"We Wish To Alight Much Love Into Your Life"
by Alicja Bialasiewicz RN, ATP®
(December 2012)
'Olohe Malu
by Lei'ohu Ryder
(July 2009)
10 Things You Can Do Now To Become A Sacred Activist
by Andrew Harvey
(July 2009)
10 Tips
by Flynn Johnson, MA, LCMHC
(March 2011)
10 Ways Rituals Help Us Celebrate Our Lives
by Abigail Brenner, MD
(December 2007)
11, 11:01, 11:11 - What Does It All Mean?
by Rochelle Sparrow
(October 2009)
114 Monarch Butterflies
by Eve Wilson
(October 2020)
144 The Christ Vibration Jesus Through Virginia Ellen
by Virginia Ellen
(January 2013)
2008: Year of Fortune
by James Wanless, PhD
(January 2008)
2012 & You: Your Soul Purpose and World Destiny
by Clare Coriell
(December 2009)
2012: The Great Awakening
by Zacciah Blackburn, PhD
(November 2010)
2012: The Missing Key
by Adolphina Shephard
(March 2010)
2020 Vision
by Eve Wilson
(January 2020)
4 Ways the Angels Build our Self-esteem
by Crystal Pomeroy
(March 2022)
5 Essential Oils to Help You Practice Gratitude
by Margaret Ann Lembo
(December 2022)
5 Keys to "Being" in Harmony
by Dawn James
(February 2014)
5 Ways to Use Tarot Holistically for Developing Intuition, Healing & Personal Growth
by Kris Gurky
(March 2020)
5D Vibration vs 5D Location
by Alison David Bird, C.Ht., Originator of Marconics Ascension Healing
(September 2020)
5th Dimension Consciousness
by Trish LeSage
(April 2014)
7 Signs of the Approaching Second Coming
by Zinovia Dushkova, Ph.D.
(January 2017)
A Banquet of Desires
by Grace Elohim, via Alison David Bird, C.ht. Originator of MARCONICS
(January 2017)
A Call to Hearts
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(October 2014)
A Call to Hearts
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(March 2013)
A Call to Hearts
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(October 2012)
A Christmas Message: Let Us Rejoice
by Paramahansa Yogananda
(December 2011)
A Crystal Heart
by Skye Stephenson, PhD
(September 2009)
A Cup of Consciousness Connection
by Aleya Dao
(April 2015)
A Deeper Calling
by Leslie Caplan
(November 2011)
A Gift From Bessie the Cow
by Jan Feuer
(July 2019)
A Global World Order
by Marguerite dar Boggia
(September 2022)
A Happy Surprise
by Jan Feuer
(September 2018)
A Kind of Devine Magic
by Eve Wilson
(October 2015)
A Lock of Hair
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(June 2012)
A Long, Fat, Venomous Snake
by Monty Joynes
(December 2016)
A Message
by Alison David Bird, C.Ht., Originator of Marconics Ascension Energy Healing
(January 2019)
A Message From Spirit
by Alicja Bialasiewicz RN, ATP®
(April 2013)
A Near Death Experience
by Marguerite dar Boggia
(September 2018)
A Path of Joy
by Paramananda Ishaya
(August 2013)
A Prayer For Mindful Eating
by Sue Ustas
(May 2012)
A Revolution of Angels
by Dawna Markova
(October 2008)
A Search
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(December 2010)
A Season of Ripening
by Sherry Ruth Anderson
(August 2013)
A Simple and Universal Healing Tool
by Eve Wilson
(July 2021)
A Spiritual Lent
by Yolanda Sing
(March 2013)
A State Bank for Every State
by Marguerite dar Boggia
(May 2018)
A Story From The Ages
by James Twyman
(March 2008)
A Story of Planning Blindness
by Robert Schwartz
(December 2007)
A Travesty of Errors by the Christian Church
by Marguerite dar Boggia
(May 2019)
A Way Is Provided
by Moriah Marston & The Tibetan
(February 2008)
A World Without War
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(June 2011)
Absolute Faith: The Power of Miracles
by Cheryl Lee Harnish
(January 2011)
by Alicja Bialasiewicz
(May 2014)
Action at a Distance
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(June 2013)
Aina, Through the Eyes of a Spiritual Warrior
by Lynn Andrews
(October 2008)
Akashic Records: A Sacred Tool To Heal Your Soul
by Jennifer Longmire
(May 2009)
Alchemy: The Transformative Power of Love
by Kahu Fred Sterling
(May 2010)
Align With Your True Identity
by Adrianus Van Munster, LCSW
(May 2009)
Aligning Self-Will With God's Will
by Robert G. Waldvogel
(June 2022)
Aligning With The Wisdom Of Your Soul
by Mary T. Sise, LCSW
(May 2012)
All Hallows Eve
by Marlene Buffa
(October 2008)
All of Me
by Eve Wilson
(April 2023)
Allow Your Gifts to Come Forth
by Alicja Bialasiewicz RN, ATP®
(July 2013)
America, Freedom, Sufism
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(February 2014)
American Freedom & Sufism
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(April 2012)
Amethyste’s Angels – Angels Help with All Things Large and Small
by Cassendre Xavier
(May 2014)
Amethyste’s Angels: Healing After Fundamentalist Christianity
by Cassendre Xavier
(March 2019)
Angel Healing & Spirituality: When It's Time to Leave a Place, the Angels Will Help You
by Cassendre Xavier
(September 2017)
Angel Message for November
by Nancy Johansen
(November 2008)
Angel Message For September 2008
by Nancy Johansen
(September 2008)
by Nancy E. Yearout
(October 2017)
Angels of Your Food
by Eve Wilson
(February 2015)
Animals and Spiritual Evolution
by Barbara Y. Martin and Dimitri Moraitis
(September 2016)
Approaching the Year 2012 As An Opportunity
by Dr. Jonathan Cohen & Shari Landau
(December 2008)
Are Synchronicities Just A Co-Incidence?
by Anthony Talmage
(August 2022)
Are There Ghosts at Spirit House?
by Madis Senner
(April 2011)
Are You Having Fun?
by Moriah Marston & The Tibetan
(June 2006)
Are You on The Hero’s Path?
by Sohpie Rose
(May 2012)
As Luck Would Have It
by Margaret Ann Lembo
(March 2022)
As You See, So Is The World
by Achrya Mahaprajna
(November 2009)
Ascension: A New Set of Soul Contracts
by Eve Wilson
(March 2014)
Ascension: There Will Be No Nuclear War
by Marguerite dar Boggia
(December 2016)
Ascension: What's Holding You Back?
by Kahu Fred Sterling
(February 2010)
Ask Rochele
by Rochelle Sparrow
(May 2009)
Ask Rochelle
by Rochelle Sparrow
(June 2009)
Ask Rochelle
by Rochelle Sparrow
(July 2009)
Ask Rochelle
by Rochelle Sparrow
(February 2009)
Ask Rochelle
by Rochelle Sparrow
(March 2009)
Ask Rochelle
by Rochelle Sparrow
(April 2009)
Ask Rochelle
by Rochelle Sparrow
(February 2010)
Ask Rochelle
by Rochelle Sparrow
(March 2010)
Ask Rochelle
by Rochelle Sparrow
(May 2010)
Ask Rochelle
by Rochelle Sparrow
(April 2010)
Ask Rochelle
by Rochelle Sparrow
(November 2009)
Ask Rochelle
by Rochelle Sparrow
(October 2009)
Ask Rochelle
by Rochelle Sparrow
(December 2009)
Ask Rochelle
by Rochelle Sparrow
(January 2010)
Ask Rochelle
by Rochelle Sparrow
(November 2008)
Ask Rochelle
by Rochelle Sparrow
(May 2008)
Ask Rochelle
by Rochelle Sparrow
(June 2008)
Ask Rochelle
by Rochelle Sparrow
(July 2008)
Ask Rochelle
by Rochelle Sparrow
(March 2008)
Ask Rochelle
by Rochelle Sparrow
(February 2008)
Ask Rochelle
by Rochelle Sparrow
(January 2008)
Ask Rochelle
by Rochelle Sparrow
(September 2007)
Ask Rochelle
by Rochelle Sparrow
(October 2007)
Ask Rochelle
by Rochelle Sparrow
(July 2010)
Ask Rochelle
by Rochelle Sparrow
(June 2010)
Ask Rochelle - Celestial Waters Through Rochelle Sparrow
by Rochelle Sparrow
(December 2008)
Ask Rochelle - Stars of Celestial Waters Through Rochele Sparrow
by Rochelle Sparrow
(September 2009)
Ask Taeboo - A Spiritual Guide
by Taeboo
(December 2008)
Ask Your Mama
by Mama Donna Henes, Urban Shaman
(December 2008)
Ask Your Mama
by Mama Donna Henes, Urban Shaman
(January 2009)
Ask Your Mama
by Mama Donna Henes, Urban Shaman
(November 2008)
Ask Your Mama
by Mama Donna Henes, Urban Shaman
(June 2008)
Ask Your Mama
by Mama Donna Henes, Urban Shaman
(May 2008)
Ask Your Mama
by Mama Donna Henes, Urban Shaman
(September 2008)
Ask Your Mama
by Mama Donna Henes, Urban Shaman
(October 2008)
Ask Your Mama
by Mama Donna Henes, Urban Shaman
(July 2008)
Ask Your Mama
by Mama Donna Henes, Urban Shaman
(August 2008)
Ask Your Mama
by Mama Donna Henes, Urban Shaman
(December 2007)
Ask Your Mama
by Mama Donna Henes, Urban Shaman
(February 2008)
Ask Your Mama
by Mama Donna Henes, Urban Shaman
(January 2008)
Ask Your Mama
by Mama Donna Henes, Urban Shaman
(March 2008)
Ask Your Mama
by Mama Donna Henes, Urban Shaman
(April 2008)
Ask Your Mama
by Mama Donna Henes, Urban Shaman
(October 2009)
Ask Your Mama
by Mama Donna Henes, Urban Shaman
(November 2009)
Ask Your Mama
by Mama Donna Henes, Urban Shaman
(December 2009)
Ask Your Mama
by Mama Donna Henes, Urban Shaman
(April 2010)
Ask Your Mama
by Mama Donna Henes, Urban Shaman
(May 2010)
Ask Your Mama
by Mama Donna Henes, Urban Shaman
(March 2010)
Ask Your Mama
by Mama Donna Henes, Urban Shaman
(January 2010)
Ask Your Mama
by Mama Donna Henes, Urban Shaman
(May 2009)
Ask Your Mama
by Mama Donna Henes, Urban Shaman
(April 2009)
Ask Your Mama
by Mama Donna Henes, Urban Shaman
(March 2009)
Ask Your Mama
by Mama Donna Henes, Urban Shaman
(February 2009)
Ask Your Mama
by Mama Donna Henes, Urban Shaman
(June 2009)
Ask Your Mama
by Mama Donna Henes, Urban Shamani
(July 2009)
Ask Your Mama
by Donna Henes, Urban Shaman
(August 2009)
Ask Your Mama
by Mama Donna Henes, Urban Shaman
(September 2009)
Ask Your Mama
by Mama Donna Henes, Urban Shaman
(June 2010)
Ask Your Mama
by Mama Donna Henes, Urban Shaman
(July 2010)
Ask Your Mama
by Mama Donna Henes, Urban Shaman
(August 2010)
Ask Your Mama
by Mama Donna Henes, Urban Shaman
(September 2010)
Ask Your Mama
by Mama Donna Henes, Urban Shaman
(November 2010)
Ask Your Mama
by Mama Donna Henes, Urban Shaman
(October 2010)
Ask Your Mama
by Mama Donna Henes, Urban Shaman
(March 2011)
Ask Your Mama
by Mama Donna Henes
(December 2010)
Ask Your Mama
by Mama Donna Henes, Urban Shaman
(January 2011)
Ask Your Mama
by Mama Donna Henes
(February 2011)
Ask Your Mama
by Mama Donna Henes, Urban Shaman
(March 2012)
Ask Your Mama
by Mama Donna Henes, Urban Shaman
(March 2012)
Ask Your Mama
by Mama Donna Henes, Urban Shaman
(May 2011)
Ask Your Mama
by Mama Donna Henes, Urban Shaman
(July 2011)
Ask Your Mama
by Mama Donna Henes, Urban Shaman
(November 2011)
Ask Your Mama
by Mama Donna Henes, Urban Shaman
(August 2011)
Ask Your Mama
by ©Mama Donna Henes, Urban Shaman
(October 2012)
Ask Your Mama
by Mama Donna Henes, Urban Shaman
(August 2012)
Ask Your Mama
by Donna Henes, Urban Shaman
(September 2012)
Ask Your Mama
by Mama Donna Henes, Urban Shaman
(January 2013)
Ask Your Mama
by Donna Henes, Urban Shaman
(March 2013)
Ask Your Mama
by Mama Donna Henes, Urban Shaman
(May 2013)
Ask Your Mama
by Mama Donna Henes, Urban Shaman
(February 2013)
Ask Your Mama
by Mama Donna Henes, Urban Shaman
(December 2012)
Ask Your Mama
by Mama Donna Henes, Urban Shaman
(November 2012)
Ask Your Mama
by Mama Donna Hennes, Urban Shaman
(July 2013)
Ask Your Mama
by Mama Donna Hennes, Urban Shaman
(June 2013)
Ask Your Mama
by Mama Donna Henes, Urban Shaman
(April 2013)
Ask Your Mama
by Donna Henes, Urban Shaman
(November 2013)
Ask Your Mama
by Mama Donna Henes, Urban Shaman
(December 2013)
Ask Your Mama
by Mama Donna Henes, Urban Shaman
(January 2014)
Ask Your Mama
by Mama Donna Henes, Urban Shaman
(April 2014)
Ask Your Mama™
by Mama Donna Henes, Urban Shaman
(June 2012)
Ask Your Pet
by Jennifer Dickman
(September 2018)
Ask Your Pet
by Jennifer Dickman
(November 2018)
Astrologer Seeks to Help the World
by Marguerite dar Boggia
(November 2014)
At The Crossroads
by Diana Harris
(October 2011)
Atlantis & Lemuria: Longitudes & Laitudes
by Tom T. Moore
(August 2017)
Atlantis Revisited - True Eden?
by Jill Mattson
(May 2012)
August 5th: Communication From Orca With Deceased Baby
by J-Pod (via Chiara)
(September 2018)
August Nights
by Eve Wilson
(August 2024)
Awakening Signatures of Kundalini
by Master Chrism
(December 2009)
Awakening the Chakras
by Thunderbeat
(January 2008)
Awareness: The Salvation of the World
by Marguerite dar Boggia
(April 2019)
Balanced Living
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(April 2019)
Balanced Living
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(May 2011)
Be Love: Teachings From the Brotherhood of Light Workers
by Judi Thomases
(May 2015)
Be Your Own Light
by Robert Welton
(September 2013)
Beautiful Spiritual Energy
by Eve Wilson
(March 2016)
Become A Powerful Healer in 60 Minutes
by Kerri Bodmer Colegrove
(April 2009)
Becoming Aware of Your Resistance
by Lynn Andrews
(July 2017)
Becoming Our Own Holy/Wise One
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(August 2017)
Becoming Our Own Wise One
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(October 2009)
Becoming Our Own Wise One
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(December 2013)
Becoming Self Aware
by Alison David Bird
(May 2019)
Becoming Unconditional in the Words We Use
by Patti Conklin
(June 2017)
Beejeebers and Stuffin'
by Marlene Buffa
(April 2009)
Before Evolution There Was Involution
by Marguerite dar Boggia
(December 2017)
Being Sealed By God
by Vrginia Elllen
(March 2013)
Believe in Universal Love
by Eve Wilson
(December 2017)
Believe in Universal Love
by Eve Wilson
(November 2021)
Bending of Will
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(February 2015)
Benito Mussolini the Fascist Dictator
by Marguerite dar Boggia
(August 2016)
Better World & Spiritual Learning
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(November 2016)
Beyond Fortune Telling
by James Wanless, PhD
(October 2007)
Beyond What Meets the Eye
by Eve Wilson
(January 2017)
Big Love: Secrets From Soulmates Arielle & Brian
by Arielle Ford & Brian Hilliard
(March 2009)
Big Love: Secrets From Soulmates Arielle & Brian
by Arielle Ford & Brian Hilliard
(July 2009)
Big Love: Secrets from Soulmates Arielle & Brian
by Arielle Ford & Brian Hilliard
(October 2009)
Big Love: Secrets From Soulmates Arielle & Brian
by Arielle Ford & Brian Hilliard
(November 2010)
Big Love: Secrets From Soulmates Arielle and Brian
by Arielle Ford & Brian Hilliard
(December 2010)
Bird Cage
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(January 2013)
Birth, Death and Rebirth
by Annamaria Hemingway
(November 2007)
Birthing Pains
by Grace Elohim via Alison David Bird
(November 2016)
Biss Balls: A Radical New Message for Anxiety Sufferers
by Paramananda
(September 2013)
Bless This Food
by Adrian Butash
(December 2007)
Bliss and Bowing Down to Divine
by Prashant Trivedi
(June 2010)
Bliss: Right Now, Right Here
by Judi Thomases
(July 2017)
Breaking Free
by Eve Wilson
(March 2019)
Bringing the Love Inside
by Eve Wilson
(February 2018)
Bringing the Sweetness Home
by Eve Wilson
(October 2018)
Bringing the Sweetness Home
by Eve Wilson
(October 2021)
Broken or Ascending?
by Eve Wilson
(July 2023)
Brothers of the Shadow
by Marguerite dar Boggia
(October 2023)
Buddha & The Buddhu (ignorant)
by Bhagavan Shree Prasannaji
(August 2011)
Buddha Siddhartha
by Marguerite dar Boggia
(September 2023)
Call To Action
by Adolphina Shephard
(February 2011)
Calling in the Heart of Your Beloved
by Deirdre Hade
(April 2019)
Can Two Things, Seemingly Different, Be True At The Same Time?
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(March 2019)
Carl Jung: The Mystic Who Discovered Our Inner Tarot Deck
by Bernie O'Connor
(August 2008)
Celebrating Our Humanity at Winter Solstice
by Gwendolyn Evans
(December 2020)
Chakra Information
by Martin Brofman
(November 2013)
Channeling Massachusetts - Predicitions, Life and Hope
by David Lowell
(July 2009)
Channelings from Alicja
by Alicja
(August 2012)
Childhood Education for Heart, Mind and Soul
by Eve Wilson
(June 2018)
Children, Animals & Spirit Guides
by Dr. Steven Farmer
(December 2012)
Christian Mysticism
by Mother Clare Watts
(December 2009)
Christina Predicts
by Christina
(October 2008)
Claim Your Accomplishments from 2024
by Eve Wilson
(December 2024)
Claim Your Accoomplishments From 2022
by Eve Wilson
(December 2022)
Cleaning Away the Dirt
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(June 2015)
Clearing Your Way to Chant
by Kailash
(January 2008)
Co-Creating 2024
by Eve Wilson
(January 2024)
Co-Dependence To Co-Creation
by Lisa Raphael
(October 2012)
Coaxing Lost Soul Parts Out Of Hiding
by Deah Curry, PhD
(June 2007)
Commuting & Enlightenment: Is It Possible?
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(August 2008)
Complacency: Breaking the Spell
by Moriah Marston & The Tibetan
(August 2006)
Completing Evolution: Interactions Between Student, Teacher & Path
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(February 2015)
Completing Evolution: Interactions Between Student, Teacher & Path
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(August 2014)
Completing Evolution: Interactions Between Student, Teacher & Path
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(June 2017)
Completing Evolution: Interactions Between Student, Teacher & Path
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(October 2016)
Completing Evolution: Interactions Between Student, Teacher & Path
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(May 2016)
Connecting With God
by dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(June 2012)
Connecting With The Love Inside Above All Else
by Phyllis Light, PhD
(November 2020)
Connecting With Your Angels
by Zara Angel
(March 2009)
Connection with the Divine
by Loretta Vasso
(June 2009)
Consciously Creating Harmony
by Phyllis Light, PhD
(November 2021)
Consciousness and the Soul
by Chris Lovelidge
(October 2018)
Contemplating Chaos
by Peter Canova
(November 2024)
Controlling Our Thoughts and Feelings
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(May 2017)
Cooperation + Tolerance = Peace: Formula For World Peace
by Adi Da Samraj
(June 2015)
Cooperation + Tolerance = Peace: Formula For World Peace
by The World-Friend Adi Da
(May 2015)
Cosmic Eye
by Paramananda Ishaya
(October 2013)
Courage to Act
by Master Chrism
(January 2010)
Courage to Thrive
by Eve Wilson
(February 2025)
Creating A Soul Pod
by Deirdre Hade
(June 2018)
Creating A Sound Spirit
by Don Campbell
(July 2008)
Creating A World of Love
by Kathy Wilson
(January 2022)
Creating an Intention Crystal for Your New Year's Success
by Deirdre Hade
(January 2019)
Cultivating Meaningful Soul-Based Relationships
by Moriah Marston & The Tibetan
(February 2010)
Cycles of Integrity
by Denise Mattoo
(October 2009)
Dawn of the Feral Soul
by Marlene Buffa
(January 2009)
Dear God – What can I do to make this world a better place?
by Alicja
(June 2013)
Delighting the Soul: The Highest Purpose of Your Life
by Melody Larson
(November 2008)
Destination - Wholeness
by Eve Wilson
(August 2015)
Developing the Christ Self - Jesus
by Virginia Ellen
(February 2013)
Diaries of a Reluctant Psychic
by Phyllis King
(October 2008)
Did You Inherit Your Religion?
by John Penberthy
(October 2008)
Discovering the Divinity Within
by Rasha
(May 2013)
Discovering Your Other Knowing
by Hart Brent
(September 2017)
Dispel Negative Energy with Gratitude and Love
by Yoichi Utebi
(August 2020)
Diversity and Innovation... Change
by Margaret Ann Lembo
(January 2022)
Divine Imagination
by Moriah Marston & The Tibetan
(July 2007)
Divine Intervention
by Moriah Marston & The Tibetan
(August 2007)
Divine Wisdom From Michele Livigston
by Michele Livingston
(January 2011)
Divine Wisdom From Michele Livingston
by Michele Livingston
(May 2011)
Divine Wisdom From Michele Livingston
by Michele Livingston
(March 2011)
Divine Wisdom From Michele Livingston
by Michele Livingston
(May 2010)
Divine Wisdom From Michele Livingston
by Michele Livingston
(July 2010)
Divine Wisdom From Michele Livingston
by Michele Livingston
(November 2010)
Divine Wisdom From Michele Livingston
by Michele Livingston
(September 2010)
Divine Wisdom From Michele Livingston
by Michele Livingston
(July 2011)
Divine Wisdom From Michele Livingston
by Michele Livingston
(September 2011)
Divine Wisdom From Michele Livingston
by Michele Livingston
(November 2011)
Divine Wisdom from Michele Livingston
by Michele Livingston
(August 2007)
Divine Wisdom from Michele Livingston
by Michele Livingston
(September 2007)
Divine Wisdom From Michele Livingston
by Michele Livingston
(November 2007)
Divine Wisdom From Michele Livingston
by Michele Livingston
(October 2007)
Divine Wisdom From Michele Livingston
by Michele Livingston
(July 2007)
Divine Wisdom From Michele Livingston
by Michele Livingston
(April 2007)
Divine Wisdom from Michele Livingston
by Michele Livingston
(June 2007)
Divine Wisdom from Michele Livingston
by Michele Livingston
(January 2008)
Divine Wisdom From Michele Livingston
by Michele Livingston
(December 2007)
Divine Wisdom From Michele Livingston
by Michele Livingston
(March 2008)
Divine Wisdom from Michele Livingston
by Michele Livingston
(February 2008)
Divine Wisdom From Michele Livingston
by Michele Livingston
(November 2008)
Divine Wisdom From Michele Livingston
by Michele Livingston
(September 2008)
Divine Wisdom From Michele Livingston
by Michele Livingston
(December 2008)
Divine Wisdom From Michele Livingston
by Michele Livingston
(January 2009)
Divine Wisdom from Michele Livingston
by Michele Livingston
(July 2008)
Divine Wisdom From Michele Livingston
by Michele Livingston
(June 2008)
Divine Wisdom From Michele Livingston
by Michele Livingston
(May 2008)
Divine Wisdom From Michele Livingston
by Michele Livingston
(August 2008)
Divine Wisdom From Michele Livingston
by Michele Livingston
(October 2008)
Divine Wisdom From Michele Livingston
by Michele Livingston
(October 2009)
Divine Wisdom from Michele Livingston
by Michele Livingston
(November 2009)
Divine Wisdom From Michele Livingston
by Michele Livingston
(January 2010)
Divine Wisdom From Michele Livingston
by Michele Livingston
(December 2009)
Divine Wisdom From Michele Livingston
by Michele Livingston
(February 2010)
Divine Wisdom From Michele Livingston
by Michele Livingston
(March 2010)
Divine Wisdom From Michele Livingston
by Michele Livingston
(July 2009)
Divine Wisdom From Michele Livingston
by Michele Livingston
(June 2009)
Divine Wisdom From Michele Livingston
by Michele Livingston
(September 2009)
Divine Wisdom From Michele Livingston
by Michele Livingston
(August 2009)
Divine Wisdom From Michele Livingston
by Michele Livingston
(March 2009)
Divine Wisdom From Michele Livingston
by Michele Livingston
(April 2009)
Divine Wisdom From Michele Livingston
by Michele Livingston
(August 2006)
Divine Wisdom From Michele Livingston
by Michele Livingston
(February 2009)
Divine Wisdom From Michele Livingston
by Michele Livingston
(June 2006)
Divine Wisdom From Michele Livingston
by Michele Livingston
(May 2006)
Divine Wisdom From Michele Livingston
by Michele Livingston
(July 2006)
DNA Measurably Responds to Human Consciousness
by Marguerite dar Boggia
(January 2024)
Do Angels Exist?
by Marguerite dar Boggia
(June 2015)
Do It With Love
by Eve Wilson
(March 2017)
Do It With Love
by Eve Wilson
(January 2022)
Do We Plan Our Life Challenges Before Birth?
by Robert Schwartz
(December 2007)
Don't Worry About It!
by Moriah Marston & The Tibetan
(October 2007)
Doorway To Dimensions
by Meg Benedicte
(April 2012)
Dr. Masaru Emoto
by Marguerite dar Boggia
(May 2015)
Dr. Ruth Drown: Crucified by the FDA & the AMA
by Marguerite dar Boggia
(March 2019)
Druid Training: Becoming A Caretaker of the Earth
by Ivan McBeth
(October 2009)
Each Great Faith Works
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(September 2012)
Each Great Faith Works
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(February 2019)
Easy Wisdom: How To Connect With Your Own Divine Wisdom
by Katrina Cavanough
(August 2010)
Eckankar: Discover Your Spiritual Mission
(May 2017)
Eclipses Give the Timing of an Event
by Marguerite dar Boggia
(May 2017)
Embody Cosmic Harmony
by Jude Currivan
(April 2007)
Emotions in Our New World
by Norma Gentile
(June 2009)
End Day Scenarios
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(June 2011)
Engaging in the Shift
by Bonnie Waters
(March 2015)
Enhance Your Dream Life With The Chant Of HU
by Mary Carroll Moore
(September 2016)
Enlightening the Heart of the Holidays
by Eve Wilson
(December 2016)
Enlightenment: An Initial Discussion
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(December 2009)
Every Little Victory
by Eve Wilson
(September 2019)
Every Moment A Spiritual Exercise
by Phil Levesque
(July 2018)
Every Moment, A Spiritual Exercise
by Phil Levesque
(March 2020)
Everyday Spirituality: Life As Prayer
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(November 2008)
by Eve Wilson
(September 2015)
Everything is Spiritual
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(September 2018)
Excerpt from "The End of Guilt"
by Edwin Navarro
(May 2013)
Excerpt: Barber School
by Echo Bodine
(December 2008)
Excerpt: Peace With Community
by Rebbe Gabriel Cousens, MD
(December 2008)
Excerpt: Visualize Prosperity from Creative Visualization
by Shakti Gawain
(December 2008)
Expectation & Emotion
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(May 2016)
Experiencing God
by Mother Clare Watts
(April 2010)
Experiencing God
by Mother Clare Watts
(April 2011)
Fake It 'Til You Make It
by Aluna Joy Yaxk'in
(July 2010)
Fathering, Farther Out
by Judi Thomases
(November 2014)
Feeling Lost & Learning to Free Yourself
by Summer
(February 2019)
Feeling the Squeeze
by Eve Wilson
(March 2022)
Feeling the Squeeze
by Eve Wilson
(February 2017)
Filling My Cup
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(July 2013)
Filling the Inner Hunger
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(February 2011)
Find Your Clear Spot
by Eve Wilson
(July 2024)
Finding Our Spiritual Nature
by Aaron Hoopes
(September 2007)
Finding Our Spiritual Nature
by Aaron Hoopes
(November 2007)
Finding Our Way Home
by Gerald Jampolsky, MD & Diane Cirincione, PhD
(April 2008)
FindING Your Song
by Jill Mattson
(September 2012)
Five Stages of an Ideal Mate
by Linda Georgian
(April 2007)
Flowers From Maine: Healing Messages From the Ascended Masters
by Alicja Bialasiewicz RN, ATP®
(March 2013)
Follow Your Heart
by Moriah Marston & The Tibetan
(August 2008)
Follow Your Own North Star
by Alicja with the Ascended Masters
(October 2012)
For People Who Have A Health Problem
by Marguerite dar Boggia
(September 2024)
Forecast 2014: 11 Spiritual Trends Beyond the Shift
by Sara Wiseman
(December 2013)
Fork in the Path
by Norma Gentile
(February 2010)
Free Will and Pre-Birth Planning
by Rob Schwartz
(April 2020)
Freedom To Live and Become
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(July 2011)
Freedom To Trust
by Eve Wilson
(May 2023)
Frolicking with Fairies
by Susun Weed
(June 2009)
From the Heart: Bringing Your Baby Home
by Alan Cohen
(October 2009)
From the Heart: Good News For Crackpots
by Alan Cohen
(August 2009)
From the Heart: How to Begin
by Alan Cohen
(January 2010)
From the Heart: I Love You As You Are
by Alan Cohen
(July 2010)
From the Heart: It's Your Baby
by Alan Cohen
(September 2009)
Gaining Riches With Angels' Help
by Zara Angel
(June 2010)
Gem Spot: The Power of Flowers - Rebirth and Renewal
by Margaret Ann Lembo
(May 2021)
GemSpot: Aligning with Archangel Michael
by Margaret Ann Lembo
(September 2021)
GemSpot: Archangel Zadkiel
by Margaret Ann Lembo
(July 2021)
GemSpot: Divine Intervention - Reconstruct Your Reality
by Margaret Ann Lembo
(March 2021)
Genie of the Lamp
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(February 2015)
Genie of the Lamp
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(November 2012)
Geometry at the Heart of an Atom
by Marguerite dar Boggia
(January 2015)
George Adamski, The Harbinger For The Space Brothers
by Marguerite dar Boggia
(December 2021)
Getting From Here to There
by Eve Wilson
(October 2024)
Getting to the Heart of True Freedom
by Carolyn Gervais
(February 2014)
Getting to True in 2023
by Eve Wilson
(January 2023)
Getting What You Want
by Les Jensen
(January 2019)
Giving & Health
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(February 2017)
Giving & Helping
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(April 2017)
Giving and Helping
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(April 2013)
Global Enlightenment
by Jill Mattson
(April 2017)
Global Seth Conference Begins April 6 in NYC
(March 2019)
God in the Moment
by Ruth Cherry, PhD
(October 2009)
God Is
by Ruth Cherry, PhD
(November 2009)
God is Breathing In
by Alison David Bird
(March 2018)
Going Home
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(January 2013)
Going Inward
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(August 2017)
Good Boundaries For A Better Life
by Eve Wilson
(May 2019)
Gramps: An Original Life
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(March 2012)
Grapes for the Trail
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(October 2011)
Grateful for the Divine Within Us
by Eve Wilson
(November 2018)
by Amy Z. Rowland
(December 2008)
Gratitude & Wellness
by Margaret Ann Lembo
(November 2021)
Gratitude for Things in My Life
by Nancy Schlosser
(May 2020)
Group Awakening & The Independent Spirit
by Moriah Marston & The Tibetan
(April 2009)
Growing Higher Self
by Eve Wilson
(May 2015)
Guardian Angel Conversations
by Tom T. Moore
(February 2012)
Guidance from the Tarot
by Angela Kaufman, CPTR
(March 2010)
Guidance From the Tarot in the Upcoming Season
by Angela Kaufman
(May 2010)
Harvesting the Wisdom of Our Souls
by Les Jensen
(September 2018)
Has The World Teacher Really Appeared?
by Marguerite dar Boggia
(September 2017)
Have Faith
by Alicja Bialasiewicz RN, ATP®
(March 2014)
Have Faith
by Alicja Bialasiewicz
(April 2014)
Have You Ever Felt The Presence Of A Loved One Who Has Passed?
by Angie Printup
(February 2010)
Have You Ever Felt The Presence of a Loved One Who Has Passed?
by Angie Printup
(January 2010)
Having An Open Heart
by Eve Wilson
(February 2019)
Having An Open Heart
by Eve Wilson
(February 2022)
Having Money
by Sanaya Roman & Duane Packer
(January 2008)
Healing and Expansion
by Alicja
(December 2013)
Healing Emotional Turbulence
by Norma Gentile, with Archangel Michael
(June 2012)
Healing Messages From The Ascended Masters
by Alicja Bialasiewicz RN, ATP®
(November 2012)
Healing Messages From the Ascended Masters
by Alicja
(January 2013)
Healing Through the Power of the Holy Spirit
by Gordon Waite, a.k.a. Gordon the Healer
(March 2011)
Healing Victim Consciousness and Judgment
by Robert Schwartz
(May 2020)
Healing Waters
by Mambo Rinmin La Via Bel
(July 2007)
Healthy Activity: Antidote to Life Problems
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(August 2018)
Heart Centered Consciousness, An Exploration of the Original Mind
by David Jakyb Case
(January 2019)
Heated and Covered in Butter
by Marlene Buffa
(July 2009)
Heaven On Earth: The World Beyond Thought
by John C. Robinson, PhD, DMin
(October 2008)
Heavenly Information and Assistance: Celestite and Archangel Gabriel
by Margaret Ann Lembo
(May 2017)
Help for Addictions on the Spiritual Path
by Esme Seraifiel
(July 2013)
Helping Others
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(August 2010)
Helping Your Pet Transition With Love, Grace and Support
by Ellie Pechet, MEd
(May 2022)
Heredity and Healing
by Eve Wilson
(October 2014)
High Flyer or Cheap Seats?
by Alison David Bird
(July 2018)
Higher Knowledge: Enriching & Enabling Factor
by Dt. Stewart Bitkoff
(March 2018)
Higher Knowledge: Enriching & Enabling Factor
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(December 2013)
Higher Knowledge: Enriching & Enabling Factor
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(May 2009)
Higher Self - Be Here
by Eve Wilson
(August 2017)
Hindrance to Self Development
by Marguerite dar Boggia
(August 2019)
Holding the Light: Preparing for the Coming Changed Times
by Cassendre Xavier
(May 2011)
Honor, A Forgotten Concept In America
by Gabriel of Urantia
(August 2021)
Honoring Sacred Space: Amber & Archangel Jophiel
by Margaret Ann Lembo
(March 2018)
Hope for the Future
by Cher Gilmore
(July 2012)
Hope: Our Spiritual Anchor When We Are Connected to Source
by Ellie Pechet, M.Ed.,
(January 2021)
How "The Serenity Prayer" Works
by Robert Waldvogel
(October 2021)
How Can We Make Use of What We Have Gained?
by Eve Wilson
(July 2020)
How Energies Work
by Marguerite dar Boggia
(July 2018)
How High We Can Climb?
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(October 2017)
How Humanity Can Starve the Forces of Darkness
by Marguerite dar Boggia
(August 2017)
How Many Times?
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(April 2012)
How much of what you believe is yours to heal is actually yours to heal?
by Norma Gentile
(May 2010)
How the Minor Arcana of the Tarot Can Reveal the Major Players in Your Life
by Bernie O'Connor
(April 2008)
How To Balance With Magic
by Adelphie Salle
(April 2015)
How to be Spiritual Amidst this Chaos
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(November 2015)
How To Become One With Your Highest Power - Instantly
by Robert Barry
(March 2011)
How to Correct Worldwide Imbalances & Atrocities
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(December 2018)
How to Manifest your desires through Meditation and Effective Prayer
by Yolanda Sing
(July 2012)
Humanity, The World Disciple
by Marguerite dar Boggia
(March 2015)
I Am The Sun
by Laverne Zinrona
(August 2018)
I Love February! (Why?)
by Eve Wilson
(February 2021)
I Love You
by Eve Wilson
(March 2015)
I Wonder As I Wander....
by Alicja Bialasiewicz RN, ATP®
(February 2014)
by Marguerite dar Boggia
(May 2024)
Iananna Says "Me Too"
by Kaliyani Sundari
(August 2018)
If Dogs Could Talk
by Eve Wilson
(April 2018)
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(June 2010)
Impact of a Tragedy: Trayvon Martin
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(April 2012)
Indigo Children: Gifted or Troubled?
by Angela Aim
(December 2012)
Indigo Children: The Enlightened Generation
by Idelle Brand, DDS
(January 2011)
Influenza's History and Its Cure
by Marguerite dar Boggia
(December 2020)
Inner Peace Through Prayer
by Wes Millman
(January 2010)
by Eve Wilson
(March 2023)
Inside the Flying Saucers
by Marguerite dar Boggia
(November 2021)
Insights About Judgment
by Robert G. Waldvogel
(August 2022)
by Moriah Marston & The Tibetan
(June 2008)
Intelligent, Sentient Trees
by Eve Wilson
(July 2015)
Introduction to Spirituality
by Swami Mukundananda
(April 2013)
Introduction: Reincarnation
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(August 2011)
Intuition As Your Power Tool
by Judi Thomases
(March 2015)
Intuition: Yo Got It, Use It!
by Elissa Heyman
(May 2013)
Invite the Light That Shatters Self-Limitation
by Guy Finley
(September 2009)
Is Blood Thicker Than God?
by Gabriel of Urantia
(December 2016)
Islam: A Religion of Peace & Love?
by Dr Stewart Bitkoff
(November 2011)
It's Time to Create Heaven on Earth
by Maureen St. Germain
(November 2017)
It’s Your Turn to Be Santa This Year
by Master Charles Cannon
(December 2016)
Journey Into Awakening
(July 2019)
Journey to the Sun
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(January 1980)
July 19: The Ancient Day of the Lord
by Zinovia Dushkova, PhD
(July 2017)
Kane, A Lesson In Love
by Charles Steed
(June 2012)
Karma & Slow Moving Lines
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(July 2015)
Karmic Attractions
by Eve Wilson
(November 2014)
Karmic Debt & Fellow Travelers
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(August 2011)
Karmic Relationships
by Ellie Pechet, MA
(July 2021)
Keep It Simple
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(February 2016)
Knowing & Achieving Your Purpose
by Zara Angel
(April 2009)
Knowing Right & Wrong
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(September 2013)
Knowing Right and Wrong
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(March 2014)
Knowing Yourself as Radiant Love & Sacred Life – Jesus
by Virginia Ellen
(April 2013)
Kundalini and the Emotions
by Chrism
(February 2014)
Kundalini Fragmentation
by Chrism
(June 2013)
Kundalini Loving Service
by Master Chrism
(June 2011)
Land of the Giants
by Alison David Bird C.Ht. Fully Integrated Avatar Grace Elohim
(March 2020)
Leaning In To Peace
by Ellie Pechet, M.Ed.
(January 2022)
Learning & Classrooms
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(November 2013)
Learning From Life - 11 Lessons
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(February 2016)
Learning Guided Visualization Techniques & Positive Thinking Through Tarot Cards
by Bernie O'Connor
(June 2008)
Learning to be Whole
by Eve Wilson
(June 2015)
Leaving The Tribe
by Moriah Marston & The Tibetan
(April 2007)
Lemurian Light Healing: The Ancient Energy That Is The Wave Of The Future
by Pamela Arwine
(April 2012)
Let Go and Let God
by Alison David Bird
(September 2017)
Letting Go of Fear
by Alicja Bialasiewicz RN, ATP®
(January 2014)
Life Is What Happens When You're Busy Making Other Plans
by Sophie Rose
(October 2012)
Life Path Choices
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(July 2012)
Life: Something You Make-Up as You Go Along
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(November 2011)
Like A Rabbit in the Headlights
by Alison David Bird
(May 2018)
by Alison David Bird
(September 2018)
Listen to Your Heart's Wisdom
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(January 2014)
Living A Life of Magic
by Lynn Andrews
(November 2008)
Location: Places of Worship
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(September 2010)
Look Up!
by Eve Wilson
(April 2017)
Look What We Have Accomplished!
by Eve Wilson
(June 2020)
Lost Souls and Soulless Human Beings
by Marguerite dar Boggia
(June 2023)
Love Never Dies: Afterlife Communication with Deceased Loved Ones
by Cassendre Xavier
(May 2013)
Love Rising ~ PYAAR ISHQ
by Deb Evans
(December 2013)
Loving Beyond Reason
by Pamela Arwine
(July 2007)
Man is a Three-Fold being
by Marguerite dar Boggia
(August 2015)
Man is a Threefold Being with Seven States of Being
by Marguerite dar Boggia
(June 2018)
Man/Woman As The Microcosm
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(May 2012)
Managing Your Transformation
(November 2024)
Many Levels of Your Self
by Eve Wilson
(July 2016)
March Messages and Spiritual Guidance
by Elissa Heyman
(March 2014)
Martial Spirituality
by Pamela Aloia
(August 2008)
Mary Magdalena: 2013 & The Celestial Body of Love
by Virginia Ellen
(December 2012)
Master in Waiting
by Michael Aloia
(October 2008)
Medical Astrology
by Marguerite dar Boggia
(November 2024)
Medical Science Vs. New Methods of Healing
by Marguerite dar Boggia
(July 2016)
Meditate On
by Eve Wilson
(May 2016)
Meditation for Universal Healing, Comfort, Light & Abundance
by Cassendre Xavier
(July 2010)
Meditation from the Ascended Masters
by Alicja
(May 2013)
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(July 2013)
Meditations on the Fall Equinox
by Eve Wilson
(September 2013)
Meeting Your Self at Journey's End
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(December 2014)
Meeting Yourself at Journey's End
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(September 2011)
Memories of Home
by Eve Wilson
(August 2018)
Memories of Home
by Eve Wilson
(September 2021)
Message From My Dad
by Alicja
(September 2012)
Messages and Guidance from Masters, Mystics, Saints and Gemstone Guardians
by Margaret Ann Lembo
(May 2017)
Messages on the Wind
by Eve Wilson
(March 2020)
by Eve Wilson
(October 2022)
Micromanaging God: How We Pray Does Make A Difference
by Norma Gentile
(March 2011)
Minds That Create Thought Forms With Minds Of Their Own
by Anthony Talmadge
(January 2022)
Miracle in Central Park - Armando Meets Eckhart Tolle
by Lorna Davis and Constance Kellough
(June 2018)
Miracles: How Do They Occur?
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(July 2011)
Mitakuye Oyasin: Ancient Wisdom Moving Into the Future
by Gabriel of Urantia
(January 2019)
More Predictions for 2017
by Tom T. Moore
(July 2017)
More Predictions for 2017 and Beyond
by Tom T. Moore
(April 2017)
More Than A Feeling
by Eve Wilson
(April 2015)
Mother Nature’s Diligence, Making Way for the New Age: Indigo, Crystal and Rainbow Children
by Paola Collazos
(May 2016)
Mountain of Light
by Paramananda Ishaya
(December 2013)
Moving Meditations
by Eve Wilson
(March 2018)
Ms. Tuli0p
by Tina Rollins
(May 2019)
Mud, Glorious Mud
by Mambo Rinmin La Via Bel
(August 2008)
My Brother's Keeper
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(October 2011)
My Brother's Keeper
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(September 2014)
My Brother's Keeper*
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(September 2013)
Mysticism’s Effect Upon The World
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(September 2012)
by Marguerite dar Boggia
(October 2020)
Neale Donald Walsch on "The Only Thing That Matters"
(November 2012)
New Children, Indigo, Crystal and Rainbow
by Cinnamon Crow Dixon
(March 2011)
New World Mind
by Eve Wilson
(September 2022)
New World Mind
by Eve Wilson
(August 2022)
Night Screams
by Admir Serrano
(September 2013)
Nikola Tesla's Childhood
by Marguerite dar Boggia
(December 2014)
by Marguerite dar Boggia
(November 2023)
No Regrets
by Moriah Marston & The Tibetan
(April 2008)
No U In Love
by John Ptacek
(December 2011)
Number, Color & Sound: The Basis for the Universe
by Marguerite dar Boggia
(February 2017)
Numerology - Presidency By Numbers
by Rev. Mary Ann Tourjee
(March 2009)
October: Number Ten - God Force, Good Karma & Money Issues
by Elizabeth Summers
(October 2015)
Old Energies, New Energies
by Al Bouchard
(January 2013)
On Happiness
by The Dalai Lama
(September 2008)
On Health
by Marguerite dar Boggia
(August 2023)
On Spiritual Practice
by Sophie Rose
(January 2012)
On The New Technology Of Our Scientists
by Marguerite dar Boggia
(April 2022)
On the Path of Spiritual Aspiration
by Marguerite dar Boggia
(July 2022)
On the Path of Spiritual Aspiration
by Marguerite dar Boggia
(March 2022)
One Idea That Could Change Your Life: Oneness
by Jonathan Ellerby, PhD
(September 2009)
One Step to Oneness
by Pamela Aloia
(January 2008)
Oneness Speaks: The Divine Wisdom in the Imagery of Radical Change
by Rasha
(December 2016)
Only Our Light Can Save Us
by Vaughn Loeffler
(October 2007)
Opening the Conversation
by Joan Borysenko & Gordon Dveirin
(September 2007)
Opening the Conversation
by Joan Borysenko & Gordon Dveirin
(July 2007)
Opening the Gateway Within
by Virginia Ellen
(July 2013)
Opinion: Serving the People
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(November 2013)
Opinion: Serving the People
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(August 2012)
Origins of Wisdom
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(September 2012)
Our Evolving Psychic Spirit
by Sherrie Dillard
(July 2008)
Our Future in the Golden Age
by Marguerite dar Boggia
(August 2021)
Our Global Evolution & The Year 2012
by Dr. Cherie Skinner
(October 2009)
Our Pets As Oneness
by Myshell Howler RScP, OAC
(February 2014)
Our Purpose Here on Earth
by George Catlin
(July 2012)
Our World Will Be Saved
by Marguerite dar Boggia
(March 2020)
Outer Spirit, Inner Soul
by Aaron Hoopes
(September 2010)
by Niánn Emerson Chase
(August 2018)
Parable: Drop of Water
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(February 2011)
Paradise Lost
by Alison David Bird, C.Ht.
(July 2017)
Past Life Clues to Present Day Maladies
by Joanne DiMaggio, MA, CHt,
(August 2017)
Peace is a Choice
by Eve Wilson
(December 2019)
Peace is a Choice
by Eve Wilson
(November 2023)
Peace of Mind
by The Elohim Collective, via Alison David Bird
(May 2017)
Peace, Like A River
by Eve Wilson
(June 2024)
Pharma and Its FDA and CDC Cohorts
by Marguerite dar Boggia
(June 2020)
Photon, Prana and the Pineal: Your Portal to Healing into the 4th Dimension
by Master Guide Kirael, through the mediumship of Kahu Fred Sterling, www.kirael.co
(March 2010)
Physical Ascension Symptoms
by Jennifer Longmore
(April 2009)
by Lisa Barstow
(March 2011)
Plan for Humanity
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(June 2017)
Plan for Humanity
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(March 2016)
Poetry: Garden Cuttings
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(July 2011)
Power Outage Generates a Spark of Divine Love
by Mindy Carlisle
(January 2018)
Power Songs: Techniques to Help Call Back Personal Power
by Daniel Sharp
(July 2012)
Pray for Your Enemies
by Priscilla Selgas
(January 2015)
by Robert Ohotto
(March 2008)
Predict Your Own Future: Create Your Reality
by Margaret Ann Lembo
(January 2020)
Predicting Your Personal Future
by Margaret Ann Lembo
(November 2020)
Predictions 2017 and Beyond
by Tom T. Moore
(December 2016)
Preparing for 2019
by Eve Wilson
(December 2018)
Probabilities & Predictions
by Tom T. Moore
(January 2012)
Psychic Guidance for Summer Success 2014
by Elissa Heyman
(July 2014)
Psychic Messages for 2020
by Elissa Heyman
(January 2020)
Psychic Predictions for 2023
by Elissa Heyman
(March 2023)
Pulling Together
by Eve Wilson
(July 2022)
Pulling Together
by Eve Wilson
(June 2022)
Putting Down My Suitcase
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(March 2011)
Quantum Entanglement
by Marguerite Dar Boggia
(March 2018)
Questions on Spirituality—Ask Swami Mukundananda
(March 2013)
Rare Jewels, Bottled Water and Wasted Energy
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(December 2012)
Reading the Land
by Gwendolyn Evans
(July 2021)
Rebirth for America: Free Will Choice
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(April 2015)
Receiving Guidance
by Moriah Marston & The Tibetan
(November 2007)
Reclaiming God
by Kiva Bottero
(February 2009)
Refreshed by the Magic of Life
by Eve Wilson
(January 2015)
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(March 2017)
Reincarnation: The Development of Soul
by Eve Wilson
(June 2014)
Relationships: A Journey of the Soul
by Michele Germain
(July 2009)
Religion, Politics & Presidential Election-2012
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(July 2012)
Religion: Foundation for Spiritual Learning
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(October 2010)
Religion: Foundation for Spiritual Learning
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(November 2014)
Religion: Foundation for Spiritual Learning
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(September 2016)
Religion: Foundation for Spiritual Learning
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(June 2017)
Religious Form: Internal & External Reality
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(March 2017)
Remaining Centered in Changing Times
by Sue Ustas
(May 2013)
Remembering True Self
by Eve Wilson
(November 2019)
Remove Obstacles: Use the Power of Prayer and Faith
by Margaret Ann Lembo
(July 2019)
Removing the Veil
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(July 2017)
Removing the Veil
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(March 2013)
Removing the Veil
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(June 2013)
Renderings of Realizations
by Niánn Emerson Chase
(July 2020)
Repatterning Our Relationship With Our Ego and Soul
by Archangel Ariel and Sheila Simon
(May 2012)
Resting Back Into Ease
by Norma Gentile
(April 2009)
Resurrection: Hide & Seek
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(March 2011)
Riding A Shining Star
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(August 2015)
Riding the High Side
by Phyllis Light
(January 2015)
Riding the Wave of Change
by Eve Wilson
(August 2020)
Riding the Wave of Change
by Eve Wilson
(May 2024)
Riding the Windhorse of Chaos
by Lynn Andrews
(September 2020)
Rises Like the Phoenix
by Alison David Bird, C.Ht.
(November 2017)
Risking Growth
by Judi Thomases
(November 2014)
Sacred Union
by Bonnie Waters
(December 2015)
Searching for God or the Higher Power of Your Understanding
by Robert G. Waldvogel
(April 2015)
Second Phase Awakening and Heart Center Consciousness
by David Jakyb Case (Channeled)
(February 2019)
Seeing the Illusion: Fear & Reward
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(September 2015)
Seeing the Illusion: Fear & Reward
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(October 2016)
Seeing the Illusion: Fear & Reward
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(January 2011)
Seeing the Illusion: Fear and Reward
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(August 2013)
Seeing What Is Present
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(February 2013)
Seeking the Light Within
by Eve Wilson
(December 2014)
Selected By Extraterrestrials
by Marguerite dar Boggia
(February 2022)
Self-Development: Variability & Singularity
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(September 2017)
Self-Love and True Identity
by Eve Wilson
(February 2024)
by Moriah Marston & The Tibetan
(September 2007)
Separativeness, The Lesson of Humanity
by Marguerite dar Boggia
(August 2022)
September Songs
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(September 2011)
Sexual Healing with the Angels
by Cassendre Xavier
(July 2014)
Shanti Devi - The Child Who Recalled Her Last Life
by Marguerite dar Boggia
(November 2022)
Shanti Devi - The Girl Who Recalled Her Last Life
by Marguerite dar Boggia
(April 2018)
Shanti Devi, The Child Who Recalled Her Last Life
by Marguerite dar Boggia
(November 2016)
Shifting Up in 2019
by Eve Wilson
(January 2019)
Shivam O’Brien on Sin
by Jerry Hyde
(August 2018)
Solution to Complex Problems
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(April 2018)
Solving the World/America's Problems
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(July 2016)
Some End Game Thoughts
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(April 2011)
Some Observations on Enlightenment
by Stewart Bitkoff
(July 2014)
Some Observations on Enlightenment
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(December 2014)
Some Thoughts on the Astral Elemental
by Marguerite dar Boggia
(October 2024)
SOTU on Evolution
by SOTU channeled by Josh Schwartzbach
(March 2009)
Soul Connection: Being Essence
by Moriah Marston & The Tibetan
(February 2009)
Soul Connection: Courage
by Moriah Marston & The Tibetan
(December 2009)
Soul Connection: From the Eyes of A Child
by Moriah Marston & The Tibetan
(March 2010)
Soul Connection: Going Crazy? Navigating the Breakdown Lane
by Moriah Marston & The Tibetan
(July 2010)
Soul Connection: Hitting Bottom
by Moriah Marston & The Tibetan
(June 2009)
Soul Connection: Projection - It's All in the Filter
by Moriah Marston & The Tibetan
(October 2009)
Soul Connections: Leaving the Prison of Shoulds - A Journey Into Authenticity
by Moriah Marston & The Tibetan
(August 2009)
Soul Connections: Self-Betrayal or Self-Love?
by Moriah Marston & The Tibetan
(May 2010)
Soul Integration
by Pamela Arwine
(October 2011)
Soul Journey By The Numbers: January - Here We Go Again!
by Elizabeth Summers
(January 2020)
Soul Journey by the Numbers: January...Here We Go Again!
by Elizabeth Summers
(January 2019)
Soul Journey By The Numbers: Number Three - Don't Worry, Be Happy
by Elizabeth Summers
(March 2020)
Soul Journey by the Numbers: The Number Two - The Gentle Giant
by Elizabeth Summers
(February 2019)
Soul Travel to Move Beyond the Fear of Death
by Mary Carroll Moore
(January 2016)
Soulmate Attraction for the Rest of Us: Faster Results in 3 Easy Steps
by Cassendre Xavier
(July 2015)
Soulmate Attraction for the Rest of Us: Feeling and Living As If
by Cassendre Xavier
(August 2015)
Soulo Journeys By The Numbers: Number Three - Don't Worry, Be Happy
by Elizabeth Summers
(March 2019)
Speaking Truth and Being Kind
by Eve Wilson
(October 2017)
Spirit Energies and Ghosts
by Barry Eaton
(August 2016)
Spirit Guides: Aspects of Self
by Katherine Illescas
(July 2009)
Spirit Guides: Our Cheerleader Team in Spirit
by Natalie Miles
(May 2018)
Spirit Voices of Birds
by Eve Wilson
(June 2016)
by Wendy Stokes
(February 2012)
Spiritual Awakenings in Twelve Step Recovery
by Robert G. Waldvogel
(February 2022)
Spiritual Guidance for Success - Reach for the Stars
by Joanne Brocas
(October 2008)
Spiritual Influences in 2025
by Eve Wilson
(January 2025)
Spiritual Learning & Social Change
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(October 2011)
Spiritual Learning Outcomes
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(September 2010)
Spiritual Traveler's Creed
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(March 2013)
Spiritual Traveler's Creed
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(March 2009)
Spiritual Traveler: Co-Creator & Servant
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(September 2009)
Spiritual Traveler: Co-Creator & Servant
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(April 2014)
Spiritual Traveler: Form to Essence
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(October 2017)
Spiritual Traveler: Form to Essence
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(November 2009)
Spiritual Traveler: Need For A Teacher
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(February 2013)
Spiritual Traveler: Need For A Teacher?
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(January 2009)
Spiritual Traveler: Oneness of Creation
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(February 2010)
Spiritual Traveler: Remember
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(March 2010)
Spiritual Traveler: Remember
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(May 2013)
Spiritual Traveler: The Grand Bazaar
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(January 2010)
Spiritual Traveler: Unlearning & Conditioning
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(May 2010)
Spiritual Traveler: Why Must There Be Suffering?
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(August 2009)
Spiritual Traveler: Why Must There Be Suffering?
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(May 2013)
Spiritual Traveler: Why Must There Be Suffering?
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(August 2013)
Spiritual Understanding
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(April 2013)
Spiritual University: Individual Learning Sequence
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(February 2012)
Spiritual Values: The Source of Manifestation
by Moriah Marston & The Tibetan
(December 2008)
Spiritual Writing & The World of Pond Stories
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(February 2018)
Spiritualism's Radical Roots
by Madis Senner
(November 2011)
Spirituality & Social Change
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(October 2013)
Spirituality & Social Change
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(June 2016)
Spirituality & Social Change
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(October 2014)
by Master Charles Cannon and Will Wilkinson
(March 2017)
Springtime Adventures
by Eve Wilson
(May 2017)
St. Nicholas, Kris Kringle & Papa Noel
by Marlene Buffa
(December 2008)
Stages Along the Way
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(November 2012)
Star-kids and The Shift
by Bonnie Waters
(February 2015)
Staying Close to Your Truth
by Eve Wilson
(May 2013)
Stopping A Cycle of Calamity
by Madis Senner
(August 2011)
Story Time
by Phil Levesque
(January 2020)
Sufi Mysticism & World Sickness
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(February 2019)
Sufi Mysticism & World Sickness
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(May 2014)
Sufi Mysticism & World Sickness
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(October 2016)
Sufis & The Secret Teaching
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(June 2016)
Sufism for Western Seekers: 10 Learning Principles
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(April 2015)
Sufism, Islam and the Lower Self
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(April 2016)
Sun Spots and the Circulation of the Solar System
by Marguerite dar Boggia
(October 2019)
Sun Spots and the Circulations of the Solar System
by Marguerite dar Boggia
(July 2019)
Sun Yoga: The Ancient Path to Enlightenment
by Bob Johnson
(July 2009)
Supplements That Help Ascension
by Eve Wilson
(September 2017)
by Nicholas Downs
(April 2014)
Sweet Relief
by Eve Wilson
(September 2016)
Taking Risks
by Moriah Marston & The Tibetan
(January 2008)
Taking the 100% All-Natural Cure
by Charles Creekmore
(November 2014)
Talking to God
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(October 2012)
Tap Into Your Higher Self For Wisdom & Guidance
by Anthony Talmage
(August 2023)
Tarot and Possibility
by Ellen Goldberg
(March 2009)
Tarot As Therapy
by James Wanless, Creator of Voyager Tarot
(March 2008)
Tarot for Self-Enhancement
by Angela Kaufman
(February 2010)
Tarot Reading
by Angela Kaufman
(April 2010)
Tarot Tutorial - Part Two
by Bernie O'Connor
(May 2008)
Tarot Tutorial: Lessons 5
by Bernie O'Connor
(July 2008)
Teaching Encounter: Whose Money Is It Really?
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(October 2012)
Teaching Encounter: Whose Money Is It Really?
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(July 2011)
Teachings From The Brotherhood of Light Workers
by Judi Thomases
(January 2018)
Teachings From The Brotherhood of Light Workers
by Judi Thomases
(January 2016)
Teachings from the Brotherhood of Light Workers: You Are the Author
by Judi Thomases
(December 2015)
Teachings of the Brotherhood of Light Workers
by Judi Thomases
(February 2016)
Teachings of The Brotherhood of Light Workers
by Judi Thomases
(November 2015)
Teachings of The Brotherhood of Light Workers
by Judi Thomases
(September 2016)
Teachings of The Brotherhood of Light Workers
by Judi Thomases
(October 2016)
Teachings of The Brotherhood of Light Workers
by Judi Thomases
(August 2016)
Teachings of The Brotherhood of Light Workers
by Judi Thomases
(February 2017)
Teachings of The Brotherhood of Light Workers
by Judi Thomases
(November 2016)
Teachings of The Brotherhood of Light Workers
by Judi Thomases
(January 2017)
Teachings of The Brotherhood of Light Workers
by Judi Thomases
(September 2017)
Teachings of The Brotherhood of Light Workers
by Judi Thomases
(December 2017)
Teachings of The Brotherhood of Light Workers
by Judi Thomases
(May 2017)
Teachings of The Brotherhood of Light Workers
by Judi Thomases
(June 2017)
Teachings of The Brotherhood of Light Workers
by Judi Thomases'
(August 2017)
Teachings of the Brotherhood of Light Workers
by Judi Thomases
(February 2018)
Teachings of the Brotherhood of Light Workers
by Judi Thomases
(April 2018)
Teachings of the Brotherhood of Light Workers
by Judi Thomases
(March 2018)
Teachings of the Brotherhood of Light Workers
by Judi Thomases
(June 2018)
Teachings of the Brotherhood of Light Workers
by Judi Thomases
(May 2018)
Teachings of the Brotherhood of Light Workers
by Judi Thomases
(August 2018)
Teachings of the Brotherhood of Light Workers
by Judi Thomases'
(September 2018)
Teachings of the Brotherhood of Light Workers
by Judi Thomases
(December 2018)
Teachings of the Brotherhood of Light Workers
by Judi Thomases'
(November 2018)
Teachings of the Brotherhood of Light Workers
by Judi Thomases
(October 2018)
Teachings of the Brotherhood of Light Workers
by Judi Thomases
(July 2019)
Teachings of the Brotherhood of Light Workers
by Judi Thomases
(June 2019)
Teachings of The Brotherhood of Light Workers
by Judi Thomases
(May 2019)
Teachings of The Brotherhood of Light Workers
by Judi Thomases
(January 2019)
Teachings of The Brotherhood of Light Workers
by Judi Thomases'
(February 2019)
Teachings of The Brotherhood of Light Workers
by Judi Thomases
(December 2019)
Teachings of the Brotherhood of Light Workers
by Judi Thomases
(November 2019)
Teachings of the Brotherhood of Light Workers
by Judi Thomases
(April 2019)
Teachings of The Brotherhood of Light Workers
(August 2019)
Teachings of the Brotherhood of Light Workers
by Judi Thomases
(September 2019)
Teachings of the Brotherhood of Light Workers
by Judi Thomases
(October 2019)
Teachings of The Brotherhood of Light Workers: Accessing Guidance
by Judi Thomases
(November 2017)
Teachings of The Brotherhood of Light Workers: Grace Under Fire
by Judi Thomases
(March 2017)
Teachings of The Brotherhood of Light Workers: Serenity
by Judi Thomases
(May 2016)
Teachings of The Brotherhood of Light Workers: Speak Up
by Judi Thomases
(July 2015)
Teachings of the Brotherhood of Light Workers: The Appearance
by Judi Thomases
(June 2015)
Teachings of the brotherhood of Light Workers: The Experiment
by Judi Thomases
(August 2015)
Teachings of The Brotherhood of Light Workers: The Gate & The Key
by Judi Thomases
(October 2015)
Teachings of The Brotherhood of Light Workers: The Impossible Task
by Judi Thomases
(December 2016)
Teachings of The Brotherhood of Light Workers: The Quest for Harmony
by Judi Thomases
(June 2016)
Teachings of the Brotherhood of Light Workers: Your Greatest Gift
by Judi Thomases
(March 2016)
Teachings of the Brotherhoods of Light Workers
by Judi Thomases
(March 2019)
Tears Along the Way
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(September 2011)
Telling It Like It Is
by Jean-Claude Gerard Koven
(April 2007)
The "Vibes" of Psychic Phenomena
by Linda Georgian
(June 2007)
The 11:11 Phenomenon
by Hilary Carter
(September 2013)
The Alchemical Rub
by Moriah Marston & The Tibetan
(December 2007)
The Alchemists
by Alison David Bird, CHt, the fully integrated Avatar Grace Elohim
(July 2019)
The Angles of Anger
by Robert G. Waldvogel
(January 2022)
The Art of Nothingness
by Paramananda
(January 2014)
The Ascendance of Man
by Pierre Richard Dubois
(January 2014)
The Awakening
by Zacciah Blackburn
(July 2007)
The Awakening of Humanity
by Lynne Girdlestone
(September 2020)
The Best Spiritual Practice: Does Practice Really Make Perfect?
by Jonathan Ellerby, PhD
(May 2009)
The Birth We Call Death
by Admir Serrano
(August 2013)
The Bosnian Pyramids
by Tom T. Moore
(March 2012)
The Case for Telepathy
by Tom T. Moore
(November 2013)
The Cause of Disease
by Marguerite dar Boggia
(July 2023)
The Constant of Nineveh
by Marguerite dar Boggia
(November 2020)
The Courage of a Lion
by Alison David Bird C.Ht. Originator of Marconics Ascension Healing
(November 2019)
The Covid 19 Pandemic Will Lead To The Divine Plan
by Marguerite dar Boggia
(May 2020)
The Dark Knight
by Master Chrism
(June 2011)
The Dark Side of Ayahuasca
by Shaman Elizabeth Herrera
(August 2014)
The Darkest Hour
by Alison David Bird, C.Ht, originator of Marconics Ascension Energy Healing
(May 2020)
The Day After the Great Shift
by Kirael through Kahu Fred Sterling
(December 2009)
The Deeper Spiritual Purpose of Pets
by Rob Schwartz
(August 2020)
The Deeper Spiritual Purpose of Pets
by Robert Schwartz
(April 2014)
The Demystification of Deeksha Energy Transference
by Pamela Arwine
(March 2011)
The Divine Feminine through Mary
by Sherrie Dillard
(July 2012)
The Divine Function of Anger
by Moriah Marston & The Tibetan
(May 2006)
The Earth
by Dia (channeled)
(January 2012)
The Economics of Spirituality
by Phyllis King
(January 2009)
The Endless Circle Of Grace
by Maresha Ducharme
(November 2017)
The Essence of God
by Robert G. Waldvogel
(August 2021)
The Evolution of Enlightenment
by Eve Wilson
(June 2023)
The Exemplar
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(April 2014)
The Fall Equinox: A Time to Surrender
by Virginia Ellen
(October 2013)
The Federal Reserve: The Source of World Chaos
by Marguerite dar Boggia
(September 2015)
The Foundation of the Way
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(March 2015)
The Fundamental Laws and Rules of Healing
by Marguerite dar Boggia
(October 2022)
The Gift of Power Animals
by Eve Wilson
(June 2017)
The Goal of Life
by Swami Mukundananda
(June 2013)
The Golden Caress
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(September 2015)
The Governors Have Power - Too Bad They Do Not Use It For The People
by Marguerite dar Boggia
(February 2018)
The Grass Isn't Greener Over There
by Paramananda Ishaya
(November 2013)
The Great Narrows: Through the Eye of the Needle
by Moriah Marston
(January 2012)
The Healing Crisis: Leaving the Numb Zone
by Moriah Marston & The Tibetan
(October 2008)
The Healing Crystal Technologies of Harry Oldfield
by Marguerite dar Boggia
(July 2015)
The Healing of Nelda Doe
by Katherine L. Bennett
(December 2007)
The Healing Power of Past Life Recall and Dreams
by Mike DeLuca
(January 2018)
The Healing Power of Prayer
by Darshan Goswami
(October 2024)
The Healing Power of Your Aura
by Barbara Y. Martin
(April 2007)
The Higher Service
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(April 2017)
The Holy Books
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(June 2011)
The Human Aura
by Eve Wilson
(November 2015)
The Human Aura, Part 2
by Eve Wilson
(December 2015)
The Inevitable Question
by Michael Delucca
(November 2016)
The Inner Terrorist
by Moriah Marston & The Tibetan
(June 2007)
The Inner War: Conquest of Self
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(May 2012)
The Joy of Giving
by Darshan Goswami
(October 2023)
The Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction for 2020 or The Start of the Next War
by Marguerite dar Boggia
(November 2017)
The Language of Dreamtime
by Alison David Bird
(March 2019)
The Law of Attraction: 10 Ways to Raise Your Vibration During Challenging Times
by Cassendre Xavier
(August 2014)
The Law of Love
by Chaim Ratz
(July 2008)
The Long Walk From Darkness To Light
by Steven Boyd
(July 2020)
The Magic of God
by Virginia Ellen
(May 2013)
The Magical World of Numbers:
by Elizabeth Summers
(May 2019)
The Magical World of Numbers: April - Spring Into Action
by Elizabeth Summers
(April 2017)
The Magical World of Numbers: April - Spring Into Action Through Planning
by Elizabeth Summers
(April 2015)
The Magical World of Numbers: April - Spring Into Action Through Planning
by Elizabeth Summers
(April 2019)
The Magical World of Numbers: April - Spring Into Action Through Planning
by Elizabeth Summers
(April 2018)
The Magical World of Numbers: April - Spring Into Action Through Planning
by Elizabeth Summers
(April 2020)
The Magical World of Numbers: April - Spring Into Action Through Planning
by Elizabeth Summers
(April 2021)
The Magical World of Numbers: April...Spring Into Action Through Planning
by Elizabeth Summers
(April 2016)
The Magical World of Numbers: August - Money, Power & Authority
(August 2015)
The Magical World of Numbers: August - Money, Power, Authority
by Elizabeth Summers
(August 2016)
The Magical World of Numbers: August - Money, Power, Authority
by Elizabeth Summers
(August 2017)
The Magical World of Numbers: August - Money, Power, Authority
by Elizabeth Summers
(August 2021)
The Magical World of Numbers: August - Money, Power, Authority
by Elizabeth Summers
(August 2020)
The Magical World of Numbers: August - Money, Power, Authority
by Elizabeth Summers
(August 2018)
The Magical World of Numbers: August - Money, Power, Authority
by Elizabeth Summers
(August 2019)
The Magical World of Numbers: December - Values, Attitude Adjustments, Party Time
by Elizabeth Summers
(December 2019)
The Magical World of Numbers: December - Values, Attitude Adjustments, Party Time!
by Elizabeth Summers
(December 2020)
The Magical World of Numbers: December - Values, Attitude Adjustments, Party Time!
by Elizabeth Summers
(December 2017)
The Magical World of Numbers: December - Values, Attitude Adjustments, Party Time!
by Elizabeth Summers
(December 2015)
The Magical World of Numbers: January - Here We Go Again!
by Elizabeth Summers
(January 2021)
The Magical World of Numbers: January - New Beginnings in Peace or Pieces
by Elizabeth Summers
(January 2016)
The Magical World of Numbers: January - New Beginnings in Peace or Pieces
by Elizabeth Summers
(January 2018)
The Magical World of Numbers: January...New Beginnings in Peace or in Pieces
by Elizabeth Summers
(January 2015)
The Magical World of Numbers: July - Rest, Relax, Vacation
by Elizabeth Summers
(July 2014)
The Magical World of Numbers: July - Rest, Relax, Vacation
by Elizabeth Summers
(July 2017)
The Magical World of Numbers: July - Rest, Relax, Vacation
by Elizabeth Summers
(July 2020)
The Magical World of Numbers: July - Rest, Relax, Vacation
by Elizabeth Summers
(July 2019)
The Magical World of Numbers: July - Rest, Relax, Vacation
by Elizabeth Summers
(July 2018)
The Magical World of Numbers: July - Rest, Relaxation, Vacation
by Elizabeth Summers
(July 2021)
The Magical World of Numbers: July - Rest, Relaxation, Vacation
by Elizabeth Summers
(July 2016)
The Magical World of Numbers: July - Rest, Relaxation, Vacation
by Elizabeth Summers
(July 2015)
The Magical World of Numbers: June - Love and Beauty
by Elizabeth Summers
(June 2015)
The Magical World of Numbers: June - The Love Vibration
by Elizabeth Summers
(June 2014)
The Magical World of Numbers: June - The Love Vibration
by Elizabeth Summers
(June 2016)
The Magical World of Numbers: June - The Love Vibration
by Elizabeth Summers
(June 2017)
The Magical World of Numbers: June - The Love Vibration
by Elizabeth Summers
(June 2021)
The Magical World of Numbers: June - The Love Vibration
by Elizabeth Summers
(June 2019)
The Magical World of Numbers: May #5 - Taking Off Nature's Spandex
by Elizabeth Summers
(May 2015)
The Magical World of Numbers: May - Number Five, Taking Off Nature's Spandex!
by Elizabeth Summers
(May 2020)
The Magical World of Numbers: May, Number Five, Taking Off Nature's Spandex
by Elizabeth Summers
(May 2018)
The Magical World of Numbers: May... Number Five... Taking Off Nature's Spandex
by Elizabeth Summers
(May 2016)
The Magical World of Numbers: May...Number Five...Taking Off Nature's Spandex
by Elizabeth Summers
(May 2017)
The Magical World of Numbers: November
by Elizabeth Summers
(November 2014)
The Magical World of Numbers: November - Balance, Partnerships, Intuition, Mother Energy, Groups
by Elizabeth Summers
(November 2016)
The Magical World of Numbers: November - Balance, Partnerships, Intuition, Mother Energy, Groups
by Elizabeth Summers
(November 2019)
The Magical World of Numbers: November - Balance, Partnerships, Intuition, Mother Energy, Groups
by Elizabeth Summers
(November 2020)
The Magical World of Numbers: November…Balance, Partnerships, Intuition, Mother Energy, Groups
by Elizabeth Summers
(November 2017)
The Magical World of Numbers: November…Balance, Partnerships, Intuition, Mother Energy, Groups
by Elizabeth Summers
(November 2015)
The Magical World of Numbers: Number 3 - Don't Worry... Be Happy!
by Elizabeth Summers
(March 2016)
The Magical World of Numbers: Number Three - Don't Worry, Be Happy
by Elizabeth Summers
(March 2017)
The Magical World of Numbers: Number Three - Don't Worry, Be Happy
by Elizabeth Summers
(March 2021)
The Magical World of Numbers: October - New Beginnings, Money & The God Force
by Elizabeth Summers
(October 2020)
The Magical World of Numbers: October - New Beginnings, Money & The God Force
by Elizabeth Summers
(October 2019)
The Magical World of Numbers: October - Number Ten - The God Force, Good Karma and Money Issues
by Elizabeth Summers
(October 2018)
The Magical World of Numbers: October - Number Ten, The God Force, Good Karma & Money Issues
by Elizabeth Summers
(October 2017)
The Magical World of Numbers: October….. Number Ten …The God Force, Good Karma and Money Issues
by Elizabeth Summers
(October 2016)
The Magical World of Numbers: October…New Beginnings, Money and the God force
by Elizabeth Summers
(October 2014)
The Magical World of Numbers: September - "Closing Up Shop"
by Elizabeth Summers
(September 2020)
The Magical World of Numbers: September - Closing Up Shop
by Elizabeth Summers
(September 2019)
The Magical World of Numbers: September - Closing Up Shop
by Elizabeth Summers
(September 2015)
The Magical World of Numbers: September - Closing Up Shop
by Elizabeth Summers
(September 2017)
The Magical World of Numbers: September... Tying Up Loose Ends
by Elizabeth Summers
(September 2014)
The Magical World of Numbers: The Explosive Month of May
by Elizabeth Summers
(May 2014)
The Magical World of Numbers: The Number Two - The Gentle Giant
by Elizabeth Summers
(February 2016)
The Magical World of Numbers: The Number Two - The Gentle Giant
by Elizabeth Summers
(February 2020)
The Magical World of Numbers: The Number Two - The Gentle Giant
by Elizabeth Summers
(February 2018)
The Magical World of Numbers: The Number Two…The Gentle Giant
by Elizabeth Summers
(February 2017)
The Magical World of Numbers: Three - Don't Worry, Be Happy
by Elizabeth Summers
(March 2015)
The Masks of God
by Doug Marmon
(October 2008)
The Miraculous Power of Grace Light
by Dattatreya Siva Baba
(October 2008)
The Montauk Project: Experiments in Time
by Marguerite dar Boggia
(April 2020)
The Mother Source: The Well As Source
by Megan Don
(July 2012)
The Mountain of Expectation
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(April 2011)
The Multifaceted Diamond of God
by Lin Hourihan
(March 2012)
The Mystical Pathway to Peace
by Megan Don
(April 2011)
The Mystical School
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(June 2009)
The Myths of Numerology
by Johann Heyss
(April 2008)
The New Spiritual Activism
by David Jakyb Case (Channeler)
(March 2019)
The Numerology of Wedding Dates
by Elizabeth Joyce
(June 2007)
The Origin of Christmas
by Tom T. Moore
(December 2011)
The Path of the Parent: How Children can Enrich your Spiritual Life
by Steve Taylor
(September 2011)
The Planetary Aura
by Eve Wilson
(January 2016)
The Planetary Aura and the Process of Change
by Eve Wilson
(October 2016)
The Pleasures of the Unexpected
by Eve Wilson
(August 2016)
The Point of Joy or Sorrow
(April 2015)
The Power of Hu
by Mark Lopatosky
(February 2022)
The Power of Trees
by Daniel Sharp
(August 2012)
The Powerful Role of Photon Energy during the Great Shift
by Master Kirael, through the mediumship of Kahu Fred Sterling, www.kirael.com
(September 2010)
The Practice of Harmlessness
by Marguerite dar Boggia
(October 2017)
The Prophecy of Lord Macaulay
by Marguerite dar Boggia
(August 2020)
The Purpose of Living
by Darshan Goswami
(December 2010)
The Purpose of Your Life
by Eve Wilson
(September 2019)
The Quantum Vacuum
by Marguerite dar Boggia
(November 2018)
The Race of Your Life
by Alison David Bird, Avatar Grace Elohim
(September 2019)
The Return of Trust
by Anne Vivian
(November 2021)
The Riddle of Who We Are
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(January 2014)
The Riddle: Who We Are?
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(August 2013)
The Road Ahead
by Jeffrey Sadowski
(November 2007)
The Screws That Bind the Soul of Humanity Are Coming Loose
by Marguerite dar Boggia
(December 2018)
The Second Nuclear War
by Marguerite dar Boggia
(June 2024)
The Secret Life of Walk Ins
by Scott Blum
(September 2013)
The Secret of How to Change
by Adi Da Samraj
(June 2015)
The Secret of Our Wounds
by Rochelle Sparrow
(April 2008)
The Secret Protects Itself
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(September 2011)
The Secret Protects Itself
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(March 2016)
The Secret Protects Itself
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(May 2018)
The Secret Space Program
by Marguerite dar Boggia
(July 2017)
The Secret Teaching: Selected Aspects
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(September 2013)
The Secret to Successful Travel
by Maureen J. St. Germain
(December 2014)
The Seeker, A Gigantic Sphere
by Marguerite dar Boggia
(September 2020)
The Sin That Never Happened
by Alan Cohen
(June 2009)
The Sky is Falling!
by Maureen St. Germain
(November 2014)
The Snarling Dog
by Phil Levesque
(September 2019)
The Spiritual Path
by Ken Lloyd Russell
(May 2006)
The Spiritual Traveler: The Grand Bazaar
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(October 2017)
The Spirituality of Color
by Pamela Aloia
(July 2020)
The Star Child
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(April 2009)
The State of Allowance – How Do I Share My Work With This World?
by Alicja Bialasiewicz RN, ATP®
(August 2013)
The Sufi Call, Making A Better World
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(August 2016)
The Sweetness of Summer
by Eve Wilson
(July 2022)
The Tapestry
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(February 2014)
The Tenderness of Reiki
by Susannah Spanton
(May 2013)
The Tibetan Master on Healing
by Marguerite dar Boggia
(October 2014)
The Timing of the Golden Age
by Marguerite dar Boggia
(December 2023)
The Ultimate Realignment: Pray For Humanity
by Margaret Ann Lembo
(July 2020)
The Universe is Thankful for You
by Eve Wilson
(May 2014)
The Use of Crystals for Lighting
by Marguerite dar Boggia
(March 2024)
The Value of Transmission Meditation
by Marguerite dar Boggia
(April 2015)
The Vital-Astral Soul
by Marguerite dar Boggia
(June 2022)
The Void
by Grace Elohim, via Alison David Bird
(September 2016)
The War Game of the Cabal
by Marguerite dar Boggia
(April 2017)
The Way of the Luminous Warrior: Practicing Fearlessness
by Alberto Villoldo, PhD
(September 2011)
The Whys and Hows of UFOs and Crop Circles
by Marguerite dar Boggia
(January 2018)
The Wisdom of the Heart
by Stewart Pearce
(April 2011)
The World
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(July 2018)
The World Is Innocent
by Virginia Ellen
(August 2013)
The World Stock Market Crash and The War are Inevitable
by Marguerite dar Boggia
(June 2017)
The Worlds Are An Effect Of Sound
by Marguerite dar Boggia
(March 2017)
There is Much to be Done
by Alicja Bialasiewicz RN, ATP®
(September 2013)
There is No Money for Free Healthcare and Free Education
by Marguerite dar Boggia
(June 2019)
This Is A Special Age
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(April 2012)
This Old Campus
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(June 2015)
Thought-Forms Activated By Elemental Lives
by Marguerite dar Boggia
(August 2024)
Thoughts on Karma & Law of Grace
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(August 2011)
Time As We Know It
by Zacciah Blackburn
(July 2007)
Time is Alive and Conscious
by Marguerite dar Boggia
(February 2020)
Time is of the Essence
by By, Alison David Bird, Avatar GRACE ELOHIM
(January 2020)
Time to Go Home
by Brenda Tadych
(December 2011)
by Alison David Bird, CHt, Originator of Marconics Ascension Energy
(July 2020)
To and From the Land of the Dead
by Michael Berman
(October 2010)
To Ask For Help, Or Not?
by Eve Wilson
(September 2017)
To Be Loved
by Eve Wilson
(February 2020)
To Become a Sufi: Do I Need to Join a Sufi Order?
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(December 2011)
To Experience Creativity
by Judi Thomases
(December 2014)
To Live Without Fear
by Asha Praver
(June 2009)
To Pray Is To Be
by Robert G. Waldvogel
(October 2017)
Too Good To Be True?
by Moriah Marston & The Tibetan
(March 2008)
Touching Souls on Winter Solstice
by Eve Wilson
(December 2013)
by Bonnie Waters
(October 2015)
Transforming A Challenging Situation
by Margaret Ann Lembo
(September 2020)
Transition To The Golden Age Of 2032
by Diana Cooper
(May 2012)
Transitioning Through Turbulent Times
by Phyllis Light
(November 2013)
Traveling to the World of Spirit
by Barbara Y. Martin and Dimitri Moraitis
(November 2022)
Traveling With Angels
by Zara Angel
(May 2010)
Traveling With Your Guardian Angel
by Tom T. Moore
(June 2012)
Trials Along the Way
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(April 2016)
Trillions Missing from the Department of Defense
by Marguerite dar Boggia
(August 2018)
Tumors in the Body
by Marguerite dar Boggia
(February 2015)
Turn It Into Love
by Eve Wilson
(March 2024)
Turn Life Into Your Own Quest
by Charles Creekmore
(August 2012)
Turn Up The Light!
by Eve Wilson
(December 2023)
Twelve Steps To Maximize Your Psychic Medium Reading Without Getting Scammed
by Bob Olson
(December 2014)
Twice In A Blue Moon
by Alison David Bird
(January 2018)
Understanding Your Higher Self
by Barbara Y. Martin & Dimitri Moraitis
(September 2022)
Understanding Your Psychic Impressions
by Gayle Kirk
(May 2013)
Unity in Duality
by Marguerite dar Boggia
(February 2019)
Unity is Our Salvation
by Marguerite dar Boggia
(January 2019)
Unleashing the Field of Infinite Possibilities through the Akashic Records
by Pat Hardman, ARR & Josephine Hardman, PhD
(September 2017)
Unlimited Potential: Available to Everyone
by Margaret Ann Lembo
(September 2020)
Unlock the Power of Your Unconscious Mind
by Anthony Talmage
(October 2021)
Up Into The Healing Light
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(December 2013)
Updating Your Soul's Journey: What You Came Here to Do Has Probably Changed
by Norma Gentile
(January 2012)
Use The Power Of The Akashic Records To Create Your Best Year Yet
by Jennifer Longmore
(January 2019)
Using Our Intuitive Gifts in the Age of Aquarius
by Nancy Yearout
(March 2021)
Using Tarot Cards To Awaken Your Creative Spirit
by Bernie O'Connor
(March 2008)
Using Your Intuition and Dealing With Naysayers
by Maureen St. Germain
(June 2015)
Voice of Conscience
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(April 2015)
Voice of Conscience
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(February 2017)
by Bonnie Waters
(April 2016)
Waiting Deep Within
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(April 2012)
Wake Up and Fight Back for All Our Sakes
by Anthony Talmage
(September 2021)
Waking Up in 5D
by Maureen St. Germain
(May 2015)
We Have to Let You Go
by Alan Cohen
(July 2009)
We Live In A Magical World
by Walks With Thunder
(June 2007)
We Walk in Exaltation
by Master Chrism
(March 2010)
What Christian Mystics Know That You Don't
by Father Peter Bowes
(December 2010)
What does it mean to be a healer or to be healed?
by David J. Case
(November 2018)
What is a Monad
by Marguerite dar Boggia
(February 2024)
What is Abundance?
by Moriah Marston & The Tibetan
(July 2006)
What is an Earthbound Spirit?
by Amy Major
(September 2014)
What Is Evil & Is It Necessary In The World?
by Marguerite dar Boggia
(September 2019)
What is Grace?
by Eve Wilson
(July 2014)
What is Spiritual Experience?
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(November 2015)
What is Sufism?
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff & David Paquoit
(April 2010)
What is the Christ Consciousness of New Consciousness Teachings?
by Bonnie Waters
(January 2015)
What is the Cure for a Sick World?
by Marguerite dar Boggia
(March 2016)
What is the Great White Brotherhood?
by George Lagos
(March 2011)
What Now?
by Master Charles Cannon and Will Wilkinson
(March 2017)
What the Angels Want Us to Know: July 2019
by Cassendre Xavier
(July 2019)
What the Angels Want Us to Know: May 2019
by Cassendre Xavier
(May 2019)
What's Really Behind All the Polarization?
by Cher Gilmore
(January 2023)
When Will The Champions Arise?
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(March 2015)
When You Can't Change Something, Trust
by Eve Wilson
(October 2019)
When You Get Grounded What Happens?
by Eve Wilson
(October 2023)
When You Get Grounded What Happens?
by Eve Wilson
(May 2022)
Where Is God? (Based on the book "When Prayers Aren't Answered")
by John Welshons
(September 2010)
Which is the Correct Religion?
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(January 2012)
Whispers, Chains, Rustle Sounds, GHOSTS!
by Elizabeth Joyce
(October 2010)
Whispers, Chains, Rustles Sounds, Ghosts
by Elizabeth Joyce
(October 2007)
Who Are Arniel, Mathael and Shalmiel?
by Orna Ben-Shoshan
(August 2009)
Who Are Arniel, Mathael, and Shalmiel?
by Orna Ben-Shoshan
(July 2009)
Who Is Eating The Strawberries?
by Raphael
(May 2010)
Why Are Difficult People In Our Life?
by Ellie Pechet, M.Ed.
(July 2022)
Why Astrology Works
by Marguerite dar Boggia
(October 2018)
Why Christianity Rejected Reincarnation
by Gary J. McDonald
(February 2011)
Why Do I Feel Anxious?
by Eve Wilson
(September 2022)
Why I Let A Piece of Me Die
by Terri-Ann Russell
(September 2020)
Why is Understanding the Principle of Reincarnation Important?
by Ellen Tadd
(November 2017)
Why Purposefully Activate the Kundalini?
by Master Chrism
(March 2010)
Why the Many Religions?
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(July 2013)
Why the Many Religions?
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(September 2016)
Why We Don't Remember Past Lives
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(July 2015)
Why We Plan Challenges Before We Are Born
by Rob Schwartz
(September 2020)
Wisdom and Love Shared From Virginia Ellen
by Virginia Ellen
(June 2013)
Wisdom: Why It Cannot Be Given Away
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(November 2010)
Within You
by Eve Wilson
(April 2024)
Working with Angels and Giving Thanks
by Eve Wilson
(November 2016)
Yesterday We Attended a Funeral Wake
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(August 2012)
You Are Just Right
by Eve Wilson
(February 2023)
You ARE The Call
by Marconics Consciousness via Alison David Bird
(November 2018)
You Are The Source
by Nick Arandes
(July 2009)
You Creative Spark of God
by Phil Levesque
(November 2017)
You Don't Go To Heaven, You Grow To Heaven
by Barbara Y. Martin and Dimitri Moraitis
(February 2022)
You Must be the Change in a World Gone Upside Down
by Dr. Stewart Bitkoff
(October 2013)
You Were Born For Such A Time As This
by James O'Dea
(December 2008)
Your Angel Message for October 2008
by Nancy Johansen
(October 2008)
Your Future: What's Inevitable and What's Not
by Gayle Goldwin
(December 2007)
Your Healing Is Your Soul's Healing
by Rob Schwartz
(October 2020)
Your New Song
by Eve Wilson
(September 2023)
Your Piece of the Puzzle
by Eve Wilson
(December 2020)
Your Soul’s Plan: The Deeper Spiritual Meaning of Suicide
by Rob Schwartz
(June 2020)
Zen Being Zen
by Paramananda
(February 2014)
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