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Acquired Savant Syndrome: Take Care Or You Might Become A Genius

by Anthony Talmage

Imagine waking up one day a genius! Suddenly you have the ability of a concert pianist or a mathematical prodigy. It couldn’t happen, could it? Well, yes it could. In fact, for a rare few it’s an astonishing reality. These one-time ordinary people have become members of an exclusive elite who, through a sudden trauma, have developed what psychiatrists call “Acquired Savant Syndrome.”

In fact these abilities are not “new.” They have been unlocked - as if the brain already contained them and was only waiting for the right conditions to reveal its secrets. Could it be that all of us harbour similar hidden talents? Neuroscientists call this idea “disinhibition”, suggesting that parts of our minds act as “gatekeepers,” keeping certain abilities suppressed, unless released by trauma.

Though the talents unleashed by Acquired Savant Syndrome are as varied as the individuals themselves, most fall into one of five categories: Music, often piano or composition; Mathematics, lightning-fast calculations or deep numerical insights; Art, intricate painting, drawing, or sculpting; Calendar Calculations, instantly determining the day of the week for any given date; and Spatial Skills, measuring distances with uncanny accuracy, without tools.

These phenomena defy conventional understanding and hint at the extraordinary complexity of the human mind.

For those affected, the brilliance of newfound abilities often comes at a cost. The same injuries that unleash genius sometimes also bring headaches, memory loss, or emotional turmoil.

Take Derek Amato for instance. He couldn’t remember things, had a hearing impairment and suffered persistent headaches after hitting his head when diving into a swimming pool. The impact caused a severe concussion but it also left him with something astonishing. A few days after the accident, with no knowledge of music, he sat down at a piano and began producing intricate, emotional compositions as though guided by an unseen hand. “It felt like the tunes were bursting out of my skin,” he says. Derek doesn’t read music but “sees” the notes as black-and-white patterns in his mind.

While Derek did have some memory loss, Orlando Serrell became “the man who remembers everything.” He was just 10 years old when, during a baseball game with friends, he was knocked unconscious by a baseball. When he recovered Orlando discovered he could recall every detail of his life with uncanny precision.

Ask him about any date since his injury, and he’ll tell you the day of the week, the weather, and what he was doing - instantly. Scientists have tested him extensively and found his memory to be infallible. “I don’t calculate or memorize,” Orlando insists. “It’s just there.”

Before September 13, 2002, Jason Padgett’s world revolved around the shallow pursuits of a party animal. He enjoyed drinking and flirting and had no interest in academics, let alone mathematics. But that night, a violent assault outside a karaoke bar changed his life forever.

After a vicious mugging, in which he was hit on the head, he lost all confidence and isolated himself from friends and family. Yet, amid the darkness, a peculiar light emerged. He began seeing the world differently - literally. Clouds, puddles, and sunlight streaming through trees took on mesmerizing geometric patterns. He became consumed by fractals - intricate, repeating shapes found in nature - and he felt a persistent urge to draw them.

“I didn’t know math before, and suddenly I’m drawing geometric shapes and talking about quantum physics,” Jason recalls. His crude sketches, inspired by this newfound vision, eventually caught the attention of a physicist who urged him to study mathematics formally. Today, Jason is a recognized mathematical savant, touring the world to share his story and inspire others to see the beauty hidden in the universe.

Another member of the ‘accidental genius’ club is Liverpool builder Tommy McHugh who suffered two strokes, one on each side of his brain. When he awoke, he couldn’t recognize himself in the mirror, let alone his wife or surroundings. His life, as he knew it, was gone. But from the chaos, a creative force emerged.

Tommy became consumed by an irresistible urge to paint and write poetry. He covered every surface of his home - walls, doors, ceilings - with vivid, intricate patterns and verses. The man who once worked with bricks and mortar now created masterpieces of colour and emotion. “It was as though a balloon had popped,” Tommy explained. “I could see the beauty of the world.”

Before his stroke, Tommy had no artistic inclination, let alone talent. Yet, his post-stroke creations captured something profound - an expression of the human spirit’s ability to transform adversity into beauty.

So, the next time you marvel at a beautiful melody, a stunning painting, or an elegant mathematical solution, consider this: what if you, too, have an untapped genius, quietly waiting to awaken? The Acquired Savant Syndrome suggests that the human brain is far more powerful than we understand - an untapped reservoir of creativity, knowledge, and skill. And a treasure trove of possibilities.

Anthony Talmage is author of five books in his Psychic Mind series: Dowse Your Way To Psychic Power, In Tune With The Infinite Mind, Unlock The Psychic Powers Of Your Unconscious Mind, How To Crack the Cosmic Code and Mindfulness and the Pendulum all available in Kindle, printed and audio versions from Amazon and all good on-line bookshops.

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