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The Astrology of the U.S. for 2025

by Kushal Kumar

(1). It is always interesting to know about the course of planetary potential for coming times. This Vedic astrology writer has been making yearly forecasts, several months before the year commences, covering some chosen countries including the United States. The aim is to provide predictive alerts or inputs to enable the country so covered to chalk out a preparatory strategy against likely worrisome concerns identified in the forecast and where applicable, to enable such countries to seize and improve upon promising opportunities. The current year 2024 was covered at https://www.wisdom-magazine.com/Article.aspx/5765/ on 1 July 2023. The passage of time has confirmed the predictions up to June 2024 while there is reason to believe that rest of the predictions may also serve the purpose of guiding the country with the planetary impacts assessed to an appreciable level. Now, here are this writer’s predictive inputs for the United States in coming year 2025.

(2). During one and a half month of January-February 2025, the US is likely to be focused on matters relating to global community, alliance partners in particular. This focus may also cover domestic matters within the US, both social and political. The matters may involve concerns relating to war, military weapons, agriculture, peace, political support for war issues settlement, strategies to deal with problems emanating from opponents or hostile countries. Between 20 January to 10 February in 2025, the strategic policy framers or persons at the helm of affairs in the US, are likely to be faced with hard nut to crack issues related to war or after effects of war, farm, and farm produce, agriculture, harmony between communities, and support among political parties or groups in the country. Nearly a month covering mid-February to mid-March, appears to be putting pressure on revenue, causing outflow of money as well, at the same time.

(3). A month from mid-March to Mid-April in 2025 looks to be presenting some issues for tackling. It can be a health concern involving a chronic or old disease relating to immunity level, respiratory system, eyes, brain part in body, cough, sexual energy, digestive system and the like. Planetary indications are that such health concerns would be tackled with success. There appears to be a focus to deal with some issues related to space ambitions or program during the period of time. Financial outflow or financial liabilities or expenditure more than income can cause worry.

(4). In May 2025, it appears that material pursuits may have precedence over principles of universality or oneness. Beliefs may be in news for demonstrating their distinct identities. There may be some work on generating revenue or income from energising foods and other related commodities, Space or space work may move forward amid pulling down environment.

(5). The months of June-July in 2025 appear to be highlighting research in space in the US associating some alliance country or countries. There can come to surface some discoveries related to space as well. Hotel industry, agriculture, refined products of minerals and metals, may also come up, suggesting likelihood of partnership. Political issues with one or more hostile countries may cause concern. Domestic politics may also need some attention.

(6). During month of August 2025, the US will be focused on developing or hammering out strategic knowledge related to war or counter. It can also mean development of new scientific knowledge related to surgery. In the second half of August 2025, some political issues may surface needing addressal. There may be allegations of sex nature or corrupt practice in news against powerful people at the helm of affairs or social organisations, former or present. Success in space programs research continues.

(7). During month of September 2025, some hotels-restaurants in the US may review if water or beer or eatables being served would need some improvements or changes. Some strategies, planning aimed at tackling piracies or maritime worrisome concerns may be in news. Worrisome concerns in sea may be in focus for remedy or sizing up, involving support of alliance partner countries and their expert know-how as well. In-depth study or research may be made to assess likely risks or loopholes involved in certain theme of space program, particularly commercial, leading to firming up know-how to overcome such risks or loopholes.

(8). In the month of October 2025, innovative war strategies and also high-tech super quality weapons capable of tackling successfully challenges from hostile countries may be developed or brought out by the US. Such weapons may also relate to air defence or defence in space. Huge financial investment or outflow may happen. Refined electronics or semiconductor chips, minerals and metals may become available for meeting the pressing need, which may involve investment or outflow of substantial money. It may just happen that the resource rich partner or alliance country may provide the chips and the like. But during the month, it may be alright to take care of or protect wine, beer or chemicals stored in hotels or chemical factory from likely fire, could be small as well.

(9). During November 2025, the US appears to be focused in sea and maritime concerns with substantial success over obstructive or delaying circumstances, particularly after 10 November. Opposing forces may not be able to check the forward push of the US in such sectors as sea, maritime assets, valuable fish, superior quality strategic naval weapons, space research and weighty strategic finds, support and addition of alliance partners. Some assets in sea or space having huge commercial value could likely be known or found or identified. Should some powerful country show strategic might, the US may be in a position to check it, thwart it.

(10). A significantly increased focus on strategic space research with big success in the month of December 2025. Similar focus on hotel industry, pharma-medicine, aviation sector, health invigorating tonics or eatables, success in brain research on surgery, innovative strategic air defence success, refined products of energy like semiconductor chips, development or production of cash crops. There appear to be financial and monetary high prospects. Demand and sale of high quality modernized war weapons capable of excelling in affording protection may be in closer focus.

(11). It may be made clear here that, the alerts or inputs here are based on a reading of planetary impacts on trends likely to take shape while adequate care and appropriate strategy by concerned people has potential to either reduce the gravity or to enable people to face the difficult times with equanimity. Planetary energy suiting growth or realisation of plans, may get better results if adequate care and appropriate strategy are brought to play. So, human effort and appropriate strategy have weight. Further , some unintended human error or miss or slip in decoding planetary impacts cannot be ruled out entirely. In the light of these constraints and limitations, the alerts or inputs of likely trends brought out here are aimed at wake up call for adequate care and appropriate strategy only. In other words, no fear, no alarm but adequate care and appropriate strategy is intended to be encouraged for tiding over planetary indications of difficult times. Also, such adequate care and appropriate strategy may add to improving upon the promising potential indicated by the reading.

(Hailing from village Sansal, district Kangra, Himachal Pradesh in India, Kushal Kumar is presently a resident of Panchkula in Haryana State of India. His articles have also been published by world’s such leading astrological magazines as The Mountain Astrologer (TMA) from California and Horoscope from New York. He covered some Presidential elections for France and the U.S. with notable success. His articles having predictive alerts for India, the United States, Denmark, Japan, and a few more countries during some recent years, have turned out to be meaningfully indicative. He has also contributed his work on spiritual themes which has also been brought out by leading magazines in the world. He can be reached via kushal1948@gmail.com .

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