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Some Thoughts on the Astral Elemental

by Marguerite dar Boggia

My cousin passed away in 2018. He contacts me daily! I tell him he has to wait until his second death before he can go to heaven. He thought he was a good person and that he would go heaven upon his death. If he would have been interested in developing spiritually, he would probably get to heaven sooner.

My husband, after he died in 1976, helped me to join ISAR, the International Society for Astrological Research, where I became executive secretary, membership chairman and publisher of their astrological Journal for over twenty years. My husband stopped communicating with me after six months after his death. He is still in heaven. When he had visited his Father in heaven, he saw the beautiful buildings his father was creating. When his Father was on earth he wanted to be an architect. My husband was quite spiritually developed.

If you are interested in the article, The Second Death, you can find it in Articles, on my websites:www.FreePythagorasTeachings.com and/or www.PythagorasTeachings.com. You should also read the article by A.E. Powell called "The Astral Body". This article will explain why you have to prevent the astral elemental from rearranging your astral body. It wants to keep you on the lowest plane, which is 'hell'.

My brother passed away in 2007. He is still on the lowest astral plane. He hated my cousin. The lowest astral plane was called by Madame Blavasky: "Hades". After my brother passed away to teach me a lesson that money is important, he kept stealing my $400 a month, which moneys, I put aside to pay a worker. Finally, I used The HAND of the Christ, whose personal name is the Lord Maitreya, and asked that He tell my brother not to steal my money. He did, and my brother stopped stealing my money. Then my brother put only $400 in my purse, which purse, he caused to hang on the back of the chair, so that I would know that he put some of the money back. (This HAND appeared on a bathroom mirror in Barcelona, Spain. It was rubbed off. It appeared again. This time the Son said, "don't rub it off. I want to take a photo of it". He did and we were told that whoever puts his hand on My hand, I will help.) If you are interested in receiving this hand, email me at maitreya33@csiway.com. It really works!

Now my brother tries to contact me by stealing something that I like. Recently he stole a pair of earrings. I thought that the maid took them and said nothing. Yesterday he stole another pair of earrings while I was asleep. When I learned that my earrings were missing, I shouted, "I WANT MY EARRINGS BACK!" Instead of my earrings back, I find that he left five Moon Pies in my kitchen drawer.

Now I am telling my brother that he has to first have his second death before he can get to heaven. He must forgive and send love to all the people whom he disliked. It is very important to send love to your enemies or the people you dislike. We are told by the Masters to practice HARMLESSNESS. He will probably reincarnate when a body is ready for him. That might be in several years.

The Tibetan Master has said that we are now on the PATH OF ASPIRATION. We as students of the teachings have to aspire to the PATH OF DISCIPLESHIP. He has also said that STUDY, MEDITATION and SERVICE are necessary to evolve further. If you are at all interested in your spiritual development, I might suggest that you read my websites and if you are ready, contact me to receive the free esoteric teachings. You will also learn how to SERVE humanity.

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Marguerite dar Boggia is the former Membership Secretary and Director for ISAR, the International Society for Astrological Research. She is the former Publisher of Kosmos, the ISAR journal. She is a co-founder of UAC and its former Secretary and Director. Her goal is to serve humanity and the spiritual Hierarchy of our planet. To that end, she offers FREE, online, three pages weekly of the Ageless Wisdom Teachings of the Trans-Himalayan Center, which knowledge was known by Pythagoras.. It later includes esoteric astrology and information from the book: "A Treatise on Cosmic Fire" which book was on Albert Einstein's desk. If you wish to receive these teachings, contact her website www.FreePythagorasTeachings.com, which website, she created at the age of 90.

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