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Getting From Here to There

by Eve Wilson

We are in a worldwide period of transition. Each of us is undergoing myriad experiences of change which often leave people at a loss as to how to find their way to whatever comes next. Here are some thoughts about that journey and how to make best use of the opportunities.

The in-between-times I often think are like pregnancy. Something new is being born within us, but it isn’t here yet. We don’t know exactly what it will be, but the waiting often feels uncomfortable, and we know it will change our lives forever. The overall purpose of this phase of evolution, which is called world ascension, is to awaken to the memory of our eternal true spiritual selves within our human experience. (To learn more about that see my book Riding the Wave of Change.) So, we could say that we are pregnant with ourselves!

To understand this, we can fall back on some wonderful spiritual phrases: I have a body, but I am not my body. I have a mind, but I am not my mind. I have emotions, but I am not my emotions. I am an eternal spiritual being having a human experience!

I first heard those phrases in the early 1980s and they have been very helpful to me. However, now it is time to not only know that, but to shift identity. We are birthing a complete ego shift, which says: I am a unique and eternal spirit. I am guiding my human self to fulfill my purposes within this incarnation. This is a big shift, and it is not going to happen just because we affirm the phrases. It’s going to happen in its own way and time. However, we can speed and smooth that shift and enjoy the ride a whole lot more!

Whether this transition has you between jobs, careers or relationships and this is creating downtime, anxiety or depression. Or you are working double-time in a chosen career because of the shortage of labor. Whether you are grieving the past or uncertain of your future there is a need for building unity between human self and eternal spiritual self which is where strength, confidence and security can be realized.

Here are some ideas to help you:

1 – Utilize things which help you to build endorphins, breathe deeply, and relax. People often use excessive food, alcohol, or marijuana to deal with both in-between phases and stressful super busy phases. These numb and keep us in the lower vibrations which ultimately causes depression. So, while you may do those things occasionally, if you are doing them regularly, you are blocking your ascension into unity with Higher Self. That may be why some people feel stuck and increasingly anxious.

2 – The easiest way to get out of those depressing habits and unstuck is to become more physically active. This generates endorphins, re-boots your brain, deepens your breathing, and after the initial period gives you more energy.

Begin at whatever level you are able and the amount of exercise which pushes you a bit. Chair exercises are available for people who can’t walk. Add to your workout at intervals as you are ready. Whenever you find what you are doing easy, increase it some.

Meditative movement like Yoga or Tai Chi can help in so many ways.

3 – Meditation is essential. Something that shifts your focus from the physical/emotional to the spiritual. Not just thinking spiritual thoughts, reading, etc. But actual work to build unity between your true eternal spiritual self and your human ego, mind, emotions, and body.

This is my strength; and my website www.spiritualhealers.com has many offerings to help you build unity and awaken your true self. Eve’s 3 Most Important Things Videos in the Video Gallery and Award-Winning Weekly Word Blog are free. In my online store are many guided meditations on MP3. And there are articles, books, Classes, and Healing Treatments too.

Whatever meditation you do, it should be focused on unifying with Higher Self. Many techniques lift you out of body to find that. Mine bring your spirit into your body so you become whole and begin to co-create your life.

Prayer is an active meditation which welcomes support into your life from a higher power. Your Higher Self is one with the Oneness by whatever name you call that. So, if or when you pray, know that you are part of that Oneness. Also, that there is a reason for everything. A good prayer is for understanding, unity between human and Higher Self, and guidance. Keep an open heart.

Even during physical exercise and mundane tasks, focus on bringing your Higher Self into your body. This will help you shift into higher vibrations, release old blocks, and ascend!

Learn about healing and ascension at www.spiritualhealers.com . There you will find support for your journey through Eve Wilson’s International award-winning Weekly Word Blog, Healing and Ascension Monthlies Classes, Healing Treatments and so much more. A Best-Selling Author, Eve teaches people to merge with their Higher Self to co-create the new world, heal, and ascend and help our world ascend to be more sane and joyful.

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