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For People Who Have A Health Problem

by Marguerite dar Boggia

DISCLAIMER: This article is not a substitute for professional medical advice. You should always seek the advice of your licensed health care provider before making any changes to your health care regime.

I would like to narrate what happened to me, and perhaps others may achieve similar results.

Some time ago my husband came home and said that he was a passenger in Marty's car when it was hit in the rear. But neither Marty nor he were injured.

I thought: "Ooh Oh, a whiplash injury." But I said nothing.

Later that evening I heard him SHOUTING: I REFUSE THIS PAIN. I REJECT IT.

The pain left immediately. In my opinion, what he did was frighten the elemental life that wanted to control him through the pain. There are good elemental lives, and bad ones. It is also possible that he used his willpower, and his soul cooperated and removed the pain.

I had some visitors who were going stay in my home for a few days. I had a severe back pain and I couldn't allow them to see me as an invalid, so I said to myself, "IF HE CAN DO IT, SO CAN I" Immediately I vehemently shouted, "I. THE SOUL, REFUSE THIS PAIN! I AM THROWING AWAY THIS CANE!" And lo and behold the pain left!

What is happening to me is that my Personality is fighting my Soul. It is best to have the Soul say the words. These elemental lives will eventually enter the mineral kingdom and then move up to the vegetable kingdom and so on. We can and should control them. It is possible that I used my willpower!

The elemental lives that have enjoyed their stay in my body, do NOT wish to leave. But eventually the Soul will win the battle. Then the Soul will identify with His Father, his Divine Self and I will hopefully, either enter on the Path of Discipleship or eventually become a master.

I need to add that, I believe our conditions had nothing to do with past incidents that cause KARMA. In most cases the health problems are the working out of past karma. We should be grateful that we are able to work them out in this life. Joy will bring more JOY. Our mind and attitude helps us to produce good health.

Yes, Life is a Battle. The soul needs to gather experience in our bodies, until it can return to its Source, its divine Self. It is the Soul that wants to expand its consciousness!

This is why the esoteric teachings given to us by the spiritual Hierarchy is so important. The Lord of our Solar System wants our consciousness to evolve to our destiny which is Deity.

For the masses this will take approximately ninety-nine million years. This is a very long time for some of us, who wish to become a God now.

I might suggest that you take up my offer of Free Esoteric Teachings some of which were known by Albert Einstein. You can always unsubscribe.

The book "A Treatise on Cosmic Fire" was published in 1925. It was written by the Tibetan Master, Dwhal Kahl through his amanuensis, Alice A. Bailey. When you read the books written by an ascended Master, you attune to them.

A friend of Einstein, said to him : "You ought to read the book "A Treatise on Cosmic Fire". It is all about energy and lives". Einstein went to the Publisher, Lucis Trust in New York City and purchased the book. The employees at Lucis Trust were so excited, they jubilantly said: "Einstein bought "Cosmic Fire!" They informed their friends, and their friends informed their friends, and that is how I learned of it.

In addition when Einstein died, his daughter said that the book "The Secret Doctrine" was on his desk." This book was written by a great disciple of the Masters, Madame H.P. Blavatsky, at their request.

Our WILL-POWER can perform miracles! It is the Soul that wants the teachings!

The choice is yours! Best wishes!

Marguerite dar Boggia is the former Membership Secretary and Director for ISAR, the International Society for Astrological Research. She is the former Publisher of Kosmos, the ISAR journal. She is a co-founder of UAC and its former Secretary and Director. Her goal is to serve humanity and the spiritual Hierarchy of our planet. To that end, she offers FREE, online, three pages weekly of the Ageless Wisdom Teachings of the Trans-Himalayan Center.It later includes esoteric astrology and information from the book: "A Treatise on Cosmic Fire" which book was onAlbert Einstein's desk. If you wish to receive these teachings, contact her websitewww.FreePythagorasTeachings.com, which website, she created at the age of 90. She has created three volumes which are now being printed.

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