"But Doc, diet and exercise ain't workin'!"
by Michael Cheikin, MD
(March 2012)
"Half In Love With Easeful Death"
by J.H. Hacsi
(June 2010)
10 Foods to Avoid for Prediatebes
by Sarah Cimperman, ND
(January 2015)
10 Hidden Causes of Weight Gain
by Sarah Cimperman, ND
(January 2013)
10 Tips for a Healthy Microbiome
by Sarah Cimperman, ND
(November 2014)
10 Ways to Detox Your Home
by Dr. Sarah Cimperman, ND
(March 2017)
11 Myth Busters To Help You Take Charge of Your Health
by Tom Gilliam
(January 2009)
12 Pantry Staples for a Healthy Diet
by Sarah Cimperman, ND
(July 2016)
12 Tips to Stay Healthy During Cold & Flu Season and Year-Round
by Cassendre Xavier
(February 2016)
12 Ways to Improve Your Health
by Sarah Cimperman, ND
(February 2008)
15 Ways to Treat GERD Naturally
by Dr. Sarah Cimperman, ND
(September 2015)
3 Aphrodisiac Effects of Dark Chocolate
by Dr. Laurie Steelsmith
(February 2013)
4 Reasons to Go Grain-Free
by Dr. Sarah Cimperman, ND
(September 2020)
4 Things Better For Your Bones Than Calcium
by Dr. Sarah Cimperman, ND
(May 2021)
5 Essential Ingredients for a Healthy Salad
by Dr. Sarah Cimperman, ND
(July 2021)
5 Essential Items for Healthy Travel
by Dr. Sarah Cimperman, ND
(January 2019)
5 Essentials for a Safe and Effective Spring Cleanse
by Dr. Sarah Cimperman, ND
(May 2022)
5 Lifestyle Changes to Reverse Prediabetes
by Sarah Cimperman, ND
(March 2015)
5 Myths About CBD
by Dr. Sarah Cimperman, ND
(March 2020)
5 Natural Remedies For Your First Aid Kit
by Dr. Sarah Cimperman, ND
(July 2022)
5 Powerful Spring Resolutions
by Dr. Sarah Cimperman, ND
(May 2014)
5 Reasons to Avoid Artificial Sweeteners
by Dr. Sarah Cimperman, ND
(November 2016)
5 Reasons To Talk To Your Doctor About Your Sex Life
by Dr. Sarah Cimperman, ND
(September 2017)
5 Reasons You Need A Naturopathic Doctor On Your Team
by Dr. Sarah Cimperman, ND
(March 2022)
5 Ways To Lose The "Quarantine Fifteen"
by Dr. Sarah Cimperman, ND
(July 2020)
5 Ways to Prevent Cavities and Heal Teeth Naturally
by Dr. Sarah Cimperman, ND
(May 2018)
5 Ways to Protect Your Heart During A Pandemic
by Dr. Sarah Cimperman, ND
(March 2021)
5 Ways to Reduce Toxin Exposure in the Bathroom
by Dr. Sarah Cimperman, ND
(November 2018)
5 Ways To Relax Right Now
by Dr. Sarah Cimperman, ND
(July 2017)
5 Ways to Trigger Your Natural Happy Chemicals
by Loretta Breuning, Phd
(January 2013)
5 Ways To Trigger Your Natural Happy Chemicals
by Loretta Breuning, PhD
(November 2012)
6 Cardiac Procedures You May Not Need
by Michael D. Ozner, MD, FACC, FAHA
(December 2008)
6 Food-Based Toxins That Increase the Risk of Diabetes
by Dr. Sarah Cimperman
(November 2015)
6 Signs You Need to Detox
by Dr. Sarah Cimperman, ND
(May 2016)
6 Ways to Ease Seasonal Depression Without Medication
by Dr. Sarah Cimperman, ND
(January 2022)
6 Ways to Minimize the Health Effects of Wildfire Smoke
by Dr. Sarah Cimperman, ND
(September 2021)
7 Reasons to Exercise Outdoors All Year Long
by Dr. Sarah Cimperman, ND
(January 2016)
7 Top Tips for Fighting The Common Cold & Staying Healthy
by Dr. Doni Wilson
(December 2014)
7 Ways to Get Your Skin Ready for Summer
by Dr. Sarah Cimperman, ND
(May 2017)
7 Ways to Help Sensitive Children Flourish
by Dr. Idelle Brand
(September 2015)
7 Ways to Stay Healthy This Fall
by Dr. Sarah Cimperman, ND
(November 2021)
7 Ways Your Mind Can Make You Sick
by Richard Kradin, MD
(February 2009)
8 Springtime Strategies to Look and Feel Great
by Brant Secunda and Mark Allen
(April 2011)
8 Steps for a Woman Dancing with Cancer
by Susun Weed
(August 2012)
8 Steps to Accelerate Fat Loss & Create a Healthy, Fit Body for Life
by Susan Smith Jones, PhD
(July 2008)
8 Things This Doctor is Doing to Keep Her Family Healthy During the COVID-19 Pandemic
by Dr. Sarah Cimperman, ND
(May 2020)
A 4-Step Way to Heal from Cold Symptoms
by Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha
(December 2013)
A Beginner's Guide to Yoga
by Biff Mithoefer
(May 2009)
A Bit of Wisdom for the Ages
by Karen Clickner, C.C.H.
(May 2022)
A Body's Saturation Point
by Karen Clickner, C.C.H.
(July 2023)
A Day In The Life Of An Internist
by George Thomas, MD, PhD
(August 2010)
A Lesson From the Unstoppable Potato Farmer
by Dr. Denise Chranowski
(July 2007)
A Mind-Body Approach To Weight Loss
by Patricia Bisch, MA, MFT
(September 2008)
A New View of Detoxification
by Karen Clickner, C.C.H.
(September 2024)
A Paradigm Shift - NOW!
by Dr. Linda Eisen
(February 2010)
A Prescription for Qigong
by Susan Meischeid
(July 2009)
A Spiritual Warrior's Tradition: KHY
by Karma Palden Sherab
(August 2009)
A Vaccination Discussion
by Karen Clickner, C.C.H.
(June 2020)
Achieve Instant Calm - The Wise Woman Way
by Susun S. Weed
(September 2009)
by Ellen Lovinger Eller
(August 2008)
Acupuncture, A Reflection of Modern Health Care
by Jipala R. Kagan
(May 2013)
Acupuncture: Not Just for Adults
by Jen Sharples
(August 2018)
Adding Breast Thermography to Your Breast Health Check-Up
by Rebecca Reverie
(March 2020)
Adrenal Fatigue & Dysfunction
by Michael Cheikin MD
(May 2018)
After A Cesarean
by Susun Weed
(March 2009)
After Ultimatum Homeopathy Helps Tame Hyperactivity
by Padmini Sagar, MD
(March 2024)
All You Ever Wanted to Know About Healing
by Lisa Raphael
(November 2008)
Allergy & Infection: Two Sides of the Same Coin?
by Michael Cheikin, MD
(July 2013)
An Anti-Aging Elixir
by Dr. Diane Gioia-Bargonetti
(July 2008)
An Optimal Lifestyle
by Michael Cheikin, MD
(May 2017)
An Overview of Shamanic Healing
by Dr. Michael Verrilli, D.O.
(June 2008)
Ancient Breasts
by Susun S. Weed
(April 2009)
Ancient Sounds - Modern Healing
by Jill Mattson
(September 2010)
by Michael Cheikin, MD
(September 2012)
Antioxidants: The Right Amount Counts
by Robert A. Sinnott, MNS, PhD
(May 2011)
Anxiety, ADD or Intelligence?
by Michael Cheikin, MD
(July 2016)
Are Fecal Transplants the New Probiotics?
by Sarah Cimperman, ND
(September 2014)
Are you a Landscaper or a Gardener?
by Karen Clickner, C.C.H.
(November 2023)
by Jessie Diane Wyatt
(July 2010)
Arthritis: Ready For Its Close-Up?
by J.H. Hacsi
(February 2010)
Asthma & Homeopathy
by Marti Trudeau, RN
(November 2023)
Avoiding Emotional Overeating During the Holidays
by Julie M. Simon, MA, MBA
(December 2012)
Awaken Your Unlimited Healing Potential
by Therese Wade
(February 2017)
Ayurvedic Cleansing - Come Clean This Spring
by Jonathan Glass, LAc
(March 2009)
Back Pain: A Yoga Perspective
by John Cahill
(February 2018)
Basic Care By Doctors For Patients
by George Thomas, MD, PhD
(November 2010)
Beat Winter Depression With Yoga
by Kate O'Connor with Swamiji
(January 2009)
Become A Better Version of Yourself
by Dr. Denise Chranowski
(April 2007)
Being in Your Power—a Challenge of Living in a High-Tech World
by Phyllis Light, Ph.D.,
(September 2018)
Belief Changes Biology
by Karen Clickner, C.C.H.
(May 2021)
Biological Clocks, Aging & Dis-Ease: A Chronobiology Primer
by Michael Cheikin, MD
(March 2015)
by Michael Cheikin, MD
(July 2012)
Birth Control for Menopausal Women
by Susun Weed
(August 2008)
Bladder Infections
by Susun Weed
(October 2007)
Blame the Patient
by Michael Cheikin, MD
(September 2014)
Body Communication: Listening to the Inner Conversation
by Karen Clickner, C.C.H.
(November 2019)
Body Consciousness = Cosmic Consciousness
by Guy Joseph Ale
(November 2013)
Body in Balance – The TCM Perspective on Weight Loss
by Elaine Katen
(September 2013)
Body Wisdom: Beauty, Beliefs and Blossoming
by Johanna Kern
(June 2019)
Bone Broth for Better Health
by Dr. Sarah Cimperman, ND
(March 2016)
Breast Cancer Awareness Month
by Dr. Denise Chranowski
(October 2008)
Breast Cancer Then and Now
by J.H. Hacsi
(December 2010)
Breast Self-Exam
by Susun S. Weed
(October 2009)
Breast Self-Exam - Part 2
by Susun S. Weed
(February 2010)
Breast Self-Massage is Simple
by Susun Weed
(November 2008)
Breast Thermography: Aiding in Early Breast Cancer Detection
by Anthony Piana, DC
(January 2011)
Breema Bodywork: Being Present in the Body
by Mara Bright
(April 2007)
Building Better Bones
by Susun Weed
(September 2007)
Cancer and Respecting Your Body Picture
by Karen Clickner, C.C.H.
(July 2021)
Carbohydrates: Use, Abuse & Paranois
by Michael Cheikin, MD
(May 2015)
Celebrating Our Freedom of Choice
by Dr. Denise Chranowski
(August 2008)
Cell Phone Radiation: Health Hazards & How To Minimize Your Exposure
by Dr. Sarah Cimperman
(May 2011)
Cellulite: New Look on the Old Problem
by Anna Golub
(August 2014)
Cervical Cancer
by Susun Weed
(March 2008)
Chakras - A Map To Your Wholeness
by Dana Mrkich
(December 2008)
Chakras - The Colors of Creation
by Sharon Shane
(August 2007)
Chase the Winter Blues Away - Naturally
by Laura Norman
(January 2016)
Childhood Immunizations: Reducing the Risks
by Sarah Cimperman, ND
(July 2006)
Children & Yoga: Why Yoga Matters For 21st Century Children
by Marsha Therese Danzig, MEd
(September 2010)
Chiro Care & Your DNA
by Dr. Denise Chranowski
(August 2009)
Chiropractic Care Quiets Crybabies
by Dr. Dane Donohue
(July 2008)
Chronic Cough
by Michael Cheikin MD
(September 2018)
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome & Fibromyalgia are Real!
by Dr. Jill Pitcher
(November 2009)
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: A Deliberate Choice of the Soul
by Angela Aim
(January 2014)
Cinnamon, Cardamom & Nutmeg
by Susun S. Weed
(December 2009)
Claywork, Nature & healing
by Alan Steinberg
(November 2008)
Coffee: Concerns, Benefits & The Bottom Line
by Sarah Cimperman, ND
(August 2006)
Colds: We've Put Men On The Moon...
by J.H. Hacsi
(August 2010)
Colon Care for Optimal health
by Dr. Edward F. Group, III
(April 2008)
Combining Medicine with Alternative Remedies
by Linda Mundorff, MPH, MSN, ND, RN, CNC, CTN
(August 2007)
Common Illnesses and Their Hidden Meanings
by Carol Ritberger, PhD
(March 2008)
Common, Over-The-Counter Drugs That May Be Making You Sick
by Michael T. Murray ND
(December 2012)
Compromising Our Kids' Immune Systems
by Phyllis Light, Ph.D,
(September 2011)
Confessions of a Chi Addict: Savoring the Miracle
by Zayne Marston
(August 2006)
Confessions of A Chi Addict: Why We Stop
by Zayne Marston
(June 2006)
Conquering Spring Allergies
by Randi Ragan
(May 2016)
Consciousness and Physical Health
by Pamela Aloia
(January 2022)
Contact Yoga: The Yoga of Relationships
by Tara Guber
(September 2013)
Contemporary Yoga Styles
by the Staff of Santosha.com
(April 2007)
Cooking with Kids
by Sarah Cimperman, ND
(July 2009)
Could It Be Restless Leg Syndrome?
by Susun S. Weed
(May 2009)
Could You Survive?
by Dr. Denise Chranowski
(November 2008)
CPR For Good Health
by Dr. Diane Bargonetti
(June 2008)
Creating Perfect-ease
by William Klenk
(July 2012)
Creative Arts: A Holistic Approach to Healing
by Heather Caton, MSW
(March 2011)
Daily Wellness Checklist
by Dr. Dane Donohue
(February 2008)
Dangerous Dentistry: Five Shocking Truths About Dental Procedures
by Dr. Thomas E. Levy, MD
(September 2014)
Dangers of Suppressing Medical Science: The Autism-Vaccine Controversy
by Michael Cheikin MD
(September 2019)
Dealing with Anxiety and Depression (Especially Now)
by Ellie Pechet, M.Ed.
(September 2020)
Defense Frequencies for Better Immunity
by Jill Mattson & Sharry Edwards
(June 2020)
Deficiency, Insufficiency & Toxicity
by Michael Cheikin, MD
(January 2013)
Defying Age with Yoga
by Darshan Goswami
(August 2023)
Dementias: Alzheimers, Elderly, Middle Age and Pediatric
by Michael Cheikin MD
(January 2017)
Demystifying Medical Cannabis & CBD
by Donna Shields, MD, RDN is
(September 2018)
Determining Breast Health With European Thermography
by Karen Clickner, C.C.H.
(September 2015)
Detox 101: The Solution to Pollution is Dilution
by Michael Cheikin, MD
(January 2016)
Detox Facts & Fiction
by Sarah Cimperman, ND
(May 2015)
Detox Facts and Fiction
by Sarah Cimperman, ND
(January 2014)
Diagnosing the Light Fantastic
by Kevin & Christine Core
(August 2007)
Diagnosis Cancer
by Lynn Monroe
(November 2007)
Diet for a New America: How the Food Movement is Gaining Strength
by Ocean Robbins
(February 2013)
Dietary Protein & Bone Health: A New View
by Karl L. Insogna, MD, et.al.
(January 2010)
Diets: This Really Works
by Eve Wilson
(November 2022)
Discovering Qigong
by Miranda Smith
(May 2011)
Discovering The Self(s) Heal Phenomenon
by Tree Borden, LICSW
(December 2009)
Do We Have Vaccination Amnesia?
by Dr. Bill Miller
(October 2016)
Doctor's Own Home Care Regimen for Colds & Flu
by Dr. Sarah Cimperman, ND
(March 2019)
Drill-Free Dentistry
by Idelle Brand, DDS
(July 2010)
Ear Candling: Ancient Technique Makes A Come Back
by Dr. Idelle S. Brand, DDS
(December 2008)
Earing Well With Whole Foods: Pumpkins
by Suzann Pileggi Pawelski
(November 2007)
Earth Events and How They Are Effecting Your Body
by Kim Pickett
(January 2013)
by Sarah Cimperman, ND
(March 2013)
by Idelle Brand, DDS
(January 1980)
Ease Those Bug Bites with Easy Herbs
by Susun Weed
(August 2013)
Eating For A Healthy Pregnancy
by Dr. Sarah Cimperman, ND
(September 2016)
Eating For Life: Reversing Stage 2 Diabetes
by Veronica Williams
(January 2013)
Eating for Optimal Health: Diets, Meal Plans & Food Plans
by Michael Cheikin, MD
(March 2016)
Eating to Beat the Heat
by Sarah Cimperman, ND
(August 2008)
Eating Well with Whole Foods
by Suzann Pileggi Pawelski
(July 2014)
Eating Well With Whole Foods: Apples
by Suzann Pileggi Pawelski
(October 2007)
Eating Well with Whole Foods: Bell Peppers
by Suzann Pileggi Pawelski
(July 2011)
Eating Well With Whole Foods: Brussels Sprouts
by Suzann Pileggi Pawelski
(October 2008)
Eating Well With Whole Foods: Cabbage
by Suzann Pileggi Pawelski
(May 2010)
Eating Well With Whole Foods: Cacao
by Suzann Pileggi Pawelski
(February 2009)
Eating Well With Whole Foods: Cantaloupe
by Suzann Pileggi Pawelski
(September 2010)
Eating Well with Whole Foods: Carrots
by Suzann Pileggi Pawelski
(November 2009)
Eating Well With Whole Foods: Cauliflower
by Suzann Pileggi Pawelski
(April 2009)
Eating Well with Whole Foods: Celery
by Suzann Pileggi Pawelski
(May 2011)
Eating Well With Whole Foods: Cinnamon
by Suzann Pileggi Pawelski
(January 2012)
Eating Well With Whole Foods: Coconut
by Suzann Pileggi Pawelski
(March 2015)
Eating Well with Whole Foods: Cucumbers
by Suzann Pileggi Pawelski
(May 2009)
Eating Well With Whole Foods: Dandelion
by Suzann Pileggi Pawelski
(April 2007)
Eating Well With Whole Foods: Ginger
by Suzann Pileggi Pawelski
(December 2008)
Eating Well with Whole Foods: Kale
by Suzann Pileggi Pawelski
(March 2012)
Eating Well with Whole Foods: Nectarines
by Suzann Pileggi Pawelski
(May 2014)
Eating Well With Whole Foods: Oats
by Suzann Pileggi Pawelski
(November 2011)
Eating Well With Whole Foods: Peaches
by Suzann Pileggi Pawelski
(July 2010)
Eating Well With Whole Foods: Pomegranate
by Suzann Pileggi Pawelski
(November 2014)
Eating Well with Whole Foods: Quinoa
by Suzann Pileggi Pawelski
(March 2008)
Eating Well with Whole Foods: Spinach
by Suzann Pileggi Pawelski
(May 2008)
Eating Well With Whole Foods: Strawberries
by Suzann Pileggi Pawelski
(June 2007)
Eating Well With Whole Foods: Summer Squash
by Suzann Pileggi Pawelski
(July 2007)
Eating Well With Whole Foods: Watermelon
by Suzann Pileggi Pawelski
(August 2009)
Eating Well With Whole Foods: Winter Squash
by Suzann Pileggi Pawelski
(November 2008)
Effective, Inexpensive Treatments Your Doctor May Not Know About for Life-Threatening Diseases
by Julia Schopick
(September 2013)
EFT - Try It On Everything!
by Jill V. Mangino
(April 2009)
EFT: A Monumental Discovery
by Nick Ortner
(September 2014)
Eight Simple Steps to Retrain Your Body to Digest Wheat Again
by Dr. John Douillard, DC, CAP
(February 2017)
Elementary Deficiencies: Trace Minerals & Missing Materials
by Michael Cheikin, MD
(May 2016)
Embodied Cognition & Sound Healing: Brain Demoted ~ Body Promoted
by Jill Mattson
(October 2013)
EMF Exposure & Children: Are We Putting Them At Risk?
by Phyllis Light
(March 2009)
EMF's - An Invisible Threat To Our Physical And Spiritual Well-Being
by Phyllis Light, Ph.D.
(July 2017)
Energize & Enjoy With Nettle
by Susun S. Weed
(April 2012)
Enjoying A Long and Healthy Life
by Dean Fraser
(December 2017)
Environmental Toxins Linked To Prediabetes
by Dr. Sarah Cimperman
(November 2013)
Eric Pearl's Reconnection: Pearl of Wisdom
by Jen Jones
(October 2009)
Establishing A Reiki Practice
by Michele B. Engoran, MA, Reiki Master/Teacher
(April 2008)
Excerpt from "The Five Tibetans"
by by Christopher S. Kilham
(November 2011)
Exercise Can Have A Positive Impact on the Brain
by Dr. Dane Donohue
(April 2008)
Exercising On A Budget
by Sarah Cimperman, ND
(June 2009)
by Michael Cheikin, MD
(March 2014)
Feasting and Fasting
by Karen Clickner, C.C.H.
(October 2024)
Fertility After 40
by Susun Weed
(June 2007)
Fertility Wisdom
by Dr. Randine Lewis
(November 2008)
by Susun Weed
(August 2007)
First Aid for Backache
by Susun Weed
(May 2008)
Fitness of Fatness: Which Matters Most?
by Sarah Cimperman, ND
(July 2011)
Five Facts We Haven’t Heard from The Gluten-Free Industry
by Dr. John Douillard
(January 2017)
Flower Essences
by Dr. Lauren Nappen
(September 2008)
Food As Energy, Materials & Signals
by Michael Cheikin, MD
(March 2019)
Food As Medicine: Energy, Materials and Signals
by Dr. Michael Cheikin, MD
(January 2020)
Food Combining, When Not to Eat, and Cooked Comfort, Healing & Transitional Foods
by Cassendre Xavier
(June 2015)
Forest Therapy
by Sarah Cimperman, ND
(November 2010)
Franken-Foods: Defending Your Family's Future
by Michael Cheikin, MD
(November 2012)
Free to Love, Free to Heal
by Dr. David Simon
(September 2009)
Freedom of the Mind
by Marlene Buffa
(August 2009)
Genetics Is Not The Key To Disease
by Karen Clickner, C.C.H.
(July 2022)
Gestational Diabetes: Prevention & Natural Treatment
by Dr. Sarah Cimperman, ND
(January 2017)
Getting Out of Your Comfort Zone
by Dr. Denise Chranowski
(November 2010)
Good Bowel Habits
by Dr. Denise Chranowski
(February 2009)
Gout Wisdom
by J. H. Hacso
(October 2010)
Guide to Holiday Eating
by Dr. Denise Chranowski
(December 2008)
Hairy Problems
by Susun S. Weed
(December 2012)
Hairy Problems
by Susun S. Weed
(October 2012)
Hand Analysis: An Ancient Art Validated By New Science
by Erin Rose
(May 2016)
Harmonic Balancing Sound Therapy: You Are Great
by Eileen McKusick
(October 2008)
Headache: The Holistic Approach
by Michael Cheikin, MD
(January 2019)
Healing & Blessing Your Food
by Eve Wilson
(September 2014)
Healing Addictions Miraculously, Part 3
by R. Barry Chalfin
(February 2009)
Healing From Military Service
by Karen Clickner, C.C.H.
(September 2017)
Healing From Military Service
by Karen Clickner, C.C.H.
(September 2020)
Healing Power of Meditation
by Darshan Goswami
(August 2024)
Healing vs Curing: They're Not The Same
by Carol Ritberger, PhD
(April 2009)
Healing with Sound: The Transformational Aspects of Music
by Jill Mattson
(November 2009)
Health is a Daily Practice
by Karen Clickner, C.C.H.
(December 2024)
Healthful Holiday Eating
by Sarah Cimperman, ND
(December 2008)
Healthy Cookware Choices
by Sarah Cimperman, ND
(May 2008)
Healthy Lymph is Key to Resiliant GI Immunity
by Hart Brent
(March 2018)
Healthy Tanning: Safe Ways to Bronze This Summer
(July 2012)
Help for PMS & Menopause
by Dr. Diane DiBargo, ND
(May 2008)
Help for Shingles Naturally with Homeopathy
by Sujata Owens
(May 2024)
Help For Shingles Naturally With Homeopathy
by Sujata Owens
(February 2024)
Helping Patients Improve Their Health?
by George Thomas, MD, PhD
(March 2011)
Helping Pets with Anxiety and Fear with Homeopathy
by Brenda Tobin
(November 2022)
by Emmanuel Arroyo
(January 2011)
Herb Do's & Dont's For Men
by Laura Mignosa, NCCH
(August 2008)
Herbal Allies for Post-Menopausal Women - Part 2
by Susun S. Weed
(June 2012)
Herbal Allies For Post-Menopausal Women - Part I
by Susun S. Weed
(May 2012)
Herbal Allies for Post-Menopausal Women: Part III - Bioflavonoids
by Susun S. Weed
(July 2012)
Herbal Medicine Chest in Your Back Yard
by Susun Weed
(July 2007)
Herbal Oils for Breast Self-Massage
by Susun S. Weed
(July 2009)
Herbal Remedies That Prevent Memory Loss
by Susun Weed
(April 2007)
Herbal Smoking Mixtures
by Susun S. Weed
(May 2013)
Herbal Smoking Mixtures - Part 2
by Susun S. Weed
(June 2013)
Herbal Wisdom: The Healing Power of Plants
by Ellen Lovinger Eller
(December 2009)
Here Comes the Flu Season: Protecting Yourself the Wise Woman Way
by Susun S. Weed
(February 2012)
Hidden Food Allergies
by Henry C. Sobo, MD
(February 2009)
Histamines: Friend or Foe?
by Karen Clickner, C.C.H.
(November 2020)
Holiday Survival Guide
by Dr. Sarah Cimperman, ND
(January 2020)
Holiday Survival Kit
by Sarah Cimperman, ND
(December 2007)
Holistic Dentistry
by Ellen Lovinger Eller
(June 2008)
Holistic Dentistry: A New Paradigm in Oral Health Care
by Idelle S. Brand, DDS
(June 2009)
Holistic Dentistry: Digital Dental X-Rays
by Idelle Brand, DDS
(November 2010)
Holistic Dentistry: Do You Have Halitosis?
by Idelle Brand, DDS
(May 2010)
Holistic Dentistry: Metaphysical Energy Healing
by Idelle Brand, DDS
(September 2010)
Holistic Healing Centers: A Community Appproach To Wellness
by Ellen Lovinger Eller
(May 2012)
Holistic Know-How: Swine Flu Prevention
by Bonnie MacDade
(February 2010)
Holistic Pet Care: Healthy Choices for Our Four-Legged Friends
by Ellen Lovinger Eller
(October 2008)
Home Care for Colds & Flu
by Sarah Cimperman, ND
(March 2008)
Home Cooking for Better Health
by Sarah Cimperman, ND
(July 2008)
Home Detox Checklist
by Dr. Sarah Cimperman
(January 2012)
Homeopathy & Modern Medical Techniques
by Julian Jonas, CCH, LicAc
(June 2007)
Homeopathy For Earaches - A Parent's Friend
by Jennifer Jacobs, MD
(September 2022)
Homeopathy for Summer Bumps, Bites and Burns
by Claudia Regojo
(April 2024)
Homeopathy Reduces Severity & Frequency of 7-Year-Old's Migraines
by Rebecca Rivera
(October 2023)
Homeopathy: Help With Anger and Depression
by Jiuan Heng
(July 2023)
Homeopathy: Natural Alternatives To Hormone Repacement
by Sujata Owens
(December 2023)
Homeopathy: Treating A Child's Red Mouth Rash
by Jiuan Heng
(June 2023)
Hormone Havoc: Bio-Identical, Synthetic or None?
by Dr. Michael Cheikin, MD
(July 2018)
Hot Colds & Cold Colds
by Susun Weed
(December 2007)
Household Products: Toxic Ingredients & Safe Alternatives
by Sarah Cimperman, ND
(January 2011)
How Do We Heal?
by Eve Wilson
(November 2013)
How Doctors Can Avoid Malpractice Suits
by George Thomas, MD, PhD
(May 2011)
How Galling The Gall Bladder Can Be
by Karen Clickner, C.C.H.
(May 2023)
How Healthy Are You?
by Dr. Denise Chranowski
(June 2008)
How Our Pets Heal Us
by Gail Thackray
(July 2013)
How To Be A Healthier Patient
by George Thomas, MD, PhD
(August 2010)
How to Easily Attain a Calm and Relaxing Life
by Rob Lobitz
(August 2012)
How To Increase Your Chances Of NOT Getting Sick With COVID
by Ellie Pechet, MEd
(November 2021)
How to Make the Most From Vaccinations
by Karen Clickner, C.C.H.
(March 2021)
Humor as Diagnosis
by Michael Cheikin, MD
(May 2014)
Hunger vs. Control - Not Emotional Eating
by Michael Cheikin, MD
(May 2012)
If Eating Makes You Fat and Sugar Makes Occasions Sweet, Then What About Greens?
by Michael Cheikin, MD
(May 2013)
Immune Support & Flu Season
by Dr. Michael Cheikin, MD
(March 2018)
Improving & Protecting Memory
by Sarah Cimperman, ND
(October 2009)
Infectious Organized Crime: Virus, Fungus or Us?
by Michael Cheikin, MD
(January 2015)
Infectious Parties: Bacteria, Candida, Epstein Barr, Lyme, Parasites and Others
by Michael Cheikin, MD
(November 2016)
Infertility Revealed
by Karen Clickner, C.C.H.
(July 2016)
Inflammation, Exercise & Aging
by Sarah Cimperman, ND
(July 2007)
Intolerance: Allergy vs Toxicity
by Michael Cheikin, MD
(July 2014)
Introducing...The Self(s) Heal Program
by R. Barry Chalfin
(August 2009)
Iodine: Purple Nutrient, Passionate Phobia or Panacea?
by Michael Cheikin, MD
(March 2013)
by Michael Cheikin, MD
(November 2015)
Is Calcium Safe?
by Dr. Sarah Cimperman
(March 2011)
Is the Ketogenic Diet Right for You?
by Dr. Sarah Cimperman, ND
(November 2019)
Just Don't Do It!
by Dr. Denise Chranowski
(June 2007)
Keep Your Colon Healthy
by Ellen Lovinger Eller
(January 2011)
Keeping Your Children Healthy This Flu Season
by Dr. Denise Chranowski
(March 2008)
Kidney Donation: Message In A Bottle
by Harold German
(July 2009)
Kirtan Yoga
by Steven J. Rosen (Satyaraja Dasa)
(September 2008)
Knock out Hepatitis A, B, and C, Naturally
by Jay North
(May 2010)
Kosho Hoho Yooga: Shamanic Martial Art of the Warrior/Healer/Mystic
by Karma Palden Sherab
(March 2009)
Kundalini Abundance
by Master Chrism
(July 2009)
Laughter Yoga
by Traci Penna
(September 2008)
Leaky Gut Syndrome
by Michael Cheikin, MD
(November 2017)
Lean & Green: Six Simple Strategies
by Kami Gray
(May 2009)
Lessons From Living Things
by Karen Clickner, C.C.H.
(January 2021)
Level Up Wellness With A Tailored Approach
by Catherine Workman
(October 2023)
Lifestyle Notes: Depression
by Dr. Diane Gioia-Bargonetti
(August 2008)
Lifting the Veil on Chinese Herbology
by Laura Mignosa, NCCH
(October 2008)
Lose Weight with Whole Body Vibration
by Becky Chambers, BS, MEd
(February 2015)
Love Your Voice
by Roger Love
(August 2007)
Lowering Your Blood Pressure Naturally
by Dr. Sarah Cimperman
(November 2011)
Lyme & Spirochete Disease
by Michael Cheikin, MD
(September 2013)
Lyme Disease
by Dr. Brandie Nemchenko
(March 2009)
Lyme Disease: Chronic Cases & Newer Diagnostics
by Katina I. Makris
(July 2015)
Lyme Disease: Managing the Epidemic of Our Time
by Katina I. Makris, CCH, CIH
(July 2012)
Lyme Disease: Protecting Yourself and Your Family
by Emily Miller, ND
(July 2013)
Lyme Disease: Some Thoughts On Its Coinfections
by Stephan Harrod Buhner
(May 2013)
Making the Most of Your Energy Healing Session
by Cinnamon Crow
(December 2012)
Mammograms Misunderstood
by Sarah Cimperman, ND
(January 2010)
Man’s Best Friend: The Key to Beating Allergies and Asthma
by Dr. William B, Miller, Jr, MD
(July 2017)
Managing Stress with the Five Adaptation Types
by Charles A. Moss, MD
(November 2010)
Martial Arts: Coming Out of the Broom Closet
by Max Holton
(November 2011)
Massage Therapy: Demystifying the Various Arts of Healing Touch
by Ellen Lovinger Eller
(August 2009)
Matrix Energetics & The Field of the Heart
by Melissa Joy
(September 2013)
Matrix Energetics: Limitless Possibilities
by Melissa Joy Jonsson
(September 2011)
Medical Beliefs and Medical Treatment
by George Thomas, M.D., Ph.D.
(January 2011)
Medical Facts & Fallacies: Prostate, Prostate CA, BPH, and Economics
by George Thomas, M.D.
(April 2010)
Medical Facts & Fiction: Electronic Records
by George Thomas, MD, PhD
(March 2010)
Medical Facts & Fiction: Weight Loss, Nutrition, Low Salt, Low Sugar
by George Thomas, MD, PhD
(March 2010)
Medical Myths and Magical Thinking
by George Thomas, MD, PhD
(October 2010)
Medical Research Errors, or Don't Believe All That You Read
by George Thomas, MD, PhD
(March 2011)
Medication, Prescribing and Timing
by George Thomas, M.D., Ph.D
(December 2010)
Medicine & Religion: The Spiritual Dimension of the Migraine Aura
by Floco Tausin
(February 2010)
Medicine Facts and Fiction: Cholesterol, Statins, Zetia, Niacin, ASCVD, and MI's
by George Thomas, MD, PhD
(February 2010)
Medicine: Facts & Fiction - Addictions, Part 1
by George Thomas, MD, PhD
(January 2010)
Medicines in Your Kitchen
by Sarah Cimperman, ND
(January 2008)
Memory Science
by Michael Cheikin, MD
(January 2014)
Menopause is Enlightenment
by Susun Weed
(June 2008)
Menopause Naturally
by Susun S. Weed
(January 2009)
Mental Stress & Physical Discomfort
by George Thomas, MD, PhD
(February 2010)
Metaphysical Qualities of the GI Tract
by Hart Brent
(January 2018)
Minerals Make The Difference
by Susun Weed
(September 2008)
More Herbal Oils for Breast Self Massage
by Susun S. Weed
(August 2009)
Move Like Water: The Power of Yin
by Regina Gibbons, MBA, M.Ac.
(October 2008)
Moving Beyond the Failure of Conventional Medicine
by Dr. Georgianna Donadio
(November 2008)
Mr. Nixon's War
by J. H. Hacsi
(November 2010)
Multi-Vitamin-Mineral Supplements: Are they necessary and safe?
by Sarah Cimperman, ND
(September 2009)
My Ayurvedic Treatment
by Judith Kurens
(November 2014)
My Take On MyPlate
by Sarah Cimperman, ND
(September 2011)
Mysterious Mushrooms
by Susun Weed
(July 2010)
Natural Relief for Knee Pain
by Sarah Cimperman, ND
(October 2007)
Natural Remedies for Bug Bites
by Dr. Sarah Cimperman, ND
(September 2019)
Natural Scoliosis Prevention & Treatment
by Dr. Kevin Lau
(September 2010)
Network Chiropractic: The Gentle Touch of Wellness
by Ellen Lovinger Eller
(December 2008)
New Year Solutions
by Dr. Ankur Prakash
(November 2010)
Niacin (Vitamin B3), Part 1
by Michael Cheikin, MD
(November 2014)
Nine Simple, Natural Ways to Get Out of Libido Limbo
by Dr. Laurie Steelmith
(November 2012)
Non-Toxic Spring Cleaning
by Dr. Sarah Cimperman
(May 2013)
Now That You've Experienced Reiki...
by Amy Z. Rowland
(April 2009)
Nutrition & Cancer
by Sarah Cimperman, ND
(June 2008)
NY Metro
(September 2007)
Obamacare, Medical Economics, Government Guidelines
by George Thomas, M.D., Ph.D
(May 2010)
Oil Pulling: Simple Healing For The Oral Cavity & Body
by Idelle Brand, DDS
(May 2012)
Optimum Nutrition
by Susun Weed
(November 2007)
Over 100 Diseases are Traced to Metabolic Syndrome
by Karen Clickner, C.C.H.
(November 2018)
Over the Healthcare Cliff
by J.C. Smith, DC
(January 2013)
Packing A Healthy Picnic
by Sarah Cimperman, ND
(August 2009)
Pap Smear
by Susun Weed
(October 2008)
People's Medicine: Herbs for Hags
by Susun Weed
(July 2008)
Pine Keeps You Fit
(May 2010)
Post-COVID Stress Disorder
by Dr. Sarah Cimperman, ND
(January 2021)
Pregnancy: Find Your Balance with Flowers
by Mary Ann Dittmeier, BFRP
(May 2011)
Preventing Childhood Obesity
by Dr. Denise Chranowski
(May 2010)
Preventing Hypertensive Stroke
by George Thomas, MD, PhD
(March 2011)
Preventing Macular Degeneration Through Nutrition
by Sarah Cimperman, ND
(September 2007)
Preventing Swine Flu
by Sarah Cimperman, ND
(November 2009)
Preventive Medicine for Adults
by Sarah Cimperman, ND
(April 2008)
Probiotics for Better Health
by Sarah Cimperman, ND
(August 2007)
Prostate Cancer and Race
by J.H. Hacsi
(February 2011)
Prostate Cancer and Sex
by J.H. Hacsi
(January 2011)
Prostate Cancer Screening: Risks, Benefits & Alternatives
by Sarah Cimperman, ND
(July 2010)
Puget Sound
(September 2007)
Qigong: The Ultimate Healing Practice
by Ed Howard
(July 2016)
Radi8: Using the Practice of Yoga to Cultivate Your Inner Shine
by Sindy Warren
(August 2018)
Radiation, Radiation Poisoning, and Radiation Sickness
by George Thomas, MD, PhD
(May 2011)
Raw Foods for the Rest of Us: How to Eat Better Without Being Perfect
by Cassendre Xavier
(October 2014)
Reconnecting With Your Mastery – Using Subtle Sound Energy
by Jill Mattson
(October 2014)
Reconnective Yoga
by Kelly Woodruff
(September 2011)
Reconnective Yoga - An Ancient Practice On A New Level
by Kelly Woodruff
(September 2010)
Redefining Illness & Solving the Puzzle of Chronic Illness
by Karen Clickner, C.C.H.
(November 2015)
Reducing the Risk of Meningitis
by Sarah Cimperman, ND
(March 2009)
Reducing Your Risk of Early Death
by Sarah Cimperman, ND
(July 2014)
Reducing Your Risks of Breast Cancer
by Sarah Cimperman, ND
(May 2010)
Reflexology for Health & Happiness
by Laura Norman
(September 2011)
Reflexology: Setting Foot on a Path to Healing
by Ellen Lovinger Eller
(April 2008)
Regain Your Brain
by Dr. Lynda J. Wells, PhD, LdN, CNS emeritus
(September 2020)
Reiki Helps Heart Attack Patients
by Pamela Miles
(November 2010)
Reiki: Hands-On Healing
by Amy Z. Rowland
(May 2008)
Relax And Be Patient: Simple Keys To better Health
by John-Roger, D.S.S. with Paul Kaye, D.S.S.
(April 2011)
Resolving Chronic Lyme
by Karen Clickner, C.C.H.
(July 2015)
Rhonda Lenair: Healing Addictions Miraculously
by R. Barry Chalfin
(December 2008)
Rhonda Lenair: Healing Addictions Miraculously, Part 2
by R. Barry Chalfin
(January 2009)
Rhonda Lenair: One Step Sobriety
by Barry Chalfin
(July 2007)
RX Drugs, Pharmacology, and Side Effects Part I
by George Thomas, MD, PhD
(December 2010)
Sacred Sight
by Doug Marsh
(October 2007)
Saving Our Minds
by Karen Clickner, C.C.H.
(May 2018)
Sea Vegetables
by Susan Smith Jones, PhD
(July 2007)
Season of Change
by Dr. Denise Chranowski
(December 2007)
Seasonal Allergies
by Bonnie MacDade
(June 2010)
Seizure Disorders: The Natural Path
by Karen Clickner, C.C.H.
(July 2018)
Selenite, Smudging, and Sprays: Spiritual Hygiene
by Margaret Ann Lembo
(September 2019)
Self(s) Knows
by Sharon Cass Toole
(October 2007)
Sex Forever?
by Susana Mayer, PhD
(January 2010)
Shamanic Healing
by Flynn Johnson
(January 2010)
Shattering Myths & Stereotypes: Taking Control of Your Aging Experience
by Jennifer FitzPatrick, MSW, LCSW-C
(October 2011)
SHE is Your 'Predictable Miracle'
by Lyle Hurd
(September 2010)
Shhh... Want to Know the Biggest Weight Loss Secret?
by Dr. Denise Chranowski
(January 2010)
Short Sightedness
by J. H. Hacsi
(September 2010)
Silence is Golden
by Jonathan Goldman
(April 2008)
Silver Fillings: A Health Hazard
by Idelle Brand, DDS
(March 2010)
Skillful Cycles: Tips for Honoring Nature’s Rhythms
by Michael Finkelstein, MD
(June 2010)
Skin: We Are What We Eat
by Anna Golub
(July 2014)
Slowing Down Aging: 4 Ways to Preserve Telomere Length
by Dennis Kravetz
(October 2013)
So, your dog has a fever? Homeopathy can help!
by Brenda Tobin
(July 2024)
Solving the Yoga Puzzle: What Are All the Different Styles?
by Heather Indu Eilering
(January 2014)
Sound Healing: Therapeutic Tool for the Future
by Zacciah Blackburn
(July 2008)
Sound: The Language of the Body
by Jill Mattson
(September 2014)
Soy: What to Eat and What to Avoid
by Sarah Cimperman, ND
(March 2012)
Spring Detox Diet
by Dr. Sarah Cimperman, ND
(May 2019)
Start Fresh in 2011
by Dr. Donald Huml
(January 2011)
Staying Healthy While Caring For Sick kids
by Jennifer Geisman, Care.com Contributor
(February 2013)
Staying Healthy While Traveling
by Dr. Sarah Cimperman
(November 2012)
Stop Eating, Live Longer
by Dr. Denise Chranowski
(April 2009)
Stop Smoking Now
by Sarah Cimperman, ND
(January 2009)
Stop Smoking The Natural Way
by Dr. Diane Gioia-Bargonetti
(September 2008)
Stop Smoking the Natural Way
by Dr. Diane Gioia-Bargonetti
(November 2008)
Stress Management: 6 Strategies Just For Kids
by Dr. Sarah Cimperman, ND
(November 2020)
Stress Part II
by George Thomas, MD, PhD
(December 2010)
Struggling to Manifest Your Desires? EFT/Tapping Can Help
by Victorea Luminary
(September 2021)
Sugar 101, Or What is a Carb and Why Am I Addicted?
by Michael Cheikin MD
(November 2018)
Sun Exposure & Sunscreen: The Real Risks
by Sarah Cimperman, ND
(July 2013)
Svaroopa Yoga
by Philip L. Milgrom, RYT
(September 2007)
Sweats As A Form of Detox
by Michael Cheikin MD
(July 2019)
Taking Reiki to the Next Level
by Eileen Dey, M.A., LMHC
(February 2011)
The 3 Keys to Fertility: Using HypnoNBirthing to Unlock Fertility
by Lynsi Eastburn
(September 2022)
The 432 Frequency
by Jill Mattson
(April 2018)
The 8 Weeks to Wellness Top Ten List
by Dr. Ankur Prakash
(March 2011)
The Aura and Health
by Barbara Y. Martin and Dimitri Moraitis
(November 2016)
The Beljanski Approach to Optimal Health
by Staff
(January 2009)
The Benefits of Acupressure
by Aliza Rosen
(July 2013)
The Benefits of Fasting
by Dr. Denise Chranowski
(September 2010)
The Benefits of Meditation and How to Start Today
by Catherine Workman
(June 2023)
The Body Knows
by Caroline Sutherland
(August 2007)
The Brain Drain: Neuroinflammation of the Brain
by Karen Clickner, C.C.H.
(January 2025)
The Breast Cancer - Beauty Connection
by Dr. Diane Gioia-Bargonetti
(May 2013)
The Calcium Conundrum
by Karen Clickner, C.C.H.
(May 2024)
The Causes of Backache
by Aliza Rosen
(May 2013)
The Cervix
by Susun Weed
(February 2008)
The Challenge to Our Health in a Frequency-Filled World
by Phyllis Light
(March 2018)
The Collagen Craze
by Dr. Sarah Cimperman, ND
(July 2019)
The Connection Spectrum & Social Technology
by Michael Cheikin, MD
(July 2015)
The Danger of Unheard Sounds
by jill Mattson
(May 2015)
The Dark Side of Calcium: 9 Ways It Makes Us Sick (or even kills us!)
by Dr. Thomas E. Levy
(July 2014)
The Eastern Science of Self-Healing
by Vaishali
(May 2011)
The Emotional Freedom Technique
by Miriam Langsam, MS, EFT-Adv
(July 2009)
The Energetic Challenges Of Air Travel
by Phyllis Light
(May 2012)
The Final Word On Chronic Illness
by Karen Clickner, C.C.H.
(September 2022)
The Five Steps to Health
by David Markowitz
(October 2010)
The GemSpot: Angel of Comfort: Chrysoprase and Lavender Essential Oil for Support and Kindness
by Margaret Ann Lembo
(November 2019)
The Great Pox - Syphylis
by J. H. Hacsi
(May 2010)
The Healing Power of Magic Words
by Jill Mattson
(June 2014)
The Health Benefits of Alcohol
by George Thomas,. MD, PhD
(July 2010)
The Health Benefits of Body Brushing
by Idelle Brand, DDS
(July 2012)
The Health Benefits of Fermented Foods & A DIY Recipe
by Dr. Sarah Cimperman, ND
(September 2018)
The Health Benefits of Shrubs & An Easy DIY Recipe
by Dr. Sarah Cimperman, ND
(January 2018)
The Health Hazards of Agave & Fructose
by Sarah Cimperman, ND
(September 2010)
The Healthy Side of Darkness
by Karen Clickner, C.C.H.
(April 2024)
The History & Mystery of Homeopathy
by Julian Jonas, CCH, Lic.Ac.
(May 2010)
The Hormonal Brain
by Michael Cheikin, MD
(May 2019)
The HPV Vaccine: Risks, Benefits & Alternatives
by Sarah Cimperman, ND
(October 2008)
The Importance of Tracking Your Symptoms
by Karen Clickner, C.C.H.
(March 2022)
The Innate Healing Force
by Dr. Michael Wayne
(June 2006)
The Latest Corona Virus, But Not the Last
by Karen Clickner, C.C.H.
(March 2020)
The Latest on Lyme Disease
by Karen Clickner, C.C.H.
(May 2015)
The Lechet Healing Technique
by Ellie Pechet
(November 2022)
The Miracle of Convalescence
by Karen Clickner, C.C.H.
(January 2024)
The New Science of Cocoa Therapy
by Staff
(February 2011)
The Overuse of Statins?
by Dr. Denise Chranowski
(November 2007)
The Pregnancy Diet
by Sarah Cimperman, ND
(May 2009)
The Problems With Meta-Analysis
by George Thomas, MD, PhD
(April 2011)
The Raw Truth: Raw Food For Dummies®
by Cherie Soria & Dan Ladermann
(February 2013)
The Reconnection
by M. Darren Gregor
(July 2009)
The Reconnection: Information Medicine in the 21st Century
by Jackie Lapin
(May 2011)
The Reconnection: New Frequencies of Healing
by M. Darren Gregor
(March 2010)
The Reconnection: The New Frequencies of Healing
by M. Darren Gregor
(June 2009)
The Rise in Allergies
by Karen Clickner, C.C.H.
(September 2021)
The Science Behind Reconnective Healing
by Doug DeVito
(May 2010)
The Seafood Dilemma
by Sarah Cimperman, ND
(November 2008)
The Season of Heartbreak
by Karen Clickner, C.C.H.
(February 2022)
The Secret is Right Under Our Noses
by Jill Mattson
(August 2014)
The Secret Joys of Being a Holistic Reflexologist
by Laura Norman
(July 2011)
The Secret Language of Color
by Inna Segal
(January 2013)
The Single Most Important Factor in Losing Weight Is...
by Dr. Denise Chranowski
(September 2009)
The Statin Epidemic
by Sarah Cimperman, ND
(March 2010)
The Stressful Impact of Life in a High-Tech World
by Phyllis Light, Ph.D.
(January 2016)
The Struggle to Be Well in a High-Tech World
by Phyllis Light, Ph.D.
(January 2017)
The Top 5 Things To Do For Better Health
by Dr. Denise Chranowski
(July 2011)
The Top 5 Vitamin Myths
by Natalia Lukina
(January 2014)
The Top Ten Detox Tips
by Sarah Cimperman, ND
(July 2012)
The Truth About Back Pain
by Dr. Todd Sinett
(February 2009)
The Truth About Fat
by Sarah Cimperman, ND
(May 2012)
The Truth About Multivitamins
by Dr. Sarah Cimperman, ND
(March 2014)
The Upgrade Is Finally Here
by Doug De Vito
(July 2010)
The War on Bacteria
by Sarah Cimperman, ND
(September 2013)
The WHY of Chronic Disease
by Karen Clickner, C.C.H.
(September 2023)
The Wisdom of Ayurveda: The 4 Goals of Life
by Jonathan Glass, LAc, MAc
(February 2009)
The Wisdom of Mid-Life Women
by Susun S. Weed
(July 2011)
The Wise Woman Tradition Empowers Women
by Susun S. Weed
(February 2013)
The Worrying Future of Our Health Care, Part 1 of 3
by Karen Clickner, C.C.H.
(July 2024)
The Worrying Future of Our Health Care, Part 2 of 3
by Karen Clickner, C.C.H.
(July 2024)
The Worrying Future of Our Healthcare, Part 3 of 3
by Karen Clickner, C.C.H.
(August 2024)
The Wrong Carbs
by Regina Gibbons
(June 2009)
The Wrong Dental Filling Puts Your Immune System At Risk
by Dr. David Villarreal
(June 2015)
The Yoga of Menopause
by Susun Weed
(January 2008)
Thermography for Early Breast Cancer Detection
by Sarah Cimperman, ND
(February 2010)
This Gland is Your Gland!
by Diane Bargonetti, ND
(April 2008)
Thyroid Disease: The Hidden Epidemic
by Michael Cheikin, MD
(January 2018)
Tick Bites: A Cautionary Tale
by Peter Flierl
(July 2023)
Today Acne Troubles Are More Than Skin-Deep
by Staff
(February 2011)
Tools for a Happy New Year
by Margaret Ann Lembo
(January 2017)
Top 10 Reasons to Include Fat in Your Diet
by Laura Jones
(April 2009)
Transform Stress Into Serenity
by Leeann Carey
(September 2015)
Transformational Healing: The Spiritual Role of the Healer
by Mary Sise, LCSW
(May 2013)
Tuning in to Your Body for Managing Stress
by Noa Belling
(May 2018)
Turmeric Tea for Colds & Flu
by Dr. Sarah Cimperman, ND
(March 2018)
Turn Your New Year Resolutions Into Habits
by Dr. Denise Chranowski
(January 2008)
Understand & Release Addictions
by Caroline Sutherland
(July 2008)
Understanding Cortisol: Your Energizing Hormone
by Laurie Steelsmith, ND, Lac,
(May 2018)
Understanding Our Heart - An Acupuncturist's Perspective
by Emmanuel Arroyo
(April 2011)
Understanding True Energetic Healing
by Phyllis Light
(March 2009)
Understanding Viruses
by Karen Clickner, C.C.H.
(November 2022)
Understandsing Cortisol: Your Energizing Hormone
by Laurie Steelsmith, ND, Lac,
(July 2018)
Unleash Your Freedoms with the Power of Your Breath
by Dr. Judith Kravitz
(May 2011)
Unplug for Better Sleep
by Dr. Sarah Cimperman, ND
(September 2012)
Unraveling the Mystery of Chronic Illness
by Karen Clickner, C.C.H.
(November 2021)
Urine Drug Testing Facts
by George Thomas, MD, PhD
(March 2011)
Useless Medical Screening Tests
by George Thomas, MD, PhD
(September 2010)
Using Herbs Simply and Safely
by Susun Weed
(April 2008)
Using Homeopathy to Heal Burns
by Mike Swain
(June 2024)
Using Hypnosis for Post-Holiday Weight Loss
by Dr. Scott Lewis
(February 2013)
Using Yoga Poses To Transform Your Life
by Robert Butera, PhD
(February 2010)
Vibrational Healing: Spotaneous Healing with the 5th Dimensional Energies
by Elizabeth Joyce & Bonnie MacDade
(September 2010)
Vision as Metaphor: The Relationship Between Eyesight and Consciousness
by Martin Brofman, PhD,
(October 2013)
Vitamin & Mineral Myths
by Regina Gibbons, MBA
(August 2009)
Vitamin D: Should We Get it From Food, Supplements, or the Sun?
by Dr. Sarah Cimperman, ND
(July 2015)
Vitamin IV Infusions Are Not The Best Choice
by Karen Clickner, C.C.H.
(December 2023)
Water 1: Good Water, Bad Water
by Michael Cheikin MD
(July 2017)
Weighing In With Weight
by Michael Cheikin, MD
(January 2012)
Weight Gain
by Susun S. Weed
(January 2010)
Weight Loss
by George Thomas, M.D., Ph.D.
(February 2011)
What Do Your White Blood Cells Have To Do With The Flu?
by By Joy Stephenson-Laws, JD
(February 2018)
What is Bio Energy Healing?
by Susannah Spanton
(February 2014)
What is DNA Activation?
by Dr. Idelle S. Brand, DDS
(July 2008)
What Is Emei Qigong?
by Gordon Keir
(September 2011)
What is Energy Healing?
by R. J. Spina
(December 2021)
What is Medical Qigong?
by Lisa Van Ostrand
(October 2007)
What is Osteopathic Medicine & OMT?
by Dr. Michael Verrilli, DO
(November 2007)
What is Reiki?
by Pamela Miles
(June 2007)
What is Sound Healing?
by Jill Mattson
(June 2020)
What It Means To Die Well & Why Should You Care?
by Susan Ducharme Hoben
(September 2018)
What s "8 Weeks to Wellness?"
by Dr. Donald Huml
(March 2011)
What You Need to Know About Concussions and Recovery
by Joy Stephenson-Laws
(April 2017)
What Your Food Cravings Could Mean
by Dr. Keith Kantor
(July 2016)
What's Supp: Supplementation 101
by Michael Cheikin, MD
(March 2017)
Wheat Gluten Grain Intolerance and Celiac Disease
by Michael Cheikin, MD
(November 2013)
When is a Low Salt Diet Beneficial (If Ever)
by George Thomas, M.D., Ph.D.,
(June 2010)
Who is afraid of Hulda Clark? Asymmetric Warfare on Cancer
by Simon Yu, MD
(December 2010)
Why Family Practice is Dying
by George Thomas, MD, PhD
(November 2010)
Why Is Rest A Four-Letter Word?
by Karen Clickner, C.C.H.
(November 2016)
Why You Should Be Eating Organ Meats
by Dr. Sarah Cimperman, ND
(November 2017)
Wild As A Rose
by Susun S. Weed
(June 2010)
Wisdom from Ancient Greece on Health and Happiness
by Maria Benardis
(March 2016)
Wise Woman Ways to Boost Your Energy
by Susun Weed
(October 2013)
Wise Woman Ways to Prevent Depression
by Susun Weed
(February 2009)
Yeast, Fungus, Candida and Other Such Critters That Make Us Sick & Well, Part 1
by Michael Cheikin MD
(September 2017)
Yin Yoga: A Practice of Quiet Power
by Biff Mithoefer
(January 2010)
Yoga & Meditation: A Mindful Way to Lose Weight
by John Cahill
(January 2014)
Yoga & Vegetarianism
by Sharon Gannon
(September 2009)
Yoga As Medicine
by Darshan Goswami
(March 2023)
Yoga Benefits Arthritis Sufferers
by John Cahill
(May 2014)
Yoga Science Teaches Us How to Transform Energy
by Leonard Perlmutter
(May 2017)
Yoga Therapy: The Next Big Wave In Yoga
by Alison West, Ph.D., ERYT
(April 2007)
Yoga: A Tradition with the Martial Arts
by Christopher Bashaw
(February 2009)
Yoga: Embodyment Without Body
by Molly Lannon Kenny, MS-CCC
(January 2008)
You Are A Healer - You Just Don't Know It Yet!
by Jeff Donovan
(September 2013)
You Are What You Listen To!
by Jill Mattson
(September 2013)
You Can't See Them
by Harlyene Goss
(February 2023)
You Have the Power to Heal Your Pet
by Dr. Zhi Gang Sha
(November 2013)
Your Body is Your Guide and Compass
by Michele Germain
(June 2009)
Your Cells Are Listening: How Talking To Your Body Helps You Heal
by Therese Wade
(May 2016)
Your Health Savings Account: Are You Making Regular Deposits?
by Dr. Denise Chranowski
(January 2012)
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