I often have patients ask me, "How are you doing?" And immediately I say, "I’m doing GREAT." To which a patient will occasionally respond, "You always say that. Do you ever have a bad day?" To which I respond, "Even if I was I wouldn’t say it aloud." I truly believe that each and every day we make a choice when we put our feet on the floor whether we are going to have a good or bad day. Ultimately happiness is a choice. Circumstances, things, people will come in and out of our lives. And whether you believe it or not, you can CHOOSE to respond in a positive manner to each and every one of these "things."
There are many texts, such as Power Vs Force by David Hawkins, MD, PhD, that describe our emotions as vibrational energies. On the most basic level, every thought and emotion you feel, emits an energy. The energy you emit when you are feeling fear, grief or depression is very low on this energy scale. Other low energies are anger and worry. At the top of the vibrational energy scale are the emotions of joy, love and compassion. So when patients ask me if I am always happy, I respond YES because what I am saying is that I am striving to vibrate at a higher energy field. I make a decision each day that no matter what happens (and stuff does happen) that I will not lower my energy field to meet the energy of that "stuff."
Always try to respond to others with kindness. Is it better when you come across a nasty sales clerk, waiter, automobile driver, etc., to lower your energy and be nasty back? In other words do you want to lower the energy you emit to meet that of anger? Or is it better for you to raise your energy field even higher to that of love to offset the emotion you are encountering? Think of this next time you encounter someone driving too fast. Yesterday someone drove by me in a crazy manner obviously in a rush to get somewhere. I said a silent prayer that he would arrive at his destination safely and that whatever reason that was causing him to emit his lower vibrational energy would be resolved. Go ahead a try this and see how good it makes YOU feel.
So remember each and every day you can choose what type of day you will have. You can also choose how you are going to react to different situations that arise each day. Strive to live at the highest vibrational energy of joy and love.
215/752-1420 WWW.WSCENTERS.COM
Dr. Denise Chranowski, along with her twin brother, Dr. Dane Donohue, and Dr. Jerry Agasar, are the owners of Wellness Solution Centers. Located in New-town, this Wellness Center has all the tools and resources to dramatically improve your health, including chiropractic, massage therapy, acupuncture, personal training, and nutritional counseling. www.wscenters.com