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Your Horoscope for March 2025

by Elizabeth Joyce

Aries (3/21-4/20)

March is a big month for you, Aries. Three planets enter Aries, plus the eclipses. Mercury on March 3d, the Sun on March 20, and Neptune on the 30th. Get ready to enjoy your moment in the Spotlight. With both Venus and Mercury retrograde this month, don’t expect smooth sailing. On the 14th the Lunar Eclipse in Virgo focuses on your health. Make the diet corrections necessary to improve your body. On the 29th there’s a Solar Eclipse in Aries. Get ready to reap the benefits.

Taurus (4/21-5/21)

March is one of your most action-packed months in 2025, Taurus. However, all of the excitement could disrupt your routine. Keep an open mind and go with the flow to avoid any extra stress. Change can be difficult for you Taurus. Mercury and Venus, both retrograde in your 12th House, means it’s time to slow down and perhaps meditate to prevent any physical upsets, The Solar Eclipse in Aries on the 29th may be dramatic, but nothing you can’t handle. Life may be wild now but will turn out much better than you thought.

Gemini (5/21-6/20)

Mercury and Venus are retrograde in March, but the two eclipses are the focus of the month. Trying to turn a friendship into a romance is likely to be a bit difficult. Mercury retrograding on the 14th can lead to drama and misunderstandings. It can be fixed with patience and communication once Mercury comes out of retrograde on April 7th. Stay grounded and calm and strive to keep out of the fray. Both eclipse’s focus on your home and relationships. Make a point of setting any boundaries you need.

Cancer (6/21-7/22)

Astrologically March is a busy month with two planets retrograde along with two eclipses. As much as possible, it’s important to slow down during this time. Be sure to back up everything at work and make certain that nothing is on your computer you wouldn’t want anyone else to see, especially human resources. Under these eclipses, expect to learn, have some deep conversations, and possibly change your mind about some things. At month’s end you are entering a new era in your life, Cancer. You don’t have to take any actions. Just allow your heart and mind to be open to change.

Leo (7/23-8/22)

As March opens, Venus goes retrograde on the 1st through April 12th. If things aren’t going so well with your love life, it’s probably not you; just that thing called “bad timing”. Mercury retrogrades, joined by a Full Moon Eclipse in Virgo on the 14th. This energy encourages you to examine your value system and how you want to express that in your life. Then the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Arise brings in a restless feeling; you want new people, places, and things. Remember Leo, you’re in the driver’s seat. Go ahead down that new, unknown road; create your new life.

Virgo (8/23-9/22)

March brings two retrograde planets plus a Full Moon Eclipse in your sign. Expect plenty of surprises this month plus some inconveniences, but also some good times. Sometimes when your plans are interrupted, better ones emerge. Always trust the Universe. As Venus retrogrades back into Pisces, you may be given that second chance with romance. You know; the one you missed out on in February. The Lunar Eclipse in Virgo should be extremely powerful for you. Time to assert yourself and to remember how powerful you really are. Then the Solar Eclipse in Aries on the 27th’s New Moon brings a new you.

Libra (9/23-10/22)

Venus retrogrades on March 1st through April 12th, making March a less-than-ideal time for romance and new relationships. It’s a good idea to avoid having a make-over or painting the bedroom. Negotiations of all kinds, business, personal, or legal are likely to be difficult or non-productive with Mercury retrograde. (From March 14th through April 7th.) Try to postpone any important meetings until after that time, The New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries on the 27th, opens up new doorways to new places or relationships.

Scorpio (10/23-11/22)

In March both retrogrades, Venus and Mercury, are likely to throw your routine and habits off kilter. It’s nothing to worry about, just a reminder to make some necessary adjustments. Proofread your texts and messages, and double check your schedule before you commit to anything as well as get a second opinion on anything major. At the Lunar Eclipse in Virgo on the 14th you will be asked to help someone out, either a family member, friend, or neighbor. If you accept the opportunity, you will be rewarded as well. The Solar Eclipse in Aries at month’s end brings an opportunity for you to start creating bold new plans for your life.

Sagittarius (11/23-12/21)

As Venus retrogrades on March 1st. it’s important to avoid making any large purchases as well as beginning new relationships. You’ll wind up wishing you hadn’t spent the money or that your new friend wants very different things. The Full Moon Eclipse in Virgo ion the 14th is likely to make a big splash in your professional life. This energy will give you the push to success you’ve needed. The more you try new things and talk to new people the more rewarding it will be. The Aries New Moon Eclipse on the 27th reminds you that play and fun are just as important as work.

Capricorn (12/22-1/19)

In March there are two retrogrades, Venus and Mercury, which are particularly likely to trigger misunderstandings with family members or roommates. Avoid any problems by giving others the benefit of the doubt. If you’re thinking of redecorating your home, painting, or buying new furniture, best to wait until mid-April, after these planets come out of retrograde. The March 14th Lunar Eclipse in Virgo is a call for adventure. Whatever feels unsatisfying to you may become unbearable now. This is the time to make a change, even it it’s a bit scary. Then, the Aries Solar Eclipse at month’s end is so important for you, Capricorn. This brings a change in your living situation, a transformation of your feelings as well as a chance to learn more about your family.

Aquarius (1/20-2/18)

Two planets are retrograde in March, Venus and Neptune. You may feel a bit lonely or misunderstood until they turn back direct in April. If you’re single, this won’t be the best time for dating. You could have some misunderstandings with friends. Do you have to give them, as well as yourself, some more patience? At the Virgo Lunar Eclipse on the 14th, you have a chance to be transformed. This can be a very intense time, and whether you’ll take it and move forward is up to you. The Aries Solar Eclipse on the 29th will usher in all kinds of fresh, new activity; new projects, new studies, but most of all new friends. Time to get excited about life in general!

Pisces (2/19-3/20)

Two planets retrograde in March, joined by two eclipses. It’s going to be a fast, busy month. It’s not a good time for dating, having a makeover, or redecorating your home. Also, avoid making any large, major purchases. The Virgo Full Moon Eclipse on the 14th may bring some major changes in your relationships. Big differences could be highlighted. However, you can come out of this closer than ever before. Then, the Aries New Moon Solar Eclipse invites you to make a fresh start in your finances. You could get a windfall, an inheritance, property, or win the lottery. Whatever happens, be sure to remain true to yourself and your deeper values.

Elizabeth Joyce is a Clairvoyant Psychic, Natural Healer, Tarot Reader, Metaphysical Teacher, Author, and successful Radio Show Host. She transmits pure energy from the Source. Healing has occurred simply by being in her presence, or by voice activation, or vibration. She has a profound background in the business world. For over 20 years, she thrived working in aviation, as a legal assistant, and excelled as an office manager. Then, she took a life-altering leap into her true calling as a psychic/tarot reader. In her role, Elizabeth conducts private readings and serves as a consultant in psychic investigations for missing person cases. Her expertise is sought after by private investigators, individual families, and the local police force as well as the FBI. But Elizabeth's talents don't stop there. As a speaker, she uses the universal energies to guide audiences to tap into their intuition and discover their "personal State of Being.” Having navigated the challenges of work-life balance as a mother of two boys, and her dog, Ella May, Elizabeth knows firsthand the pressures of modern life and has developed tools for people to achieve "inner peace". Website: new-visions.com. 24 hr. Answering Service – 201-934-8986 Listen to Elizabeth Joyce Sunday evenings, 10:00 PM Eastern and 9:00 PM Central at Station 1, on BBSRadio.com/letsfindout. Join her for your monthly Tarot reading on YouTube – Embracing Spiritual Frontiers.

Elizabeth Joyce

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