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March 2025 Predictions, Personal Guidance and Horoscopes

by Elissa Heyman

March Highlights: Even though the new moon is technically at the end of February, it influences the coming month:

Overwhelm alert! This sensitive new moon is squared expansive Jupiter in chatty Gemini. Watch out for overloading your emotional body with too much information, too much back and forth about what to do, and too much news that you can't do anything about.

Another thing not to do under this aspect, is try to win arguments in which you are invested emotionally. Wait until all the blood drains out of the situation, and logically present your case.

What's the new moon good for? Showing you and helping you respect your limits, your boundaries, and when to conserve your energy for what's important.

If you're starting something new, the "old you" will show up to be challenged by the identity and role you want to embrace. This is helpful phase of learning to embrace change.

March 2025 Horoscopes for the Fire, Water, Air and Earth Signs

Fire signs, Aries, Leo, Sagittarius: You might have had your doubts about the future, but news for you this March is very good, with increased income, increased cooperation, and progress with your well-being and financial goals. April proves you're going in the right direction.

Water signs, Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces: in terms of decisions, choices, and what to do next, it’s a fuzzy time. Don’t expect big decisions to come easily as you’re waiting for better information. Don’t worry if try as you might, things don’t materialize or move forward – it’s just a delay. Mercury retrograde might be socking it to you this cycle..

Air signs, Gemini, Libra, Aquarius: Whatever seems to be happening - just wait - it will change! You've attracted expansive forces and you don't yet have the information about which way things are going. You are safe and seem protected; in the meantime, don't be hasty or reactionary - the changing scenario will change again.

Earth signs, Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn: If you’re beginning something new, thre’s a strong tendency to try to do too much. Also, different situations you're dealing with now take personal courage and can be stressful. Something has begun that demands from you what you find difficult to act on and achieve. Get help!

U.S. A.: It doesn’t look like the public has sufficient organization and collective power to withstand the speed and force of the takeover of the U.S. government.

Citizens would have to drop everything to survive as a democracy, and pressure those in power with whatever leverage they have. It's a five alarm fire, and the public will have to focus on organizing and protesting to put it out. Even so, so much will be burned.

The calculation of Musk and Trump is that it causes so much chaos, they’ll be free to destroy the country’s infrastructure and public services, and install a new form of government.

Their first step is to make life dysfunctional in the United States.

Perhaps economic sanctions and protests, or the 25th amendment, or some other means can stop the president and his power machine. It could be necessary to have another election.

Americans could become like North Koreans: unable to organize; subjugated and impoverished.

It doesn’t look wise to try to save democracy through the courts or elections. The means has to be faster.

Elissa Heyman is a psychic counselor and healer based in Santa Fe, New Mexico. She works by phone and in person, and offers intuition workshops. For more information, elissa@elissaheyman.com, www.elissaheyman.com

Elissa Heyman

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