day, Pathways To Peace (PTP), a UN-designated Peace Messenger Organization, had coordinated a Peace Day in San Francisco (the birthplace of the UN) to celebrate the International Day of Peace, which was first established by unanimous United Nations resolution in 1981 as the opening day of the UN’s annual session in September.

The focal point of the San Francisco Peace Day event, a co-operative, public assemblage of representatives from diverse organizations, religions, and backgrounds, was the activation of a global PeaceWave- a “minute of silence, moment of peace” observed at noon in every time zone- to coincide with the traditional minute of silence that the delegates of the UN General Assembly observed to commemorate the day as they rose to convene in New York for their year’s work.

As the PeaceWave circled the globe that first year, citizens from 52 countries responded to the invitation from San Francisco to participate in the celebration of the International Day of Peace. Those numbers have grown exponentially over the past 40 years. This year, organizers are expecting three billion people to observe the noon minute of silence and to participate in peace building events held in over 200 countries. Major international cities such as Geneva, Hiroshima, and New York will join San Francisco in livestreaming their Peace Day events to a global audience, with more cities to be announced in the weeks to come.

To celebrate the 40th anniversary of the first United Nations International Day of Peace gathering and the launch of the PeaceWave from The City by the Bay, Pathways To Peace is hosting a Peace Day gathering at the Civic Center Plaza in San Francisco this September 21. Tezikiah Gabriel, Executive Director of PTP, said, “As it was 40 years ago, the purpose of the Peace Day initiative is to foster cooperation at all levels of our local-global communities and to demonstrate the difference each individual, group, organization, or nation makes when acting in concert with one another… enough of a difference to change the course of history!”

For more information, visit https://pathwaystopeace.org/international-day-of-peace-40th-anniversary/

About Pathways To Peace:

Initiated in 1978 and incorporated in 1983, Pathways To Peace (PTP) is a UN-designated Peace Messenger organization, has Consultative Status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (UNESCO), and works with the UN Centre for Human Rights, UN Centre for Human Settlements, UNESCO, UNICEF, and other agencies.

As an international Peacebuilding, educational, and consulting organization, PTP has dedicated itself to expanding the understanding and expression of Peace, fostering Peacebuilders and Peacebuilding activities, and building an integral movement for a Culture of Peace.

PTP is a tax-exempt, Social Profit, Non-partisan 501(cX3) Corporation (tax-exempt ID# 68-0015625). https://pathwaystopeace.org/

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