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2025 Tarot Tips and Messages from the Stars

by Elissa Heyman

Best choices in 2025 should bring balance to your life: A successful 2025 is one in which you give and take; work and play; strive and rest. The way to meet pressure you are likely to feel is to slow down, take time to do things right, and don’t let pressure make you forgo your health and well-being practices. The peace you can achieve in your personal world, and the physical practices of taking care of your body, will be nice to retreat to.

Re-vamp and Re-Invent: A signal in the sky, a new moon in Capricorn as the year begins, tells us it’s time to update systems and create new ones, and build the steps to where we want to go next. Personal and business success require innovation.

In this roller-coaster year, your schedule and system that look good on paper may be unrealistic. By trying, you’ll see what does and doesn’t work. The goal of “balance” will steer one away from burning out in this transformational time, trying to deal with what’s new.

Mars retrograde in Leo as the year begins: This makes getting things done a tough slog. Yon the plus side, you can expect welcome if sobering flashes of understanding into your complicated heart and inner workings – what doesn’t go so well is progress with projects; and summoning energy to go out in the world. Or exercise, especially if you’re a Sun or rising sign Leo. Mars retrograde ends February 24th, and the hard-hit Leo city of Los Angeles will be glad when Mars moves out of its sign entirely, in mid-June.

Earthly Explorations and Other-Worldly Possibilities: Although there are a lot of first-time experiences in 2025, as far as the novelty of interacting with other-worldly beings, they say they're not going to come until '26 or '27, because we have enough on our plates.

Tarot Tips for the Fire, Water, Air, and Earth Signs

Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, Fire 2025: A year of service, in which you ask: what does the world need more of from me, what new thing is being asked of me, and what am I challenged to become?

Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces, Water 2025: You know what you like and want to spend time doing, although it may not be easy to complete projects to the point of fruition. It’s the journey you’ll love, and you knoq you’re on the right track. Expertise grows.

Gemini, Libra, Aquarius, Air 2025: You’re full of ideas, you want to have fun; the spontaneous and creative calls out to you, but you can also be thwarted by complicated circumstances and lack of support. Scale down your ambitions, but keep the ideas coming. The tide will turn and things will flow eventually.

Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn, Earth 2025: You’re long on dreams and a little short on the how-to. You see what you want, but things likely can’t happen as fast as you’re expecting. While the world is recovering, learn what you need to and take time to build a new foundation.

Elissa Heyman is a psychic counselor, healer, and workshop facilitator in Santa Fe, New Mexico. She works in person and by phone, writes a popular client psychic newsletter, and is a 5 star reviewed professional on all major review sites. www.elissaheyman.com

Elissa Heyman

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