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Your Horoscope for October

by Elizabeth Joyce

Aries (3/21-4/20)

A Solar Eclipse in Libra occurs on Oct 2nd. Jupiter turns retrograde on Oct. 9th and Pluto turns direct on Oct. 11th in Capricorn. October promises to be an explosive and life-changing month. This energy highlights your personal and business partners and how you interact with them. Matters concerning your partner and relatives at a distance need your attention. Plans will come together in appositive way for all concerned. Take a day off around the Aries Full Moon on the 17th to catch up on your sleep. Use moderation with everything this month.

Taurus (4/21-5/21)

Keep your eyes on your money when Jupiter turns retrograde on Oct. 9th. If you have purchased any big ticket items, follow up and be sure all spects and information are correct. Thank your doctor who made a spot-on recommendation following a diagnosis. Celebrate a friend’s promotion with a lunch or dinner date. Watch for sparks from temperamental co-workers at month’s end.

Gemini (5/21-6/20)

In October Jupiter in Gemini retrogrades, bringing a hard aspect to Neptune and Saturn in Pisces, reminding you to be patient if you have some work projects that have come to a standstill. Work-crew collaboration will solve any computer problems by mid-November. Romance can be exciting now as well as local entertainment. Messages from higher-ups send out confusing signals over projects they are trying to prioritize at month’s end.

Cancer (6/21-7/22)

The Libra Solar Eclipse on October 2nd highlights family business and relationships and how you interact with everyone, On October 9th Jupiter retrogrades, and you may reconsider purchasing that large ticket item. You and your children bond closer now over their needing some TLC and by sharing mutual interests. At work, allow time to process any remaining baggage you may have worked hard to discard. This will give you the sought after peace you desire.

Leo (7/23-8/22)

After securing a financial loan for house renovations, you learn that the terms have changed and are not acceptable. Time to cancel this, begin again or re-negotiate. After the Solar Eclipse in Libra on October 2nd, you plan a neighborhood cookout. Everyone brings a dish, and you all share the excitement of an important sports event. Your partner is likely to receive a promotion or raise this month, and you both breathe a sigh of relief.

Virgo (8/23-9/22)

In October, challenging aspects highlight any relationship issues. Be patient and talk things through. Treat your partner to a romantic dinner out mid-month. You may find that your chills has some upsets in school and make an appointment with the teacher to discuss the details. The executive staff is at odds at work when they receive a list of needs from a major client on a project at month’s end.

Libra (9/23-10/22)

In October you are working on some travel plans. Relationships take center stage, especially with siblings, cousins, and neighbors. Your social calendar fills up quickly. Interactions with financial experts help guide you with a new car, household goods, and travel. You receive good news about company expansion at month’s end. Is a promotion in store for you Libra?

Scorpio (10/23-11/22)

In October you review bank accounts and credit card balances to make sure they are accurate and up to date. It’s time to connect with friends and plan some fun fall outings. Venus is in harmony with Mars, and you could start receiving texts and emails from old lovers and close friends. Mid-October is the perfect time to meet a new lover or possible life partner. Plan a visit via Zoom with relatives who live in a different state around Halloween. Have a laugh at their different costume choices.

Sagittarius (11/23-12/21)

Your home base could undergo a loss as October opens. Could be from storm damage or the failure of a large appliance. You take a new direction with club membership, friendships, and humanitarian work donations. Mid-month you help coworkers acclimate to new computers and procedures. Strained communications with your love partner arrive at month’s end.

Capricorn (12/22-1/19)

October brings a time to focus on your finances. You need to validate that you have sufficient funds for planned expenses. Executives and contract people get your attention now. Major shifts of direction at the workplace call for adjusting your work-plan and schedules. A sibling or cousin calls for help, guidance and advise at midmonth. Enjoy the praise from higher-ups at month’s end. They are pleased that you will always go that extra mile!

Aquarius (1/20-2/18)

The October Solar Eclipse on the 2nd opens up the possibility that you will be traveling more than usual over the coming months. Attend parent-teachers meetings, support the fundraisers and be sure to go to your children’s sport events. Book your December travel plans now to get the best rates. Steer clear of telephone arguments with siblings or other family members at month’s end.

Pisces (2/19-3/20)

Challenging aspects in October relate to conflicts with authority figures at your work environment. Your savings and retirement accounts are quite healthy, so you and your partner begin to plan a winter “get away” vacation. An unexpected auto repair is expensive mid-month. You may choose to hire some temporary staff to handle some filing and office work at month’s end. You look forward to the Halloween celebration and enjoy dreaming up new costumes, Pisces.

Elizabeth Joyce, a Clairvoyant Psychic, Natural Healer, Tarot Reader, Metaphysical Teacher, Author, and successful Radio Show Host. She transmits pure energy from the Source. Healing has occurred simply by being in her presence, or by voice activation, or vibration. She has a profound background in the business world. For over 20 years, she thrived working in aviation, as a legal assistant and excelled as an office manager. Then, she took a life-altering leap into her true calling as a psychic/tarot reader. In her role, Elizabeth conducts private readings and serves as a consultant in psychic investigations for missing person cases. Her expertise is sought after by private investigators, individual families, and the local police force as well as the FBI. But Elizabeth's talents don't stop there. As a speaker, she uses the universal energies to guide audiences to tap into their intuition and discover their "personal State of Being.” Having navigated the challenges of work-life balance as a mother of two boys, and her dog, Ella May, Elizabeth knows firsthand the pressures of modern life and has developed tools for people to achieve "inner peace". Website: new-visions.com. 24 hr. Answering Service – 201-934-8986 Listen to Elizabeth Joyce Sunday evenings, 10:00 PM Eastern and 9:00 PM Central at Station 1, on www.BBSRadio.com/letsfindout. Join her for your monthly Tarot reading on YouTube – Embracing Spiritual Frontiers.

Elizabeth Joyce

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