Your Horoscope for January 2025
by Elizabeth Joyce
Aries (3/21-4/20)
2025 gets off to a very slow start. Not what you Aries prefer. Mars is retrograde until mid-February so expect everything (especially your sex life0 to be slow and unpredictable. The week of the 6th, expect some tensions in your life to rise to the surface and demand our attention. On the 19th your creativity will be flowing, so make the most of it. This could even mean a job change.
Taurus (4/21-5/21)
As 2025 opens, three planets are retrograde; Mars, Jupiter, and Uranus. No matter how ambitious your New Year resolutions are, you need to move slow but sure. Both the Sun and Mercury move into Aquarius this month encouraging you to focus on your career direction for 2025. How would you like to grow and what salary compensation do you need for support? Apply for an exciting new job path, ask for new opportunities to grow, and start creating a plan to change your career entirely.
Gemini (5/22-6/20)
In January the planets are making the energy move much slower than you Gemini’s would like. Your big ideas for the New Year won’t be taking off just yet. When the Sun and Mercury move into Aquarius on the 27th expect to feel a lot more optimistic. The first Full Moon in Cancer arrives on the 13th. If you’ve had some sort of financial situation causing you stress, this could bring the opportunity to straighten things out. In 2025, your future is calling, so lean into those expansive energies.
Cancer (6/21-7/22)
2025 begins with three planets retrograde. Pay particular attention to Mars, which moves back into Cancer on the 6th. This energy has you feeling passionate, full of new ideas, and confident, but you struggle with how to put it al into action. The first Full Moon of the year in Cancer is on January 13th. You will feel this intensity and any hidden feelings or emotional needs will be impossible to deny. Your head and your heart may be in conflict at month’s end so don’t make any promises or decisions you’re just not ready for.
Leo (7/23-8/22)
As 2025 opens, three planets are retrograde, and Mars promises to be the most difficult of the three, since it’s in Leo until January 6th. During this time try to avoid taking any unnecessary risks Conflicts could get started very easily, so be mindful of how you interact with others. The first Full Moon of the year on January 13th, has the potential to heal some deep-seeded wounds and insecurities. Be sure to schedule some weekly alone time for reflection and spiritual renewal. Watch out for relationship drama, especially around jealousy.
Virgo (8/23-9/22)
2025 begins with three retrograde planets. Jupiter and Uranus probably won’t affect you much. It’s Mars you have to watch out for, Virgo. Mars retrograde can make you feel discouraged or even that you can’t get out of your own way. On the bright side, Venus moves into Pisces on the 2nd making January a lovely time for strengthening relationships as well as starting new ones. On the New Moon in Aquarius, January 29th, it’s ideal for you to begin restructuring your life.; start exercising, get better sleep, improve your relationships. The changes you make will have positive, lasting effects.
Libra (9/23-10/22)
2025 begins with three retrograde planets. Jupiter and Uranus probably won’t affect you. Mars, however, can throw a monkey wrench in your friendships as well as love received. If there is an argument brewing with your tribe, be sure not to take “sides”. Libra can be known as “fair weather friends;” they side with whomever they’re with, talking to, or texting. Mars moves backward into Cancer on January 6th. Don’t allow the energies to have you take any bold actions on your job. Leave the drama until after Mars turns direct on February 23rd.
Scorpio (10/23-11/22)
2025 begins with three retrograde planets. Jupiter and Uranus probably won’t affect you much. With Mars retrograde, however, it’s best not to take any financial risks, or create any conflicts at work. It’s also not the time to plan or take any spur of the moment travel, unless absolutely necessary. The Sun and Mercury move into Aquarius after January 27th. Now is the time for constructive conversation with family or a roommate. It’s easy to unintentionally act bossy or controlling on the 21st, so strive to be kind and generous. Trust your feelings; they have a lot to teach you at months end.
Sagittarius (11/23-12/21)
2025 begins with three retrograde planets. Jupiter, Uranus and Mars. if possible, try to avoid any travel until Mars turns direct again on February 23rd. Especially with days around January 6th, when Mars moves back into Cancer. When Venus moves into Pisces on the 2nd, take some time to rest up after the hectic holidays. After Mercury moves into Aquarius on the 27th, expect to get very busy. Watch your bank account after the 14th because it will be very easy to overspend; especially around house upgrades.
Capricorn (12/22-1/19)
2025 begins with three retrograde planets. Jupiter and Uranus probably won’t affect you much. With Mars retrograde, however, it’s best not to watch out for power struggles and ego comforts with those close to you. Mercury enters Capricorn on the 8th creating an ideal time to focus on your needs, feelings, and desires, Forget about what other people want; what do you want? The first Full Moon in Cancer happens on January 13th and is likely to highlight a conflict with someone you love. This can be a blessing in disguise because you are forced to look at the problem and work through it together. Try to talk things through with an open mind.
Aquarius (1/20-2/18)
2025 begins with three retrograde planets. Jupiter and Uranus probably won’t affect you much. With Mars retrograde in particular the energies are likely to stir up relationship conflicts, especially around January 6th. The first Full Moon in Cancer on the 13th illuminates the small actions you can take to heal some old, deep wounds. This can change your daily life routines and can make a huge difference. The Sun moves into Aquarius on the 19th and brings in your season!
Pisces (2/19-3/20)
2025 begins with three retrograde planets. Jupiter and Uranus probably won’t affect you much. With Mars retrograde, you may feel pressured to rush things through with work or skip over some important details. Resist the urge to hurry things up. Best to take your time. Venus enters Pisces on January 2nd making it a wonderful time for love with other people, your pets, but most of all, for yourself. People are attracted to you and your relationships flow easily. Turn to your friends for help with any emotional crises this month and they will help you work through the issues.
Elizabeth Joyce is a Clairvoyant Psychic, Natural Healer, Tarot Reader, Metaphysical Teacher, Author, and successful Radio Show Host. She transmits pure energy from the Source. Healing has occurred simply by being in her presence, or by voice activation, or vibration. She has a profound background in the business world. For over 20 years, she thrived working in aviation, as a legal assistant and excelled as an office manager. Then, she took a life-altering leap into her true calling as a psychic/tarot reader. In her role, Elizabeth conducts private readings and serves as a consultant in psychic investigations for missing person cases. Her expertise is sought after by private investigators, individual families, and the local police force as well as the FBI. But Elizabeth's talents don't stop there. As a speaker, she uses the universal energies to guide audiences to tap into their intuition and discover their "personal State of Being.” Having navigated the challenges of work-life balance as a mother of two boys, and her dog, Ella May, Elizabeth knows firsthand the pressures of modern life and has developed tools for people to achieve "inner peace". Website: 24 hr. Answering Service – 201-934-8986 Listen to Elizabeth Joyce Sunday evenings, 10:00 PM Eastern and 9:00 PM Central at Station 1, on Join her for your monthly Tarot reading on YouTube – Embracing Spiritual Frontiers.
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