Have you noticed that you are running out of time? Do you feel like you have more to do and less time to do it? Have you also noticed that you are losing your memories? You can’t find words to complete your sentences; you can’t recall the word for the spoon you have in your hand? No, it’s not Alzheimer’s and you are not the only one having these experiences. Age, gender and culture have nothing to do with it.
Because of you and many others who are now awakening, a new consciousness is unfolding! The third-dimensional world that was defined by the truths and beliefs of those around us is no longer working and is dissolving. We are experiencing a huge transformation, a shift in consciousness. A Grand Awakening!
Linear Time—past, present, future—is changing as we awaken to our Higher Truths. Time is condensing; the past and future are disappearing. We are now becoming aware of a more simple form of time, ‘present-time’. In present-time we can make new choices. Negative emotions from past experiences no longer influence our choices. Choice in the now moment is neither based on past beliefs or future fears. Each choice made in present-time allows us to create on our own terms from the Field of All Possibilities.
To enhance our present-time experiences, we are also losing our memories. Past experiences that influence our daily lives are often coupled with emotional baggage that doesn’t support our present-time desires. Yet we continually project those strong emotions into our future: "I will never talk to her again." "I have always been a failure." "I will never have money." "I can’t trust anyone." What your ex, mother, father, teacher, minister, and boss thought of you ten years ago has nothing to do with you NOW. However, what you place your attention on is what the Universe, through the Law of Attraction, lovingly gives you. Continuing to carry charged memories of past events restricts our present-time choices. As we shift our awareness from third-dimensional linear time to fourth-dimensional present-time, memories which have no value to our growth dissolve. We are losing our memories. Old memories tied to negative emotions are dropping away.
As beliefs that are not your truths dissolve, let them go. New choices are replacing beliefs that were never yours. New opportunities are appearing. As you allow your transition to unfold, your own truths begin to emerge, bringing with them the simplicity and happiness you have long sought.
Your purpose is to enjoy yourself and remember your Self. You are big, not small. You are significant, not insignificant. You have a very important role to play in this unfolding ‘Shift of Consciousness’… bringing Heaven to Earth.
Jim Self is an international teacher and author. He has been a leader in the field of spiritual development for over 27 years. He offers us the Tools of Mastering Alchemy as a Way of Life. This work is co-created with the Archangels, Ascended Masters and Teachers of Light. Free Tele-Classes. Jim returns to New England March 23-29 for free classes and weekend seminar . www.MasteringAlchemy.com (775) 851-8950.