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Sue Miller
Karen Clickner
Dancing Heart
Lou Valentino
Elizabeth Joyce
Sue Miller Art
Nancy Johansen
Light Healing
Wisdom Magazine
Alternatives For Healing
Article Submission Guidelines

All articles submitted to Wisdom Magazine must be sent as a .doc file to Email the Editor. The .doc file must contain an author's bio (approximately 75 words) at the end of the article plus contact information (email address and phone number). Articles not sent in this manner will not be considered for publication. For unsolicited articles, Wisdom will only contact you if your article is accepted for publication. You will be notified within 60 days if your article is selected for publication.

Articles sent for possible publication on Wisdom Magazine (wisdom-magazine.com) can be no longer than 1000 words maximum, plus author bio. Wisdom does not publish poetry, first person accounts of spiritual transformation, "ghost stories", or advertorial. (Advertorial can be purchased at the regular page rate.) All material, of any length, with the exception of advertorial, may be considered for web publication. Wisdom Magazine will not publish articles that have been or are currently being published by similar on-line publications. If you are simultaneously submitting to other publications in addition to Wisdom, please let us know.

All medically-oriented articles must be written by a licensed and practicing professional in the area being written about. No exceptions.

There is no monetary consideration for articles accepted for publication. All articles offered to Wisdom Magazine for publication are assumed to convey and include publication rights for wisdom-magazine.com publication.

Article Archives  This Month's Articles
Wisdom Magazine
Nancy Johansen
Light Healing
Elizabeth Joyce
Lou Valentino
Alternatives For Healing
Dancing Heart
Karen Clickner
Sue Miller
Sue Miller Art

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